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留學生必看,看影集學日常英文|TV Series|Big Little Lies - Getting Closer to God's Voice 1985

改編自同名小說的影集Big Little Lies,中文被翻譯做《美麗心計》

主要演員包括妮可·基嫚(Nichole Kidman)、瑞絲·薇斯朋(Reese Witherspoon)和雪琳·伍德利(Shailene Woodley))、伊恩阿米塔格(Iain Armitage)、亞當史考特(Adam Scott)、詹姆斯塔波(James Tupper)、傑佛瑞諾丁(Jeffrey Nordling),已在金球獎囊括許多獎項,HBO已推出第二季。。奧斯卡影后梅莉史翠普(Meryl Streep)將參與演出,飾演派瑞的母親。《美麗心計》第二季共7集,由大衛 E. 凱利與原著作者黎安莫瑞亞蒂(Liane Moriarty)負責劇本。由《2016 美國甜心》導演安德莉亞阿諾德(Andrea Arnold)執導。題材:謊言、婚姻、家暴(domestic violence)、友誼及子女教育的危機。


1. Do we have to get into this every single time we talk? ★

2. We should err on the side of safety.

▲err on the side of (something)英文解釋: To prioritize something, perhaps excessively or unnecessarily.

▲常見片語: “err on the side of caution.” 意指to act in a careful way instead of taking risks
▲to err is human (to forgive is divine)
It implies that it is natural for human beings to make mistakes and we should not being too harsh with someone who makes a err.

3.Uh, he’s not in the picture. ★

▲in the picture/out of the picture  [phrase]  If you say that someone is in the picture, you mean that they are involved in the situation that you are talking about and vice versa. 

4. Nobody has been ruled out.

rule out: exclude

5. I got asked out on a date by a second-grader, no less.

▲no less 英文解釋: used to suggest, often ironically, that something is surprising or impressive.

6. But for you, he’s the one you feel irreparably in love with.

7. And I have a nose for these sort of things.
這個很好理解。劇中另一句台詞是說She was a nose for everybody else’s business.

8. Have you lost your mind?
…No, I’m never out of my mind.

9.I will not be anybody’s runner-up.

10. I think I rolled my ankle.= I’ve twisted my ankle.


11. Do you need a ride or something? ★ 這句超實用的。

12. The war is on.  ★

13Ticking bomb. I’ll leave it at that.

leave it at that 英文解釋:to leave a situation as it is and make no further comment.

14. You know, gotta sweat out all those toxins.

15.Bonnie got me into it.


16.Plus, hear me out. I would be your only client.

hear (someone) out 英文解釋:  To hear someone’s side’s of the story without interrupting or allow someone to speak fully, often used when the listener is reluctant to listen.

17.So you can safeguard all of the arts for Monterey.

safeguard someone or something against someone or something 英文解釋: to protect someone or something against someone or something

18 .Oh, we don’t get in?
….No, we just drop them off. 

19. You think she should keep all her emotions bottled up inside?

bottle up something [phrasal verb] : control and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior

20. Are we doing the wine tasting next week at your house?


21. I am a stay-at-home mom myself.

▲stay-at-home 可以當形容詞或名詞。

22. It’s Orientation Day and this school is terrible about tardiness.

tardiness – the condition or habit f not being on time.  =belatedness, lateness.

23. My mom’s an active talker.

24. Please reboard the vihicle, ma’am.
board v. 登機用的動詞。boarding pass 登機證

相關片語:on board

boarding school寄宿學校 

25. And social slight could cause more psychological harm than a choking.



1. Honesty is always the best policy. ★

Response: There are no perfect lies. The liars get exposed sooner or later. 

2.If I were you, I would just let it go.★

Response: Do not waste your time for the old damn things. 

3.What if I was a bit overweight and not especially pretty? Why is that so terrible so disgusting? 
4. None of us really see things as they are, we see things as we are.★

Response: There’s only one truth. But there can be hundreds of explanations to a simple fact. 

5. Every day I think, Gosh, you look a bit tired today, and it’s just recently occurred to me that it’s not that I am tired. It’s that this is the way I look now.

Response: People don’t get old easily. People get tired looks because their body gets tired and most people don’t realize it. They assume their tired looks as the cruel sign of aging. 

Big Little Lies 美麗心計 2017 影集預告中文字幕 Youtube 影片



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