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TV Series "Grey's Anatomy" 12 Inspriational Quotes on Trauma and Self-Healing - Getting Closer t

獲得艾美獎的肯定的大人氣醫療劇《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy,製作人和編劇:珊達·萊梅斯(Shonda Rhimes)[1]開播時間: 2005 年,共14季。主題曲:Cosy in the Rocket,演唱者:Psapp

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照1:There’s an end to every storm […] And only then in those quiet moments after the storm do we learn who was strong enough to survive it. 每個暴風雨都有結束的時候[…]而唯有暴風雨過去以後那些寧靜的時刻,我們才能明白誰夠堅強挺過去了。


  • storm n.1.暴風雨(政治、社會上的)騷動,動亂。3.(感情上的)激動,爆發。
  • survive v. 倖存,存活下來。英文解釋to remain alive despite hardships or trauma 2. to endure or live through something harsh or unbearable
  • survive the test of time : 經的起歲月的考驗

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照2You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy, somebody who’s not gonna complicates your life, somebody who won’t hurt you.你應該和一個能讓你快樂的人在一起,一個不會讓你的人生變得複雜的人,一個不會傷害你的人


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照3:We went through the scariest thing a person can go through and we survived. So now every day’s just a gift. And now we’re all blessed. – Cristina 我們經歷了一個人可以經歷的最可怕的事,並倖免於難。 所以,現在的每一日只是一份禮物。 而今我們都被保佑。 – 克里斯蒂娜


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照4:Blessed to be here, blessed to be doing what we do best, which is saving lives. Every day. One life at a time. We’re healed so that we can continue healing others.– Cristina 有幸來到這裡,有幸做我們最擅長的事,即拯救生命。 每天,一次拯救一個生命。我們被治癒,所以我們才能夠繼續治愈他人。


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照5:I think it’s important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you.


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照6:I’ve lived. I’ve really really lived. I’ve failed. I’ve been devastated. I’ve been broken. I’ve gone to hell and back. And I’ve also known joy. And passion. And I’ve had a great love. […] And I’m not afraid to die. – Richard
我活過。 我真的真正活過。我失敗了,被摧毀,碎裂了。我走過地獄又回來 。並且,我明白了快樂和激情。我擁有過一段偉大的愛。而我並不恐懼死亡。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照7:And it hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying […] Sometimes, change is good.而成長是痛苦的。任何人告訴你成長不會痛都是騙人的。[…]有時,變化是好的。


▲編輯:司馬儀 回到網站首頁     


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照8:We are all looking for answers. In medicine, in life, in everything [….] Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we’ve been looking for, we’re still left with a whole helluva lot of questions. – Meredith我們一直在尋找答案,醫學上,生活上,一切。而有時,答案可以讓我們全然地吃驚。而又有時候,即便我們找到了我們一直尋找的答案,還是會有龐大的問題等著我們。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照9:It’s a common belief that positive thinking leads to a happier, healthier life. As children, we are told to smile, be cheerful, and put on a happy face. As adults we are told to look on the bright side[…] and see glasses as half full. Sometimes reality can get in the way of our ability to act the happy part though. Your hope can fail, boyfriends can cheat, friends can disappoint. It’s in these moments when you just want to get real, drop the act, and be your true scared unhappy self.人們普遍相信積極思考會走向更幸福更健康的人生。作為孩子,我們被告知要微笑、要開朗、露出快樂的笑顏。作為成年人,我們被告知要看正面、光明的那一面、在半杯水理論中看到你還擁有半杯水。有時,現實讓我們很難展現快樂的能力。你的希望掉落了,男朋友偷吃,朋友們讓你失望。正是在這些時刻,你想要變得真實,放棄快樂,做那個真正恐懼不快樂的自我。- 梅雷迪思




《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照10:We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that can happen, or we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant. – Cristina我們可以選擇害怕,假設最壞的情況可能發生站在那裡顫抖僵住不動,或者我們走向未知,並假設它將會是光明的。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照11I wanna marry you. […] I wanna settle down and grow old with you […] I don’t want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime. 我想和你結婚[…]我想安定下來,和你一起變老[…]我不想要不被打擾的48個小時。我想要一輩子。

《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照12 It’s not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, it’s better to just keep things to yourself, play dumb […] So, you shut your mouth, keep your secret and find other ways to keep yourself happy. 說出你的想法,並不總是那麼容易。有時你會被迫需要說出你的想法。有時,最好把心裡所想的保留給自己,裝傻[…]所以,你閉嘴,守住自己的秘密,並找到其他方式讓自己快樂。



[1] 2007年她入選《時代》的百大最有影響力的人物之一

▲Grey’s anatomy OST   |  Thirteen Senses|- Into The Fire 抒情搖滾英文歌曲推薦

101 Vaughan Penn – Ready to Rise + Lyrics 線上聽 

▲Some days I miss her so much. I don’t know if I’m gonna make it.

獲得艾美獎的肯定的大人氣醫療劇《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy,製作人和編劇:珊達·萊梅斯(Shonda Rhimes)[1]開播時間: 2005 年,共14季。主題曲:Cosy in the Rocket,演唱者:Psapp

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照1:There’s an end to every storm […] And only then in those quiet moments after the storm do we learn who was strong enough to survive it. 每個暴風雨都有結束的時候[…]而唯有暴風雨過去以後那些寧靜的時刻,我們才能明白誰夠堅強挺過去了。


  • storm n.1.暴風雨(政治、社會上的)騷動,動亂。3.(感情上的)激動,爆發。
  • survive v. 倖存,存活下來。英文解釋to remain alive despite hardships or trauma 2. to endure or live through something harsh or unbearable
  • survive the test of time : 經的起歲月的考驗

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照2You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy, somebody who’s not gonna complicates your life, somebody who won’t hurt you.你應該和一個能讓你快樂的人在一起,一個不會讓你的人生變得複雜的人,一個不會傷害你的人


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照3:We went through the scariest thing a person can go through and we survived. So now every day’s just a gift. And now we’re all blessed. – Cristina 我們經歷了一個人可以經歷的最可怕的事,並倖免於難。 所以,現在的每一日只是一份禮物。 而今我們都被保佑。 – 克里斯蒂娜


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照4:Blessed to be here, blessed to be doing what we do best, which is saving lives. Every day. One life at a time. We’re healed so that we can continue healing others.– Cristina 有幸來到這裡,有幸做我們最擅長的事,即拯救生命。 每天,一次拯救一個生命。我們被治癒,所以我們才能夠繼續治愈他人。


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照5:I think it’s important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you.


