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7部電影的台詞中英文對照 – Wise Library 1985

✿《Sleepless in Seattle》西雅圖夜未眠經典台詞中英對照:

Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories. 對於那些沒有溫暖回憶的人們,冬季一定很冷。

  • memory n.記憶;回憶



Peter: Sorry, I’m completely lost. 對不起,我完全迷惘了 。

Tom Ripley: I know. I’m lost, too […] and I’ve lied about who I am, and where I am, and now no-one will ever find me. 我知道,我也是迷失了。我對自己是誰說謊,我對自己身處何地說謊,而現在不會有人找的到我。 

  • lost adj. 迷路的;迷失的;迷惘的; 入迷或忘我的

If I could take a giant eraser and rub out everything starting with myself.如果我能用一塊巨大的橡皮擦把一切都擦掉,從我自己開始。[1]

  • rub out : erase, remove, or destroy. 2. murder; kill ðrub someone out: to kill someone.



I can’t really start my life without being honest about who I am.沒有誠實面對我自己,我便無法真正開始我的人生。

  • honest adj.誠實的;坦率的,坦白的電影


Let me tell you something. There’s no nobility in poverty. I’ve been a poor man, and I’ve been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time.讓我告訴你,貧窮並沒有比較清高。我當過窮人,當過有錢人。而每次我都他媽的選擇當一個有錢人。

  • nobility n.清高;高尚[2];高貴(的身分或出身)[3];貴族[4]
  • poverty n.貧窮;貧苦;貧困

97% of the people who quit too soon are employed by the 3% who never gave up.百分之九十七太快離職的人,都是被百分之三從未放棄的人雇用。

  • employ v.雇用

✿電影《燈光之外》Beyond the Lights

I know it’s foolish to compete with her. But my fractured heart cries. 我知道和她競爭很愚蠢,可是我斷裂的心在哭。

  • fractured adj. 斷裂的;骨折的;破碎的


✿電影《情遇巴塞隆納》Vicky Cristina BarcelonaS劇中經典對話中英對照

Maria Elena: You’re still searching for me in every woman.你仍舊在其他女人身上找我的影子。

Juan Antonio: That is not true, Maria Elena. I was in Oviedo some weeks ago with a woman who was the antithesis of you. [….] So you’re mistaken.不是這樣的,瑪麗亞.埃琳娜。幾個星期前,我和一個女人在一起,一個你的對照組 […]所以妳誤解了。

Maria Elena: You’ll always seek to duplicate what we had. You know it.你總是試圖想要複製我們曾經擁有的,你清楚的!

  • antithesis n. 1對照,對立(面)2【修辭學】對語,對句。
  • duplicate vt.加倍,使成雙。使有正副兩份,複製
  • duplicate adj. identically copied from an original a duplicate copy 副本

✿電影《命運規劃局》(The Adjustment Bureau)劇中經典對話中英對照:

David Norris: Who the hell are you guys?你們這些人是什麼鬼? 

Richardson: We… are the people that make sure things happen according to plan.我們是確保一切都會都按照計畫發生的人。

  • according adv. 根據;依照

[1] 回應:也許許多人都有完美的偏執狂,但如果把糟糕的事件賦予正面的意義,也許那件事看起來就不那麼糟了,也許它就不是災難而是磨練,而磨練通常都是上帝的禮物,我寧願那麼相信。

[2] The state or quality of being exalted in character; the state or quality of being morally or spiritually good

[3] A class of persons distinguished by high birth or rank

[4] a socially or politically privileged class whose titles are conferred by descent




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