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E-Reader Pros And Cons : All You Should Know Before You Buy It. – ARON HACK 亞倫害的


E-Reader, also called E-book reader, E Ink, ePaper. It is a device designed for long-time reading. There are plenty of brands on the market, including Readmoo from Taiwan, Kindle from Amazon, Kobo from Rakuten, Likebook and Onyx from China. I use a Kobo E-Reader, so I will take Kobo for examples. However, these features are the same on most E-Reader.

This article will introduce the features, pros and cons of E-Reader, without model recommendation. If you want to read it , please link to another article 〈電子書閱讀器怎麼選?先釐清需求,再找推薦文〉.

Why I Chose Kobo

When I considered to buy an E-Reader, it was hard to find information and review of Likebook and Onyx. As a result, I removed these two options. And Readmoo, Kobo and Kindle, which one is suitable for you? It depends on the languages you prefer to read.

In my situation, I bought Traditional Chinese books the most, and some English books to practice English. Therefore, I hope to pick a platform with Chinese and English works.

The slogan of Readmoo is the “Largest E-Pub Platform In Traditional Chinese Market”. Exactly, most books on it are all in Traditional Chinese. Delete this option.

Kindle has a super rich backing and users around the world, so most books on it are in English. Some popular Chinese books are not available.
Delete this option.

Finally, I select a neutral one, Kobo.

There is a point I should mention. My main requirement is “Buy Books From The Platform”, but if you want to download EPub file from the internet, you will consider it in other ways. In my opinion, the price of books are not really expensive, so I hope you can buy it rather than downloading a pirate version.

Let’s start to learn the advantages and disadvantages of E-Reader.


1) Protect Eyes

Health is the first thing whatever how many books you read. E-Reader is more harmless than screen of cell phone and tabled. The latter called LCD screen which mix red, green, blue light to display colorful content. On the contrary, E-Ink screen doesn’t have a illuminating backlight. It relies on ambient light, similar with real books. This is the reason that it can reduce the harm to our eyes. (Some E-Readers have built-in screen light, so you can read in a dark environment. Usually, you can turn this feature off by your self.)

Although you can read the same content on computer, tablet and cell phone, there is a significant difference on comfort. In this video, you can see the the display effects of E-Reader.

Many people asked me, “Don’t you feel tired to read suck a long time on that device ?”
I always answered, “Take it and try it”.
After a while, they would exclaim, “Cool. It’s like a toy”.

What if we compare E-Readers with real books? I didn’t search any evidence to support, but I believe real books better. It really makes sense. However, there is another advantage on E-Readers, adjusted layout.

2) Adjusted layout

Reading in a close distance makes many people have nearsightedness. In some cases, we read nearer and nearer unconsciously because of the small fonts. Especially some old books with tight layouts.

E-Reader Pros And Cons : All You Should Know Before You Buy It.

E-Reader has several powerful features :
(1) Adjusted font size
(2) Adjusted line height
(3) Adjusted font type:it depends on settings of each brand. Buy I think built-in fonts working fine.

In my opinion, adjusted layout is an awesome function to protect eyes.
I am nearsighted with 4.0 diopters and astigmatic with 1.0 diopters. When using my E-Reader, I would increase the font size and read in a long distance without glasses to train my crystalline lens.

Besides, most people lower their heads when reading. Staying the same pose for a long time will cause pains to your neck our shoulders. As sick as me, I bought a music stand to stand and read, preventing to lower my head. Or you can use tablet stand.

You may ask, “Isn’t is inconvenient to flip page when standing and reading?” Lazy people invented a gadget called Wireless Page Turning . It seems not so popular, and I never use it either. But it is really cool.

3) Without Wait For Delivery

In two cases, you can’t wait anymore to get your new books. First, you need it right now for work. Secondly, you want to read the book immediately.

Needs and Wants motivate evolution. E-Reader makes you progress in a astonishing speed.

Be Fast, Be Invincible


– 周星馳電影《功夫》

For career, I believe the words without hesitation. Perhaps we are not the brilliant ones


E-Reader, also called E-book reader, E Ink, ePaper. It is a device designed for long-time reading. There are plenty of brands on the market, including Readmoo from Taiwan, Kindle from Amazon, Kobo from Rakuten, Likebook and Onyx from China. I use a Kobo E-Reader, so I will take Kobo for examples. However, these features are the same on most E-Reader.

This article will introduce the features, pros and cons of E-Reader, without model recommendation. If you want to read it , please link to another article 〈電子書閱讀器怎麼選?先釐清需求,再找推薦文〉.