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照6:I’ve lived. I’ve really really lived. I’ve failed. I’ve been devastated. I’ve been broken. I’ve gone to hell and back. And I’ve also known joy. And passion. And I’ve had a great love. […] And I’m not afraid to die. – Richard
我活過。 我真的真正活過。我失敗了,被摧毀,碎裂了。我走過地獄又回來 。並且,我明白了快樂和激情。我擁有過一段偉大的愛。而我並不恐懼死亡。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照7:And it hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying […] Sometimes, change is good.而成長是痛苦的。任何人告訴你成長不會痛都是騙人的。[…]有時,變化是好的。


▲編輯:司馬儀 回到網站首頁     


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照8:We are all looking for answers. In medicine, in life, in everything [….] Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we’ve been looking for, we’re still left with a whole helluva lot of questions. – Meredith我們一直在尋找答案,醫學上,生活上,一切。而有時,答案可以讓我們全然地吃驚。而又有時候,即便我們找到了我們一直尋找的答案,還是會有龐大的問題等著我們。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照9:It’s a common belief that positive thinking leads to a happier, healthier life. As children, we are told to smile, be cheerful, and put on a happy face. As adults we are told to look on the bright side[…] and see glasses as half full. Sometimes reality can get in the way of our ability to act the happy part though. Your hope can fail, boyfriends can cheat, friends can disappoint. It’s in these moments when you just want to get real, drop the act, and be your true scared unhappy self.人們普遍相信積極思考會走向更幸福更健康的人生。作為孩子,我們被告知要微笑、要開朗、露出快樂的笑顏。作為成年人,我們被告知要看正面、光明的那一面、在半杯水理論中看到你還擁有半杯水。有時,現實讓我們很難展現快樂的能力。你的希望掉落了,男朋友偷吃,朋友們讓你失望。正是在這些時刻,你想要變得真實,放棄快樂,做那個真正恐懼不快樂的自我。- 梅雷迪思




《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照10:We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that can happen, or we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant. – Cristina我們可以選擇害怕,假設最壞的情況可能發生站在那裡顫抖僵住不動,或者我們走向未知,並假設它將會是光明的。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照11I wanna marry you. […] I wanna settle down and grow old with you […] I don’t want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime. 我想和你結婚[…]我想安定下來,和你一起變老[…]我不想要不被打擾的48個小時。我想要一輩子。

《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照12 It’s not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, it’s better to just keep things to yourself, play dumb […] So, you shut your mouth, keep your secret and find other ways to keep yourself happy. 說出你的想法,並不總是那麼容易。有時你會被迫需要說出你的想法。有時,最好把心裡所想的保留給自己,裝傻[…]所以,你閉嘴,守住自己的秘密,並找到其他方式讓自己快樂。



[1] 2007年她入選《時代》的百大最有影響力的人物之一

▲Grey’s anatomy OST   |  Thirteen Senses|- Into The Fire 抒情搖滾英文歌曲推薦

101 Vaughan Penn – Ready to Rise + Lyrics 線上聽 

▲Some days I miss her so much. I don’t know if I’m gonna make it.

獲得艾美獎的肯定的大人氣醫療劇《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy,製作人和編劇:珊達·萊梅斯(Shonda Rhimes)[1]開播時間: 2005 年,共14季。主題曲:Cosy in the Rocket,演唱者:Psapp

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照1:There’s an end to every storm […] And only then in those quiet moments after the storm do we learn who was strong enough to survive it. 每個暴風雨都有結束的時候[…]而唯有暴風雨過去以後那些寧靜的時刻,我們才能明白誰夠堅強挺過去了。


  • storm n.1.暴風雨(政治、社會上的)騷動,動亂。3.(感情上的)激動,爆發。
  • survive v. 倖存,存活下來。英文解釋to remain alive despite hardships or trauma 2. to endure or live through something harsh or unbearable
  • survive the test of time : 經的起歲月的考驗

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照2You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy, somebody who’s not gonna complicates your life, somebody who won’t hurt you.你應該和一個能讓你快樂的人在一起,一個不會讓你的人生變得複雜的人,一個不會傷害你的人


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照3:We went through the scariest thing a person can go through and we survived. So now every day’s just a gift. And now we’re all blessed. – Cristina 我們經歷了一個人可以經歷的最可怕的事,並倖免於難。 所以,現在的每一日只是一份禮物。 而今我們都被保佑。 – 克里斯蒂娜


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照4:Blessed to be here, blessed to be doing what we do best, which is saving lives. Every day. One life at a time. We’re healed so that we can continue healing others.– Cristina 有幸來到這裡,有幸做我們最擅長的事,即拯救生命。 每天,一次拯救一個生命。我們被治癒,所以我們才能夠繼續治愈他人。


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照5:I think it’s important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you.


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照6:I’ve lived. I’ve really really lived. I’ve failed. I’ve been devastated. I’ve been broken. I’ve gone to hell and back. And I’ve also known joy. And passion. And I’ve had a great love. […] And I’m not afraid to die. – Richard
我活過。 我真的真正活過。我失敗了,被摧毀,碎裂了。我走過地獄又回來 。並且,我明白了快樂和激情。我擁有過一段偉大的愛。而我並不恐懼死亡。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照7:And it hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying […] Sometimes, change is good.而成長是痛苦的。任何人告訴你成長不會痛都是騙人的。[…]有時,變化是好的。


▲編輯:司馬儀 回到網站首頁     


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照8:We are all looking for answers. In medicine, in life, in everything [….] Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we’ve been looking for, we’re still left with a whole helluva lot of questions. – Meredith我們一直在尋找答案,醫學上,生活上,一切。而有時,答案可以讓我們全然地吃驚。而又有時候,即便我們找到了我們一直尋找的答案,還是會有龐大的問題等著我們。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照9:It’s a common belief that positive thinking leads to a happier, healthier life. As children, we are told to smile, be cheerful, and put on a happy face. As adults we are told to look on the bright side[…] and see glasses as half full. Sometimes reality can get in the way of our ability to act the happy part though. Your hope can fail, boyfriends can cheat, friends can disappoint. It’s in these moments when you just want to get real, drop the act, and be your true scared unhappy self.人們普遍相信積極思考會走向更幸福更健康的人生。作為孩子,我們被告知要微笑、要開朗、露出快樂的笑顏。作為成年人,我們被告知要看正面、光明的那一面、在半杯水理論中看到你還擁有半杯水。有時,現實讓我們很難展現快樂的能力。你的希望掉落了,男朋友偷吃,朋友們讓你失望。正是在這些時刻,你想要變得真實,放棄快樂,做那個真正恐懼不快樂的自我。- 梅雷迪思




