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BNI 高雄市南區智庫: Episode 517:實現 " 1 " 的力量

第517集:實現 " 1 " 的力量


圖片溝通者Colin Horner今天加入 Dr. Ivan 的播客,談論BNI分會中 "1" 的力量:

  • 一週" 1 "個分會培訓 
  • 一週" 1 "次分會會議 
  • 一週" 1 "個1-2-1 
  • 一週" 1 "張引薦單 
  • 每位會員每月帶來" 1 "位來賓 

這些都是可測量的。 看看Johannesburg分會的個案研究,看看"  1  "也能做很多事。

你能在Youtube channel上找到更多關於Colin的影片。

資訊由Networking for Success Channel on YouTube提供。


哈囉,大家好。歡迎回到BNI官方播客節目,由Networking for Success Channel on YouTube提供,我們介紹伊凡米勒博士和其他人脈網絡的專家。我是Priscilla Rice,現在在加州柏克萊的Live Oak Recording Studio。現在在線上的是BNI創始人及願景官伊凡米勒博士。哈囉,伊凡,你好嗎?你今天在哪裡呢?

哈囉,Priscilla。我這星期在亞利桑那州參加改革領導委員會會議。改革領導委員會是由Jack Canfield帶領的,我在這些會議上學到很多,讓我可以應用在BNI。 我在這里待了幾天,真讓人興奮。


對,我們有一位來賓。他是Collin Horner。Collin參加南非BNI Johannasburg分會幾乎十年了。我曾去過那裡兩次。我愛南非,Collin是參加BNI十年的資深會員。他用圖片記錄和圖片協助[商業]。 他用視覺訊息幫人們銷售他們的產品和服務。 他稱自己是圖片溝通者。 他幫人們使用圖片說故事。

我邀請他來當今日播客來賓的原因是,他一直不斷在給予,給我和BNI這些令人驚艷的圖片,他正在做關於BNI的圖片,如GAINS Exchange和VCP。 他總有這些驚人的圖片。 我說,你知道嗎?我也想回饋給Collin。讓我們邀請他到播客中,讓我們能更了解他正在做的事情,尤其與BNI有關的事。 至於培訓內容,今日播客是用“一”的力量。

我們這裡有一張圖片,所以若你在電腦上聽播客,你可以看到圖片。 如果你正在汽車或手機上聽播客,請參考網站提供的圖片。


謝謝Ivan,很高興和你一起參與這則播客。 就像你所說,我已經參加BNI成員10年,也是非常活躍的成員 - 事實上,過去三年擔任董事顧問。 我終身學習或培訓很有熱情。 我發現用簡單的手繪圖也能傳達BNI培訓內容。 就像你常說的,“事實會說話和故事能銷售”,所以我用簡單的圖片銷售培訓內容。

而我們今天要討論一的力量,這概念已出現了一段時間,但是你用視覺呈現看起來非常好。 所以,Collin,你來跟我們說明這些不同的一的力量?

我的另一個熱情是管理和測量。 我認為這是BNI的優勢之一。 我們測量和記錄我們工作表現。 我對分會表現做了大量的視覺分析,毫無疑問,分會表現和目標實現是被“一”的力量完成的。所以基本上是五個概念。









沒錯。 你知道,我聽說你過很多次BNI會員做最大的承諾是時間。 所以你在承諾的時間出現了。你出席,你是可見的。


如此一來,每周自然會有一次引薦機會。 當您透過1-2-1會議來建立關係和 GAINS表格 時,非常簡單的就認識你的引薦夥伴。 每週一張引薦單是很容易的。

最後一個是每個成員每月帶一位來賓,因為。來賓是BNI的命脈,人脈網絡是指數效應。 人脈網絡越大,引薦的潛力越大。 所以我們維持。 我們透過帶來賓參加分會會議來讓人脈網絡團隊成長,將BNI概念介紹給別人並鼓勵他們加入。

有五個標準,如果你喜歡。 一次CEU,一次會議,一個1-2-1,一個引薦和一位來賓。

所有這些都是每週該做的,除了來賓 - 每月帶一個。 這些都可以測量,分會測量它們得到驚人的結果。 你實現你所測量的。你完成了一個影片,我將在此播客加上影片連結。

這是非常詳細的數據。 你做這些事情並測量它。 大約30秒鐘,Collin,你可以簡單介紹一下影片是關於什麼?




嗯,我會繼續研究並持續溝通。 我還有一些其他案例研究,可以證明聚焦在“一”的力量的分會,達成的結果都很傑出。

我很想看到,科林,也許我們可以用你的研究成果,做一篇關於SuccessNet的文章。正在聽這則播客的人,如果你有興趣看到他做的關於BNI的研究,你可以去他的網站。你也可以在YouTube上搜尋。我沒有開玩笑,他為BNI做了很多圖片。所以看看他的網站或YouTube。他的網站是,或用南非話說,“zed a”,對吧?或在Youtube搜尋,以找到更多關於他所做的研究。






好的,太棒了。謝謝你,Collin。謝謝你,伊凡。我期待看到更多圖片。我要提醒聽眾這則播客是由Networking for Success Channel on YouTube提供。謝謝你的聆聽。我是Priscilla Rice,我們期待您參與下週BNI官方播客。


Episode 517: Achieving the Power of 1


Graphic communicator Colin Horner joins Dr. Misner on the BNI Podcast today to talk about the Power of 1 drives chapter performance in BNI:

1. One chapter education unit per week

2. One chapter meeting per week

3. One 1-2-1 per week

4. One referral per week

5. One visitor per member per month

All of these things are measurable. You achieve what you measure. Watch this case study of a chapter in Johannesburg to see The Power of 1 in action.

