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★2018 電影《高年級姐妹會》Book Club |數十年以後的熟齡同學會.... - Wise Library 1985

2018 年上映的電影《高年級姐妹會》  IMDb分數:6.3。導演:比爾霍爾德曼(Bill Holderman)。演員:黛安基頓(Diane Keaton) 、 珍芳達(Jane Fonda) 、 瑪麗史汀柏格(Mary Steenburgen) 、 甘蒂絲柏根(Candice Bergen)。由四大影后飆演技。

電影配樂作曲者: 彼得·納沙爾。劇本: 比爾·霍爾德曼, 艾玲・西姆斯。製片: 比爾·霍爾德曼, 艾玲・西姆斯, 安德魯·鄧肯。官方連結

▲高年級姐妹會 HD中文正式預告(Trailer) 

劇情提要:黛安(黛安基頓 飾)在結婚四十年後成為了單身的widow,薇薇安(珍芳達 飾)周旋在沒有承諾關係的love relationship ,離婚數十年後的雪倫(甘蒂絲柏根 飾)將生活重心放在工作,維持了35年平淡的婚姻的凱倫(瑪麗史汀柏格 飾) 婚姻卻開始出現crisis……四位「高年級」的好姐妹們組成一個讀書會,各自交流分享讀過的好書,直到薇薇安帶來了風靡全球讀者的情慾小說《格雷的五十道陰影》…..她們發現自己過去已經錯過了許多,她們試圖做出改變…..

熟齡生活,扣除不健康的身體或失控的身材或沒有結果的love relationship,有沒有可能更放鬆更加心有餘力的面對生活日常的難題或考驗?有可能更勇敢或更膽怯?但又不是沒有大哭過,又不是沒有狼狽過,究竟還有什麼好失去好矜持??究竟還要焦慮不安什麼?

♥Movie Quotes :Sharon: [to Diane] Do you even remember your last date?

♥Movie Quotes :There’s a man out there who makes me feel things that I didn’t think was still possible.

♥Movie Quotes :Diane: Maybe things with us will go bust, but that’s life. and I’m not through living mine just yet.

♥Movie Quotes :George: [to Sharon] You are better at this than you think.

♥Movie Quotes :Vivian: I don’t care what society says about women our age. The choice should be ours.

▲Book Club Soundtrack | OST Tracklist

其他熟男熟女主題電影推薦:Our Souls at Night 黃昏之戀 | 心靈的深夜對話(2017)

★電影《熟男型不型》|愛情電影不過是提醒觀眾死心眼的專情真的存在|Movie Quote(Crazy, Stupid, Love)When you find the one, you never give up.

♥Movie Quotes 

Sharon: We are four successful women. I don’t need a man. What is the point? 
Diane: Who still has any interest?
Vivian: Ladies, I am not going to let us become those people who stop living before they stop living. I would like to introduce you to Christian Grey.
Carol: It says, “For mature audiences.”
Diane: It certainly sounds like us.

♥Movie Quotes 

Diane: Oh, what’s that? That’s not mine. I’ve never seen that book before, honestly.
Customs Officer: This is nasty.

♥Movie Quotes 

Arthur: I never thought I’d be back here again.
Vivian: Is it as good as you remember?
Arthur: Maybe better.


♥Movie Quotes 

Website: The man of your dreams is just a click away.
Sharon: No, I don’t. I’m fine. Thank you.
Assistant: Yep.


♥Movie Quotes 

Vivian: It’s the first date, so put on something sexy.
Sharon: Just be comfortable.
Sharon: That’s too comfortable.
Diane: Right.

♥Movie Quotes 

Mitchell: Everybody remembers their first kiss.
Diane: How about I tell you about my best kiss?
Mitchell: Maybe that hasn’t happened yet.

♥Movie Quotes 

Sharon: If women our age were meant to have sex ,God wouldn’t do what he does to our bodies.
Vivian: Speak for yourself.
Sharon: Well, that was not God, that was Dr. Nazaria.

Directed by Bill Holderman
Produced by Andrew Duncan,Erin Simms,Bill Holderman,Alex Saks
Screenplay by Bill Holderman,Erin Simms

Music by Peter Nashel

Cast :

Diane Keaton
Jane Fonda
Candice Bergen
Mary Steenburgen
Craig T. Nelson
Andy García
Don Johnson





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