《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照10:We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that can happen, or we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant. – Cristina我們可以選擇害怕,假設最壞的情況可能發生站在那裡顫抖僵住不動,或者我們走向未知,並假設它將會是光明的。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照11I wanna marry you. […] I wanna settle down and grow old with you […] I don’t want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime. 我想和你結婚[…]我想安定下來,和你一起變老[…]我不想要不被打擾的48個小時。我想要一輩子。

《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照12 It’s not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, it’s better to just keep things to yourself, play dumb […] So, you shut your mouth, keep your secret and find other ways to keep yourself happy. 說出你的想法,並不總是那麼容易。有時你會被迫需要說出你的想法。有時,最好把心裡所想的保留給自己,裝傻[…]所以,你閉嘴,守住自己的秘密,並找到其他方式讓自己快樂。



[1] 2007年她入選《時代》的百大最有影響力的人物之一

▲Grey’s anatomy OST   |  Thirteen Senses|- Into The Fire 抒情搖滾英文歌曲推薦

101 Vaughan Penn – Ready to Rise + Lyrics 線上聽 

▲Some days I miss her so much. I don’t know if I’m gonna make it.

獲得艾美獎的肯定的大人氣醫療劇《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy,製作人和編劇:珊達·萊梅斯(Shonda Rhimes)[1]開播時間: 2005 年,共14季。主題曲:Cosy in the Rocket,演唱者:Psapp

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照1:There’s an end to every storm […] And only then in those quiet moments after the storm do we learn who was strong enough to survive it. 每個暴風雨都有結束的時候[…]而唯有暴風雨過去以後那些寧靜的時刻,我們才能明白誰夠堅強挺過去了。


  • storm n.1.暴風雨(政治、社會上的)騷動,動亂。3.(感情上的)激動,爆發。
  • survive v. 倖存,存活下來。英文解釋to remain alive despite hardships or trauma 2. to endure or live through something harsh or unbearable
  • survive the test of time : 經的起歲月的考驗

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照2You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy, somebody who’s not gonna complicates your life, somebody who won’t hurt you.你應該和一個能讓你快樂的人在一起,一個不會讓你的人生變得複雜的人,一個不會傷害你的人


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照3:We went through the scariest thing a person can go through and we survived. So now every day’s just a gift. And now we’re all blessed. – Cristina 我們經歷了一個人可以經歷的最可怕的事,並倖免於難。 所以,現在的每一日只是一份禮物。 而今我們都被保佑。 – 克里斯蒂娜


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照4:Blessed to be here, blessed to be doing what we do best, which is saving lives. Every day. One life at a time. We’re healed so that we can continue healing others.– Cristina 有幸來到這裡,有幸做我們最擅長的事,即拯救生命。 每天,一次拯救一個生命。我們被治癒,所以我們才能夠繼續治愈他人。


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照5:I think it’s important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you.


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照6:I’ve lived. I’ve really really lived. I’ve failed. I’ve been devastated. I’ve been broken. I’ve gone to hell and back. And I’ve also known joy. And passion. And I’ve had a great love. […] And I’m not afraid to die. – Richard
我活過。 我真的真正活過。我失敗了,被摧毀,碎裂了。我走過地獄又回來 。並且,我明白了快樂和激情。我擁有過一段偉大的愛。而我並不恐懼死亡。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照7:And it hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying […] Sometimes, change is good.而成長是痛苦的。任何人告訴你成長不會痛都是騙人的。[…]有時,變化是好的。


▲編輯:司馬儀 回到網站首頁     


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照8:We are all looking for answers. In medicine, in life, in everything [….] Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we’ve been looking for, we’re still left with a whole helluva lot of questions. – Meredith我們一直在尋找答案,醫學上,生活上,一切。而有時,答案可以讓我們全然地吃驚。而又有時候,即便我們找到了我們一直尋找的答案,還是會有龐大的問題等著我們。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照9:It’s a common belief that positive thinking leads to a happier, healthier life. As children, we are told to smile, be cheerful, and put on a happy face. As adults we are told to look on the bright side[…] and see glasses as half full. Sometimes reality can get in the way of our ability to act the happy part though. Your hope can fail, boyfriends can cheat, friends can disappoint. It’s in these moments when you just want to get real, drop the act, and be your true scared unhappy self.人們普遍相信積極思考會走向更幸福更健康的人生。作為孩子,我們被告知要微笑、要開朗、露出快樂的笑顏。作為成年人,我們被告知要看正面、光明的那一面、在半杯水理論中看到你還擁有半杯水。有時,現實讓我們很難展現快樂的能力。你的希望掉落了,男朋友偷吃,朋友們讓你失望。正是在這些時刻,你想要變得真實,放棄快樂,做那個真正恐懼不快樂的自我。- 梅雷迪思




《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照10:We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that can happen, or we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant. – Cristina我們可以選擇害怕,假設最壞的情況可能發生站在那裡顫抖僵住不動,或者我們走向未知,並假設它將會是光明的。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照11I wanna marry you. […] I wanna settle down and grow old with you […] I don’t want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime. 我想和你結婚[…]我想安定下來,和你一起變老[…]我不想要不被打擾的48個小時。我想要一輩子。

《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照12 It’s not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, it’s better to just keep things to yourself, play dumb […] So, you shut your mouth, keep your secret and find other ways to keep yourself happy. 說出你的想法,並不總是那麼容易。有時你會被迫需要說出你的想法。有時,最好把心裡所想的保留給自己,裝傻[…]所以,你閉嘴,守住自己的秘密,並找到其他方式讓自己快樂。



[1] 2007年她入選《時代》的百大最有影響力的人物之一

▲Grey’s anatomy OST   |  Thirteen Senses|- Into The Fire 抒情搖滾英文歌曲推薦

101 Vaughan Penn – Ready to Rise + Lyrics 線上聽 

▲Some days I miss her so much. I don’t know if I’m gonna make it.