Why I Chose Kobo

When I considered to buy an E-Reader, it was hard to find information and review of Likebook and Onyx. As a result, I removed these two options. And Readmoo, Kobo and Kindle, which one is suitable for you? It depends on the languages you prefer to read.

In my situation, I bought Traditional Chinese books the most, and some English books to practice English. Therefore, I hope to pick a platform with Chinese and English works.

The slogan of Readmoo is the “Largest E-Pub Platform In Traditional Chinese Market”. Exactly, most books on it are all in Traditional Chinese. Delete this option.

Kindle has a super rich backing and users around the world, so most books on it are in English. Some popular Chinese books are not available.
Delete this option.

Finally, I select a neutral one, Kobo.

There is a point I should mention. My main requirement is “Buy Books From The Platform”, but if you want to download EPub file from the internet, you will consider it in other ways. In my opinion, the price of books are not really expensive, so I hope you can buy it rather than downloading a pirate version.

Let’s start to learn the advantages and disadvantages of E-Reader.


1) Protect Eyes

Health is the first thing whatever how many books you read. E-Reader is more harmless than screen of cell phone and tabled. The latter called LCD screen which mix red, green, blue light to display colorful content. On the contrary, E-Ink screen doesn’t have a illuminating backlight. It relies on ambient light, similar with real books. This is the reason that it can reduce the harm to our eyes. (Some E-Readers have built-in screen light, so you can read in a dark environment. Usually, you can turn this feature off by your self.)

Although you can read the same content on computer, tablet and cell phone, there is a significant difference on comfort. In this video, you can see the the display effects of E-Reader.

Many people asked me, “Don’t you feel tired to read suck a long time on that device ?”
I always answered, “Take it and try it”.
After a while, they would exclaim, “Cool. It’s like a toy”.

What if we compare E-Readers with real books? I didn’t search any evidence to support, but I believe real books better. It really makes sense. However, there is another advantage on E-Readers, adjusted layout.

2) Adjusted layout

Reading in a close distance makes many people have nearsightedness. In some cases, we read nearer and nearer unconsciously because of the small fonts. Especially some old books with tight layouts.

E-Reader Pros And Cons : All You Should Know Before You Buy It.

E-Reader has several powerful features :
(1) Adjusted font size
(2) Adjusted line height
(3) Adjusted font type:it depends on settings of each brand. Buy I think built-in fonts working fine.

In my opinion, adjusted layout is an awesome function to protect eyes.
I am nearsighted with 4.0 diopters and astigmatic with 1.0 diopters. When using my E-Reader, I would increase the font size and read in a long distance without glasses to train my crystalline lens.

Besides, most people lower their heads when reading. Staying the same pose for a long time will cause pains to your neck our shoulders. As sick as me, I bought a music stand to stand and read, preventing to lower my head. Or you can use tablet stand.

You may ask, “Isn’t is inconvenient to flip page when standing and reading?” Lazy people invented a gadget called Wireless Page Turning . It seems not so popular, and I never use it either. But it is really cool.

3) Without Wait For Delivery

In two cases, you can’t wait anymore to get your new books. First, you need it right now for work. Secondly, you want to read the book immediately.

Needs and Wants motivate evolution. E-Reader makes you progress in a astonishing speed.

Be Fast, Be Invincible


– 周星馳電影《功夫》

For career, I believe the words without hesitation. Perhaps we are not the most brilliant or the outstanding ones, but we can buy new books soon to acquire knowledge after hearing a new concept. And your colleagues? He is going to pick up his package after work.

If You Are A Mood Reader

One day, I enjoyed my holiday with brunch and coffee. Suddenly, I had a spur-of-the-moment idea, “It is a good time to read poem”. I picked a poetry on my cell phone, then connect the E-Reader to the hotspot of cell phone to download. This process was done within 5 minutes. Such a beautiful day.

Sometimes, we get tired soon when reading a book that is not easy to understand, like〈Poor Charlie’s Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger〉. And you want to read a novel next. Without E-Readers, it is nearly impossible to change a book at will, which means you should carry them all in your backpack.

E-Readers represents a new lifestyle. Especially for people who need to spend a long time on transportations, with an E-Reader, the train is movable coffee shop.

4) Save Notes And Highlights To Clouds

If you are an user of Online Note Software, Evernote, OneNote or Google Keep, for example, you must experience the awesome convenience. It also works on E-Readers.


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