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簡碧儀翻譯作品 & Amazon 推薦書 - Getting Closer to God's Voice 1985

畢業證書 簡碧儀

簡碧儀最高學歷:清大英文系文學組碩士[1] 研究所考試錄取標準193.00,個人得分241.00。榜首錄取,研究所提早畢業。

[1]  台清交大:台大(台灣大學)清大、(清華大學)交大(成功大學)、成大(成功大學)。

Premchand’s The Gift of a Cow英翻中對照:

 ‘why do u go poking your nose into things you don’t understand? Just hand me my stick and get on with your own work. It’s thanks to all these visits of mine that we’re still alive. God knows what would have become of us otherwise. You know how many people here in the village have been thrown off their land or had their property taken away. When someone’s heel is on your neck, it’s best to keep licking his feet’




Dhaniya was less sophisticated in these matters. They ploughed the land of the zamindar, so all he should care about was the rent. True. These twenty years of married life had tough her that however much she cut corners, skimped on food and clothes, and clung to every cowrie; it was still hard to pay the rent. But why should they have to flatter the landlord or lick his feet? She argued the question daily with her husband, refusing to admit defeat. Only three of their six children were still alive-Gobar, a boy about sixteen, and two girls- Sona, twelve and Rupa, eight. Three sons had died in fancy…Dhaniya still believed that medicines would –have saved them, but she’d been unable to afford even a pice worth.


    達妮雅對於這類的事相對較單純而無知,他們以佃農的身分幫地主耕地,所以賀禮礽在乎的是土地的租金。事實是,過去二十年的婚姻生活教導她,不論她在食物和衣服方面多麼勤儉克難,努力守住每一毛錢,他們仍然無力繳出土地的租金。但為什麼他們必須要卑微地去取悅他們的地主,甚至是舔他的腳? 她不甘於屈服而每日都和丈夫辯駁同樣的話題。





She was not very old herself- just thirty six- but her hair was completely grey and her face wrinkled. Her body had grown weak, the wheat completion of her youth had turned dark brown, and her eyes had become dim- all because of the struggle for survival.Life had brought no joy- only a constant weariness which had worn away all concern for self-respect. Why bother with all this flattery for land that couldn’t even provide food for their stomachs?




Rebellion kept welling up in her heart-but then a few harsh words from her husband would jolt her back to reality. Defeated again, she brough Hori’s stick, jacket, turba, shoes and tobacco pouch and flung them down in front of him.




‘Not ones like you. Go look at your face in the mirror. Just how are you going to be lusty when you can’t even get enough milk and butter to make a few drops of ointment for your eyes? It scares me to see the condition you are in- makes me wonder how we’ll manage in our old age. Whose door will we beg at? ‘ His momentary mellowness vanished as though consumed in the flames of reality.


   「不會有人像你如此好色不羈!看看鏡中的你,看看你那雙乾枯缺乏潤澤的雙眼,你怎麼能夠如此春心蕩漾?看到你現在的處境讓我著實驚心! 不禁擔憂晚年要怎麼和你度過。我們又會向誰家的門口乞討?」賀禮礽剎那間的自在頓時瓦解,如同被現實的的火焰耗盡,瞬間泯沒消逝。」達妮雅說道


‘I will never reach sixty, D’ he said, picking up his stick, I’ll be gone long before that.’ All right now, that’s enough’ D snapped. Don’t say such evil-omened thing. Even when someone speaks nicely to you, you can’t give a civil answer.


「我知道我活不過六十歲,我會早在六十歲前就離開這個世界了。」賀禮礽說著,撿起他的拐杖。達妮雅咬著這話題不放。「那倒也不要緊,活到這個歲數也就夠了。」達妮雅氣沖沖地說了「不要說那麼惡毒的話! 即使別人跟你好言好語,你就是不能給一個禮貌文明一點的回應。」賀禮說


His despairing words had shacked her already battered heart. Blessing for Hori welled up within her, inspired by all the devotion and self-sacrifice her womanhood could command. Her marriage was the one straw to which she clung in crossing the bottomless ocean of poverty. Hori’s thoughtless remark, thought close to the truth, had shaken her, threating to tear even that one feeble straw from her grasp. In fact it was the very truthfulness of the statement that made it so disturbing. The taunt’ Hey One-eye!’ hurts a one-eyed man more than it does a two eyed one.





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