獲得艾美獎的肯定的大人氣醫療劇《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy,製作人和編劇:珊達·萊梅斯(Shonda Rhimes)[1]開播時間: 2005 年,共14季。主題曲:Cosy in the Rocket,演唱者:Psapp

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照1:There’s an end to every storm […] And only then in those quiet moments after the storm do we learn who was strong enough to survive it. 每個暴風雨都有結束的時候[…]而唯有暴風雨過去以後那些寧靜的時刻,我們才能明白誰夠堅強挺過去了。


  • storm n.1.暴風雨(政治、社會上的)騷動,動亂。3.(感情上的)激動,爆發。
  • survive v. 倖存,存活下來。英文解釋to remain alive despite hardships or trauma 2. to endure or live through something harsh or unbearable
  • survive the test of time : 經的起歲月的考驗

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照2You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy, somebody who’s not gonna complicates your life, somebody who won’t hurt you.你應該和一個能讓你快樂的人在一起,一個不會讓你的人生變得複雜的人,一個不會傷害你的人


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照3:We went through the scariest thing a person can go through and we survived. So now every day’s just a gift. And now we’re all blessed. – Cristina 我們經歷了一個人可以經歷的最可怕的事,並倖免於難。 所以,現在的每一日只是一份禮物。 而今我們都被保佑。 – 克里斯蒂娜


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照4:Blessed to be here, blessed to be doing what we do best, which is saving lives. Every day. One life at a time. We’re healed so that we can continue healing others.– Cristina 有幸來到這裡,有幸做我們最擅長的事,即拯救生命。 每天,一次拯救一個生命。我們被治癒,所以我們才能夠繼續治愈他人。


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照5:I think it’s important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you.


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照6:I’ve lived. I’ve really really lived. I’ve failed. I’ve been devastated. I’ve been broken. I’ve gone to hell and back. And I’ve also known joy. And passion. And I’ve had a great love. […] And I’m not afraid to die. – Richard
我活過。 我真的真正活過。我失敗了,被摧毀,碎裂了。我走過地獄又回來 。並且,我明白了快樂和激情。我擁有過一段偉大的愛。而我並不恐懼死亡。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照7:And it hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying […] Sometimes, change is good.而成長是痛苦的。任何人告訴你成長不會痛都是騙人的。[…]有時,變化是好的。


▲編輯:司馬儀 回到網站首頁     


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照8:We are all looking for answers. In medicine, in life, in everything [….] Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we’ve been looking for, we’re still left with a whole helluva lot of questions. – Meredith我們一直在尋找答案,醫學上,生活上,一切。而有時,答案可以讓我們全然地吃驚。而又有時候,即便我們找到了我們一直尋找的答案,還是會有龐大的問題等著我們。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照9:It’s a common belief that positive thinking leads to a happier, healthier life. As children, we are told to smile, be cheerful, and put on a happy face. As adults we are told to look on the bright side[…] and see glasses as half full. Sometimes reality can get in the way of our ability to act the happy part though. Your hope can fail, boyfriends can cheat, friends can disappoint. It’s in these moments when you just want to get real, drop the act, and be your true scared unhappy self.人們普遍相信積極思考會走向更幸福更健康的人生。作為孩子,我們被告知要微笑、要開朗、露出快樂的笑顏。作為成年人,我們被告知要看正面、光明的那一面、在半杯水理論中看到你還擁有半杯水。有時,現實讓我們很難展現快樂的能力。你的希望掉落了,男朋友偷吃,朋友們讓你失望。正是在這些時刻,你想要變得真實,放棄快樂,做那個真正恐懼不快樂的自我。- 梅雷迪思




《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照10:We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that can happen, or we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant. – Cristina我們可以選擇害怕,假設最壞的情況可能發生站在那裡顫抖僵住不動,或者我們走向未知,並假設它將會是光明的。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照11I wanna marry you. […] I wanna settle down and grow old with you […] I don’t want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime. 我想和你結婚[…]我想安定下來,和你一起變老[…]我不想要不被打擾的48個小時。我想要一輩子。

《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照12 It’s not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, it’s better to just keep things to yourself, play dumb […] So, you shut your mouth, keep your secret and find other ways to keep yourself happy. 說出你的想法,並不總是那麼容易。有時你會被迫需要說出你的想法。有時,最好把心裡所想的保留給自己,裝傻[…]所以,你閉嘴,守住自己的秘密,並找到其他方式讓自己快樂。



[1] 2007年她入選《時代》的百大最有影響力的人物之一

▲Grey’s anatomy OST   |  Thirteen Senses|- Into The Fire 抒情搖滾英文歌曲推薦

101 Vaughan Penn – Ready to Rise + Lyrics 線上聽 

▲Some days I miss her so much. I don’t know if I’m gonna make it.

獲得艾美獎的肯定的大人氣醫療劇《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy,製作人和編劇:珊達·萊梅斯(Shonda Rhimes)[1]開播時間: 2005 年,共14季。主題曲:Cosy in the Rocket,演唱者:Psapp

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照1:There’s an end to every storm […] And only then in those quiet moments after the storm do we learn who was strong enough to survive it. 每個暴風雨都有結束的時候[…]而唯有暴風雨過去以後那些寧靜的時刻,我們才能明白誰夠堅強挺過去了。


  • storm n.1.暴風雨(政治、社會上的)騷動,動亂。3.(感情上的)激動,爆發。
  • survive v. 倖存,存活下來。英文解釋to remain alive despite hardships or trauma 2. to endure or live through something harsh or unbearable
  • survive the test of time : 經的起歲月的考驗

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照2You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy, somebody who’s not gonna complicates your life, somebody who won’t hurt you.你應該和一個能讓你快樂的人在一起,一個不會讓你的人生變得複雜的人,一個不會傷害你的人


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照3:We went through the scariest thing a person can go through and we survived. So now every day’s just a gift. And now we’re all blessed. – Cristina 我們經歷了一個人可以經歷的最可怕的事,並倖免於難。 所以,現在的每一日只是一份禮物。 而今我們都被保佑。 – 克里斯蒂娜


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照4:Blessed to be here, blessed to be doing what we do best, which is saving lives. Every day. One life at a time. We’re healed so that we can continue healing others.– Cristina 有幸來到這裡,有幸做我們最擅長的事,即拯救生命。 每天,一次拯救一個生命。我們被治癒,所以我們才能夠繼續治愈他人。


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照5:I think it’s important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you.


