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Dating Rape a BF is given the full rights to penetrate into his GF. - Getting Closer to God's Vo

Why people be raped by their lover or couple? It seems that everyone assumes that a BF is given the full rights to penetrate into his GF. They suppose a GF is definitely willing to have sex with her BF in the relationship. The public assumes that women have no rights to reject their BF in bed. What would you say?

 “Too afraid to utter “No” or “Stop [….] I felt too guilty to defend myself […]  Maybe he was doing this out of passion, I told myself […]  It wasn’t passionate, romantic, or respectful. It wasn’t consensual. It was rape […] I made excuses for what had happened.”–Coline-Hay, for xoJane

Many people have difficulty understanding how unwanted sex happens with lover or couple. Firstly, if a woman is willing to have a date with a man, it doesn’t mean that she is willing to have sex with him. Second, if a woman is willing to have kisses or hugs with a lover, it doesn’t mean that she is ready to have sex with him.T hird, we have seen many men force their girlfriend to have sex without a condom, for their own pleasure or something else. Many men do this to keep a woman in an abusive relationship. Once she gets pregnant, she can’t leave him like forever. She would become his hostage. And he becomes the only party who has the dominating power to take better control of her mind and body. Forth, women who fight against raping have a high sense of being murdered. Thus, sexual violence generally has something to do with trauma, shame and survival. Date rape has nothing to do with passion or love, but a  serious crime. 

“Throughout all of it, EVERY TIME I told him “no”, he gave me a look like nothing could hurt him more than my telling him “no”. Every time he gave me that look, it was like I was failing him somehow. I never considered breaking up with him. Nobody knew what was happening [….] He was emotionally pinning me down and psychologically forcing me. He stole my virginity by intimidation, manipulation, force, and fear. He wanted rape, just in a way that was harder to prosecute, a way that was less believable […] Who wants to think that they are being sexually and emotionally abused in their first relationship?  Who wants to think that their first boyfriend raped them? […] I’ve never confronted him, although I want to […]  and I refuse to let him affect my life any more than I can help.”– Anonymous, for Her Campus

Coming to terms with being victimized can be extremely difficult. Survivors of partner rape often fail to unveil or expose the traumatic event. This can lead to depression, derangement and loss of confidence and self-esteem. Ultimately, they have might trusty issues in intimate relationships.

 “He started to undress me, constantly promising me he wouldn’t do anything against my wish. “This is against my wish,” I wanted to scream, but could not gather the courage[….]. I resisted and asked him to get off, my voice swinging between angry screams and soft pleads […] He finished his business and rolled away, remarking, “Oh, so you were a virgin.” If I had a dagger, I would have happily lodged it in his heart for breaking mine into a million pieces. His five minutes of pleasure killed something inside that 17-year-old girl forever.”– Anonymous, to the Daily O

In that moment I realize how alone we were. I realized we were still two strangers […]  I told myself it was fine that he was a nice guy. So I said yes and let him inside […] I told him that I had my period […]

There’s a possibility. A woman who had been broken up with her BF. And he won her back. But still, she wasn’t sure about this relationship. Shortly after they got together, he set up a travel plan. On the very first night, he took off her clothes without having her consent. He wanted to have an intersexual course without a condom, no matter what she said. She was terrified and worried. He kept doing this for several days, hoping to get her pregnant. Thus, he can keep her in this toxic relationship as always.

▲What is partner rape?

Partner rape happens when you feel pressured, threatened or coerced into having any type of sex when you don’t want to, or physically forced into, with or without a condom. Essentially, those cases generally are toxic and abusive relationships.

▲17% of women in a one of New Zealand studies reported that they had been sexually assaulted by a current or ex-partner (Fanslow & Robinson, 2004). 13% of the survivors who contacted Rape Crisis Auckland in 2003 were raped by their partner.

▲According to Ministry of Justice statistics, 39.9% of abusive current or ex-partners were of the opposite sex to the survivor. 6.5% of sexual assaults reported in 2001 where the survivor are the acquaintance of the offender, was perpetrated by a current or ex-partner of the same sex.

Sexual violence and abuse can be defined as any behavior which is unwanted and takes place without consent or understanding. Rapes and sexual assaults can also happen by a someone you are in a relationship with.

According to the research conducted by National Sexual Assault Hotline, the majority of children and teen victims are the acquaintance of the perpetrator.Of sexual abuse cases reported to law enforcement, 93% of juvenile victims knew the perpetrator:59% were acquaintances, only 7% were strangers to the victim.


▲Date rape is one of the forms of acquaintance rape. Date rape specifically refers to a rape in which there has been some sort of romantic or potentially sexual relationship between both parties.

▲A shocking fact is that 60% of all sexual violence is perpetrated by the institution’s staff In jail.

TAG: non-consensual sex, offender, ex-partner ,rape, rapist, spouse rape , partner rape, abusive partner, my boyfriend raped me, boyfriend rape




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