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照6:I’ve lived. I’ve really really lived. I’ve failed. I’ve been devastated. I’ve been broken. I’ve gone to hell and back. And I’ve also known joy. And passion. And I’ve had a great love. […] And I’m not afraid to die. – Richard
我活過。 我真的真正活過。我失敗了,被摧毀,碎裂了。我走過地獄又回來 。並且,我明白了快樂和激情。我擁有過一段偉大的愛。而我並不恐懼死亡。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照7:And it hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying […] Sometimes, change is good.而成長是痛苦的。任何人告訴你成長不會痛都是騙人的。[…]有時,變化是好的。


▲編輯:司馬儀 回到網站首頁     


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照8:We are all looking for answers. In medicine, in life, in everything [….] Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we’ve been looking for, we’re still left with a whole helluva lot of questions. – Meredith我們一直在尋找答案,醫學上,生活上,一切。而有時,答案可以讓我們全然地吃驚。而又有時候,即便我們找到了我們一直尋找的答案,還是會有龐大的問題等著我們。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照9:It’s a common belief that positive thinking leads to a happier, healthier life. As children, we are told to smile, be cheerful, and put on a happy face. As adults we are told to look on the bright side[…] and see glasses as half full. Sometimes reality can get in the way of our ability to act the happy part though. Your hope can fail, boyfriends can cheat, friends can disappoint. It’s in these moments when you just want to get real, drop the act, and be your true scared unhappy self.人們普遍相信積極思考會走向更幸福更健康的人生。作為孩子,我們被告知要微笑、要開朗、露出快樂的笑顏。作為成年人,我們被告知要看正面、光明的那一面、在半杯水理論中看到你還擁有半杯水。有時,現實讓我們很難展現快樂的能力。你的希望掉落了,男朋友偷吃,朋友們讓你失望。正是在這些時刻,你想要變得真實,放棄快樂,做那個真正恐懼不快樂的自我。- 梅雷迪思




《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照10:We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that can happen, or we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant. – Cristina我們可以選擇害怕,假設最壞的情況可能發生站在那裡顫抖僵住不動,或者我們走向未知,並假設它將會是光明的。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照11I wanna marry you. […] I wanna settle down and grow old with you […] I don’t want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime. 我想和你結婚[…]我想安定下來,和你一起變老[…]我不想要不被打擾的48個小時。我想要一輩子。

《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照12 It’s not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, it’s better to just keep things to yourself, play dumb […] So, you shut your mouth, keep your secret and find other ways to keep yourself happy. 說出你的想法,並不總是那麼容易。有時你會被迫需要說出你的想法。有時,最好把心裡所想的保留給自己,裝傻[…]所以,你閉嘴,守住自己的秘密,並找到其他方式讓自己快樂。



[1] 2007年她入選《時代》的百大最有影響力的人物之一

▲Grey’s anatomy OST   |  Thirteen Senses|- Into The Fire 抒情搖滾英文歌曲推薦

101 Vaughan Penn – Ready to Rise + Lyrics 線上聽 

▲Some days I miss her so much. I don’t know if I’m gonna make it.

獲得艾美獎的肯定的大人氣醫療劇《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy,製作人和編劇:珊達·萊梅斯(Shonda Rhimes)[1]開播時間: 2005 年,共14季。主題曲:Cosy in the Rocket,演唱者:Psapp

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照1:There’s an end to every storm […] And only then in those quiet moments after the storm do we learn who was strong enough to survive it. 每個暴風雨都有結束的時候[…]而唯有暴風雨過去以後那些寧靜的時刻,我們才能明白誰夠堅強挺過去了。


  • storm n.1.暴風雨(政治、社會上的)騷動,動亂。3.(感情上的)激動,爆發。
  • survive v. 倖存,存活下來。英文解釋to remain alive despite hardships or trauma 2. to endure or live through something harsh or unbearable
  • survive the test of time : 經的起歲月的考驗

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照2You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy, somebody who’s not gonna complicates your life, somebody who won’t hurt you.你應該和一個能讓你快樂的人在一起,一個不會讓你的人生變得複雜的人,一個不會傷害你的人


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照3:We went through the scariest thing a person can go through and we survived. So now every day’s just a gift. And now we’re all blessed. – Cristina 我們經歷了一個人可以經歷的最可怕的事,並倖免於難。 所以,現在的每一日只是一份禮物。 而今我們都被保佑。 – 克里斯蒂娜


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照4:Blessed to be here, blessed to be doing what we do best, which is saving lives. Every day. One life at a time. We’re healed so that we can continue healing others.– Cristina 有幸來到這裡,有幸做我們最擅長的事,即拯救生命。 每天,一次拯救一個生命。我們被治癒,所以我們才能夠繼續治愈他人。


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照5:I think it’s important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you.


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照6:I’ve lived. I’ve really really lived. I’ve failed. I’ve been devastated. I’ve been broken. I’ve gone to hell and back. And I’ve also known joy. And passion. And I’ve had a great love. […] And I’m not afraid to die. – Richard
我活過。 我真的真正活過。我失敗了,被摧毀,碎裂了。我走過地獄又回來 。並且,我明白了快樂和激情。我擁有過一段偉大的愛。而我並不恐懼死亡。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照7:And it hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying […] Sometimes, change is good.而成長是痛苦的。任何人告訴你成長不會痛都是騙人的。[…]有時,變化是好的。


▲編輯:司馬儀 回到網站首頁     


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照8:We are all looking for answers. In medicine, in life, in everything [….] Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we’ve been looking for, we’re still left with a whole helluva lot of questions. – Meredith我們一直在尋找答案,醫學上,生活上,一切。而有時,答案可以讓我們全然地吃驚。而又有時候,即便我們找到了我們一直尋找的答案,還是會有龐大的問題等著我們。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照9:It’s a common belief that positive thinking leads to a happier, healthier life. As children, we are told to smile, be cheerful, and put on a happy face. As adults we are told to look on the bright side[…] and see glasses as half full. Sometimes reality can get in the way of our ability to act the happy part though. Your hope can fail, boyfriends can cheat, friends can disappoint. It’s in these moments when you just want to get real, drop the act, and be your true scared unhappy self.人們普遍相信積極思考會走向更幸福更健康的人生。作為孩子,我們被告知要微笑、要開朗、露出快樂的笑顏。作為成年人,我們被告知要看正面、光明的那一面、在半杯水理論中看到你還擁有半杯水。有時,現實讓我們很難展現快樂的能力。你的希望掉落了,男朋友偷吃,朋友們讓你失望。正是在這些時刻,你想要變得真實,放棄快樂,做那個真正恐懼不快樂的自我。- 梅雷迪思




《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照10:We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that can happen, or we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant. – Cristina我們可以選擇害怕,假設最壞的情況可能發生站在那裡顫抖僵住不動,或者我們走向未知,並假設它將會是光明的。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照11I wanna marry you. […] I wanna settle down and grow old with you […] I don’t want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime. 我想和你結婚[…]我想安定下來,和你一起變老[…]我不想要不被打擾的48個小時。我想要一輩子。

《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照12 It’s not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, it’s better to just keep things to yourself, play dumb […] So, you shut your mouth, keep your secret and find other ways to keep yourself happy. 說出你的想法,並不總是那麼容易。有時你會被迫需要說出你的想法。有時,最好把心裡所想的保留給自己,裝傻[…]所以,你閉嘴,守住自己的秘密,並找到其他方式讓自己快樂。



[1] 2007年她入選《時代》的百大最有影響力的人物之一

▲Grey’s anatomy OST   |  Thirteen Senses|- Into The Fire 抒情搖滾英文歌曲推薦

101 Vaughan Penn – Ready to Rise + Lyrics 線上聽 

▲Some days I miss her so much. I don’t know if I’m gonna make it.

獲得艾美獎的肯定的大人氣醫療劇《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy,製作人和編劇:珊達·萊梅斯(Shonda Rhimes)[1]開播時間: 2005 年,共14季。主題曲:Cosy in the Rocket,演唱者:Psapp

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照1:There’s an end to every storm […] And only then in those quiet moments after the storm do we learn who was strong enough to survive it. 每個暴風雨都有結束的時候[…]而唯有暴風雨過去以後那些寧靜的時刻,我們才能明白誰夠堅強挺過去了。


  • storm n.1.暴風雨(政治、社會上的)騷動,動亂。3.(感情上的)激動,爆發。
  • survive v. 倖存,存活下來。英文解釋to remain alive despite hardships or trauma 2. to endure or live through something harsh or unbearable
  • survive the test of time : 經的起歲月的考驗

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照2You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy, somebody who’s not gonna complicates your life, somebody who won’t hurt you.你應該和一個能讓你快樂的人在一起,一個不會讓你的人生變得複雜的人,一個不會傷害你的人


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照3:We went through the scariest thing a person can go through and we survived. So now every day’s just a gift. And now we’re all blessed. – Cristina 我們經歷了一個人可以經歷的最可怕的事,並倖免於難。 所以,現在的每一日只是一份禮物。 而今我們都被保佑。 – 克里斯蒂娜


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照4:Blessed to be here, blessed to be doing what we do best, which is saving lives. Every day. One life at a time. We’re healed so that we can continue healing others.– Cristina 有幸來到這裡,有幸做我們最擅長的事,即拯救生命。 每天,一次拯救一個生命。我們被治癒,所以我們才能夠繼續治愈他人。


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照5:I think it’s important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you.


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照6:I’ve lived. I’ve really really lived. I’ve failed. I’ve been devastated. I’ve been broken. I’ve gone to hell and back. And I’ve also known joy. And passion. And I’ve had a great love. […] And I’m not afraid to die. – Richard
我活過。 我真的真正活過。我失敗了,被摧毀,碎裂了。我走過地獄又回來 。並且,我明白了快樂和激情。我擁有過一段偉大的愛。而我並不恐懼死亡。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照7:And it hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying […] Sometimes, change is good.而成長是痛苦的。任何人告訴你成長不會痛都是騙人的。[…]有時,變化是好的。


▲編輯:司馬儀 回到網站首頁     


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照8:We are all looking for answers. In medicine, in life, in everything [….] Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we’ve been looking for, we’re still left with a whole helluva lot of questions. – Meredith我們一直在尋找答案,醫學上,生活上,一切。而有時,答案可以讓我們全然地吃驚。而又有時候,即便我們找到了我們一直尋找的答案,還是會有龐大的問題等著我們。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照9:It’s a common belief that positive thinking leads to a happier, healthier life. As children, we are told to smile, be cheerful, and put on a happy face. As adults we are told to look on the bright side[…] and see glasses as half full. Sometimes reality can get in the way of our ability to act the happy part though. Your hope can fail, boyfriends can cheat, friends can disappoint. It’s in these moments when you just want to get real, drop the act, and be your true scared unhappy self.人們普遍相信積極思考會走向更幸福更健康的人生。作為孩子,我們被告知要微笑、要開朗、露出快樂的笑顏。作為成年人,我們被告知要看正面、光明的那一面、在半杯水理論中看到你還擁有半杯水。有時,現實讓我們很難展現快樂的能力。你的希望掉落了,男朋友偷吃,朋友們讓你失望。正是在這些時刻,你想要變得真實,放棄快樂,做那個真正恐懼不快樂的自我。- 梅雷迪思




《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照10:We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that can happen, or we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant. – Cristina我們可以選擇害怕,假設最壞的情況可能發生站在那裡顫抖僵住不動,或者我們走向未知,並假設它將會是光明的。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照11I wanna marry you. […] I wanna settle down and grow old with you […] I don’t want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime. 我想和你結婚[…]我想安定下來,和你一起變老[…]我不想要不被打擾的48個小時。我想要一輩子。

《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照12 It’s not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, it’s better to just keep things to yourself, play dumb […] So, you shut your mouth, keep your secret and find other ways to keep yourself happy. 說出你的想法,並不總是那麼容易。有時你會被迫需要說出你的想法。有時,最好把心裡所想的保留給自己,裝傻[…]所以,你閉嘴,守住自己的秘密,並找到其他方式讓自己快樂。



[1] 2007年她入選《時代》的百大最有影響力的人物之一

▲Grey’s anatomy OST   |  Thirteen Senses|- Into The Fire 抒情搖滾英文歌曲推薦

101 Vaughan Penn – Ready to Rise + Lyrics 線上聽 

▲Some days I miss her so much. I don’t know if I’m gonna make it.

獲得艾美獎的肯定的大人氣醫療劇《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy,製作人和編劇:珊達·萊梅斯(Shonda Rhimes)[1]開播時間: 2005 年,共14季。主題曲:Cosy in the Rocket,演唱者:Psapp

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照1:There’s an end to every storm […] And only then in those quiet moments after the storm do we learn who was strong enough to survive it. 每個暴風雨都有結束的時候[…]而唯有暴風雨過去以後那些寧靜的時刻,我們才能明白誰夠堅強挺過去了。


  • storm n.1.暴風雨(政治、社會上的)騷動,動亂。3.(感情上的)激動,爆發。
  • survive v. 倖存,存活下來。英文解釋to remain alive despite hardships or trauma 2. to endure or live through something harsh or unbearable
  • survive the test of time : 經的起歲月的考驗

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照2You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy, somebody who’s not gonna complicates your life, somebody who won’t hurt you.你應該和一個能讓你快樂的人在一起,一個不會讓你的人生變得複雜的人,一個不會傷害你的人


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照3:We went through the scariest thing a person can go through and we survived. So now every day’s just a gift. And now we’re all blessed. – Cristina 我們經歷了一個人可以經歷的最可怕的事,並倖免於難。 所以,現在的每一日只是一份禮物。 而今我們都被保佑。 – 克里斯蒂娜


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照4:Blessed to be here, blessed to be doing what we do best, which is saving lives. Every day. One life at a time. We’re healed so that we can continue healing others.– Cristina 有幸來到這裡,有幸做我們最擅長的事,即拯救生命。 每天,一次拯救一個生命。我們被治癒,所以我們才能夠繼續治愈他人。


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照5:I think it’s important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you.


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照6:I’ve lived. I’ve really really lived. I’ve failed. I’ve been devastated. I’ve been broken. I’ve gone to hell and back. And I’ve also known joy. And passion. And I’ve had a great love. […] And I’m not afraid to die. – Richard
我活過。 我真的真正活過。我失敗了,被摧毀,碎裂了。我走過地獄又回來 。並且,我明白了快樂和激情。我擁有過一段偉大的愛。而我並不恐懼死亡。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照7:And it hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying […] Sometimes, change is good.而成長是痛苦的。任何人告訴你成長不會痛都是騙人的。[…]有時,變化是好的。


▲編輯:司馬儀 回到網站首頁     


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照8:We are all looking for answers. In medicine, in life, in everything [….] Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we’ve been looking for, we’re still left with a whole helluva lot of questions. – Meredith我們一直在尋找答案,醫學上,生活上,一切。而有時,答案可以讓我們全然地吃驚。而又有時候,即便我們找到了我們一直尋找的答案,還是會有龐大的問題等著我們。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照9:It’s a common belief that positive thinking leads to a happier, healthier life. As children, we are told to smile, be cheerful, and put on a happy face. As adults we are told to look on the bright side[…] and see glasses as half full. Sometimes reality can get in the way of our ability to act the happy part though. Your hope can fail, boyfriends can cheat, friends can disappoint. It’s in these moments when you just want to get real, drop the act, and be your true scared unhappy self.人們普遍相信積極思考會走向更幸福更健康的人生。作為孩子,我們被告知要微笑、要開朗、露出快樂的笑顏。作為成年人,我們被告知要看正面、光明的那一面、在半杯水理論中看到你還擁有半杯水。有時,現實讓我們很難展現快樂的能力。你的希望掉落了,男朋友偷吃,朋友們讓你失望。正是在這些時刻,你想要變得真實,放棄快樂,做那個真正恐懼不快樂的自我。- 梅雷迪思




《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照10:We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that can happen, or we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant. – Cristina我們可以選擇害怕,假設最壞的情況可能發生站在那裡顫抖僵住不動,或者我們走向未知,並假設它將會是光明的。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照11I wanna marry you. […] I wanna settle down and grow old with you […] I don’t want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime. 我想和你結婚[…]我想安定下來,和你一起變老[…]我不想要不被打擾的48個小時。我想要一輩子。

《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照12 It’s not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, it’s better to just keep things to yourself, play dumb […] So, you shut your mouth, keep your secret and find other ways to keep yourself happy. 說出你的想法,並不總是那麼容易。有時你會被迫需要說出你的想法。有時,最好把心裡所想的保留給自己,裝傻[…]所以,你閉嘴,守住自己的秘密,並找到其他方式讓自己快樂。



[1] 2007年她入選《時代》的百大最有影響力的人物之一

▲Grey’s anatomy OST   |  Thirteen Senses|- Into The Fire 抒情搖滾英文歌曲推薦

101 Vaughan Penn – Ready to Rise + Lyrics 線上聽 

▲Some days I miss her so much. I don’t know if I’m gonna make it.

獲得艾美獎的肯定的大人氣醫療劇《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy,製作人和編劇:珊達·萊梅斯(Shonda Rhimes)[1]開播時間: 2005 年,共14季。主題曲:Cosy in the Rocket,演唱者:Psapp

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照1:There’s an end to every storm […] And only then in those quiet moments after the storm do we learn who was strong enough to survive it. 每個暴風雨都有結束的時候[…]而唯有暴風雨過去以後那些寧靜的時刻,我們才能明白誰夠堅強挺過去了。


  • storm n.1.暴風雨(政治、社會上的)騷動,動亂。3.(感情上的)激動,爆發。
  • survive v. 倖存,存活下來。英文解釋to remain alive despite hardships or trauma 2. to endure or live through something harsh or unbearable
  • survive the test of time : 經的起歲月的考驗

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照2You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy, somebody who’s not gonna complicates your life, somebody who won’t hurt you.你應該和一個能讓你快樂的人在一起,一個不會讓你的人生變得複雜的人,一個不會傷害你的人


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照3:We went through the scariest thing a person can go through and we survived. So now every day’s just a gift. And now we’re all blessed. – Cristina 我們經歷了一個人可以經歷的最可怕的事,並倖免於難。 所以,現在的每一日只是一份禮物。 而今我們都被保佑。 – 克里斯蒂娜


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照4:Blessed to be here, blessed to be doing what we do best, which is saving lives. Every day. One life at a time. We’re healed so that we can continue healing others.– Cristina 有幸來到這裡,有幸做我們最擅長的事,即拯救生命。 每天,一次拯救一個生命。我們被治癒,所以我們才能夠繼續治愈他人。


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照5:I think it’s important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you.


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照6:I’ve lived. I’ve really really lived. I’ve failed. I’ve been devastated. I’ve been broken. I’ve gone to hell and back. And I’ve also known joy. And passion. And I’ve had a great love. […] And I’m not afraid to die. – Richard
我活過。 我真的真正活過。我失敗了,被摧毀,碎裂了。我走過地獄又回來 。並且,我明白了快樂和激情。我擁有過一段偉大的愛。而我並不恐懼死亡。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照7:And it hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying […] Sometimes, change is good.而成長是痛苦的。任何人告訴你成長不會痛都是騙人的。[…]有時,變化是好的。


▲編輯:司馬儀 回到網站首頁     


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照8:We are all looking for answers. In medicine, in life, in everything [….] Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we’ve been looking for, we’re still left with a whole helluva lot of questions. – Meredith我們一直在尋找答案,醫學上,生活上,一切。而有時,答案可以讓我們全然地吃驚。而又有時候,即便我們找到了我們一直尋找的答案,還是會有龐大的問題等著我們。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照9:It’s a common belief that positive thinking leads to a happier, healthier life. As children, we are told to smile, be cheerful, and put on a happy face. As adults we are told to look on the bright side[…] and see glasses as half full. Sometimes reality can get in the way of our ability to act the happy part though. Your hope can fail, boyfriends can cheat, friends can disappoint. It’s in these moments when you just want to get real, drop the act, and be your true scared unhappy self.人們普遍相信積極思考會走向更幸福更健康的人生。作為孩子,我們被告知要微笑、要開朗、露出快樂的笑顏。作為成年人,我們被告知要看正面、光明的那一面、在半杯水理論中看到你還擁有半杯水。有時,現實讓我們很難展現快樂的能力。你的希望掉落了,男朋友偷吃,朋友們讓你失望。正是在這些時刻,你想要變得真實,放棄快樂,做那個真正恐懼不快樂的自我。- 梅雷迪思




《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照10:We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that can happen, or we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant. – Cristina我們可以選擇害怕,假設最壞的情況可能發生站在那裡顫抖僵住不動,或者我們走向未知,並假設它將會是光明的。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照11I wanna marry you. […] I wanna settle down and grow old with you […] I don’t want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime. 我想和你結婚[…]我想安定下來,和你一起變老[…]我不想要不被打擾的48個小時。我想要一輩子。

《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照12 It’s not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, it’s better to just keep things to yourself, play dumb […] So, you shut your mouth, keep your secret and find other ways to keep yourself happy. 說出你的想法,並不總是那麼容易。有時你會被迫需要說出你的想法。有時,最好把心裡所想的保留給自己,裝傻[…]所以,你閉嘴,守住自己的秘密,並找到其他方式讓自己快樂。



[1] 2007年她入選《時代》的百大最有影響力的人物之一

▲Grey’s anatomy OST   |  Thirteen Senses|- Into The Fire 抒情搖滾英文歌曲推薦

101 Vaughan Penn – Ready to Rise + Lyrics 線上聽 

▲Some days I miss her so much. I don’t know if I’m gonna make it.

獲得艾美獎的肯定的大人氣醫療劇《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy,製作人和編劇:珊達·萊梅斯(Shonda Rhimes)[1]開播時間: 2005 年,共14季。主題曲:Cosy in the Rocket,演唱者:Psapp

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照1:There’s an end to every storm […] And only then in those quiet moments after the storm do we learn who was strong enough to survive it. 每個暴風雨都有結束的時候[…]而唯有暴風雨過去以後那些寧靜的時刻,我們才能明白誰夠堅強挺過去了。


  • storm n.1.暴風雨(政治、社會上的)騷動,動亂。3.(感情上的)激動,爆發。
  • survive v. 倖存,存活下來。英文解釋to remain alive despite hardships or trauma 2. to endure or live through something harsh or unbearable
  • survive the test of time : 經的起歲月的考驗

 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照2You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy, somebody who’s not gonna complicates your life, somebody who won’t hurt you.你應該和一個能讓你快樂的人在一起,一個不會讓你的人生變得複雜的人,一個不會傷害你的人


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照3:We went through the scariest thing a person can go through and we survived. So now every day’s just a gift. And now we’re all blessed. – Cristina 我們經歷了一個人可以經歷的最可怕的事,並倖免於難。 所以,現在的每一日只是一份禮物。 而今我們都被保佑。 – 克里斯蒂娜


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照4:Blessed to be here, blessed to be doing what we do best, which is saving lives. Every day. One life at a time. We’re healed so that we can continue healing others.– Cristina 有幸來到這裡,有幸做我們最擅長的事,即拯救生命。 每天,一次拯救一個生命。我們被治癒,所以我們才能夠繼續治愈他人。


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照5:I think it’s important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you.


 《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照6:I’ve lived. I’ve really really lived. I’ve failed. I’ve been devastated. I’ve been broken. I’ve gone to hell and back. And I’ve also known joy. And passion. And I’ve had a great love. […] And I’m not afraid to die. – Richard
我活過。 我真的真正活過。我失敗了,被摧毀,碎裂了。我走過地獄又回來 。並且,我明白了快樂和激情。我擁有過一段偉大的愛。而我並不恐懼死亡。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照7:And it hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t is lying […] Sometimes, change is good.而成長是痛苦的。任何人告訴你成長不會痛都是騙人的。[…]有時,變化是好的。


▲編輯:司馬儀 回到網站首頁     


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照8:We are all looking for answers. In medicine, in life, in everything [….] Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we’ve been looking for, we’re still left with a whole helluva lot of questions. – Meredith我們一直在尋找答案,醫學上,生活上,一切。而有時,答案可以讓我們全然地吃驚。而又有時候,即便我們找到了我們一直尋找的答案,還是會有龐大的問題等著我們。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照9:It’s a common belief that positive thinking leads to a happier, healthier life. As children, we are told to smile, be cheerful, and put on a happy face. As adults we are told to look on the bright side[…] and see glasses as half full. Sometimes reality can get in the way of our ability to act the happy part though. Your hope can fail, boyfriends can cheat, friends can disappoint. It’s in these moments when you just want to get real, drop the act, and be your true scared unhappy self.人們普遍相信積極思考會走向更幸福更健康的人生。作為孩子,我們被告知要微笑、要開朗、露出快樂的笑顏。作為成年人,我們被告知要看正面、光明的那一面、在半杯水理論中看到你還擁有半杯水。有時,現實讓我們很難展現快樂的能力。你的希望掉落了,男朋友偷吃,朋友們讓你失望。正是在這些時刻,你想要變得真實,放棄快樂,做那個真正恐懼不快樂的自我。- 梅雷迪思




《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照10:We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that can happen, or we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant. – Cristina我們可以選擇害怕,假設最壞的情況可能發生站在那裡顫抖僵住不動,或者我們走向未知,並假設它將會是光明的。


《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照11I wanna marry you. […] I wanna settle down and grow old with you […] I don’t want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime. 我想和你結婚[…]我想安定下來,和你一起變老[…]我不想要不被打擾的48個小時。我想要一輩子。

《實習醫生》Grey’s Anatomy經典台詞中英對照12 It’s not always easy to speak your mind, sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes, it’s better to just keep things to yourself, play dumb […] So, you shut your mouth, keep your secret and find other ways to keep yourself happy. 說出你的想法,並不總是那麼容易。有時你會被迫需要說出你的想法。有時,最好把心裡所想的保留給自己,裝傻[…]所以,你閉嘴,守住自己的秘密,並找到其他方式讓自己快樂。



[1] 2007年她入選《時代》的百大最有影響力的人物之一

▲Grey’s anatomy OST   |  Thirteen Senses|- Into The Fire 抒情搖滾英文歌曲推薦

101 Vaughan Penn – Ready to Rise + Lyrics 線上聽 

▲Some days I miss her so much. I don’t know if I’m gonna make it.


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