You can find more of Colin’s videos on his YouTube channel.

Brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube.

Complete Transcript of Episode 517

Hello everybody and welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast, brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube, which features Dr. Ivan Miser and many other networking experts. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. I am joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello, Ivan, how are you and where are you ?

Hi Priscilla. I am at a Transformational Leadership Council meeting in Arizona this week. The Transformational Leadership Council is an organization put together by Jack Canfield, and I always get great content that I can use in BNI at these meetings. I am here for several days. It’s exciting.

That sounds great. So who do you have on the line today? I know you have a guest.

Yeah, we have a guest. My guest today is Collin Horner. Collin is an almost 10 year member of BNI in Johannasburg, South Africa. I have been to Jo-burg, I think, twice. I love South Africa, and Collin has been a member for 10 years. He has a graphic recording and graphic facilitation [business]. He helps people sell their products and services through visual messages. He calls himself a graphic communicator. He helps people communicate their stories with pictures.

The reason I invited him to be on the podcast today is that he has been giving and giving and giving to me and to BNI with these incredible graphics that he is doing about BNI and the processes that we use, like the GAINS Exchange and VCP. He always has these amazing graphics. I finally said, you know what? I need to give back a little to Collin here. Let’s bring him on the podcast so that we can give exposure to what he is doing [for] many people, particularly as it related to BNI. And for the educational content, we are using the power of one in today’s podcast.

We will have a graphic here so if you are listening to this on your computer, you can see the graphic. If you are listening to this in your car or on a mobile device, take a look at the website so you can see the graphic.

Collin, welcome to BNI Podcast, and talk to us a little bit about the power of one and how you visualize that.

Thank you, Ivan, and it is great to join you on this podcast. Just as you say, I have been a member of BNI for 10 years and a very active member- in fact, a Director Consultant for the last three years. My passion is lifelong learning or education. I found a way of communicating educational content related to the BNI model through simple hand drawn pictures. To use one of your Ivan-isms, “Facts tell and stories sell.” So I sell educational content through simple pictures.

And we are going to be talking about the power of one today, which is a concept that has been around a while, but you have put it together visually incredibly well. So you want to go through all of the different ones that are part of the power of one with us in the time we have here, Collin?

My other passion is managing and measuring. That is one of the strengths, I think, of BNI. The way we measure and record our performance. I have done a lot of visual analysis of chapter performance and there is no doubt that chapter performance is driven and chapters achieve performance through what we call the power of one, so it’s basically five concepts.

The first one is one of the core values. It is lifelong learning. So every member commits to one chapter education unit a week. They commit to educating themselves and measuring it through achieving one chapter education unit.

The second one, and I think this is probably the most important one, is we all commit to one meting a week.

One 1 -2 -1. I couldn’t agree with you more, Collin. That is really. Important.

If you commit to one chapter meeting a week, in fact, there is no absenteeism at all, you will –

I’m sorry. I was confused. You are saying commit to being there at the meeting.

Being at the meeting. Be present at the meeting.

So everyone knows, in one of my next podcasts, I am going to give some hard data on what Collin is talking about right now. Showing up makes a difference. Sorry, Collin. Go ahead.

Absolutely. You know, I have heard you speak many times about the fact that the biggest commitment a BNI member makes is time. So you make the time. You show up. You ar present and you are visible.

The next one in the power of one is one 1 – 2 – 1. You commit to one 1 – 2 – 1 per week with one of your fellow members and you are known and you develop a relationship with a future referral partner.

That automatically leads to one referral per week. It is very, very easy when you develop relationships through the 1 – 2 – 1 meetings and the GAINS Exchange profiles and you get to know your referral partners. It is very easy then to achieve one referral per week.

The final one in the power of one equation is one visitor per member per month because. Visitors are the lifeblood of BNI and the networking effect is an exponential effect. The bigger the network becomes, the more potential there is for referrals. So we maintain and. We grow our networking groups by brining visitors into the chapter meetings, introducing them to the BNI concept and encouraging them to join.

Those are the five criteria, if you like. Once CEU, one meeting, one 1 – 2 – 1, one referral and one visitor.

And all of these are per week, except the visitor- one per month. All of these thins ar measure able and chapters that do measure them get amazing results because. You achieve what you measure. You have done a video, which I am going to include in this podcast link.

It is very detailed data on what happens when. You do these things and the measure it. In about 30 seconds, Collin, can you describe briefly what they will see when they go to that video link I’ve got here?

You will see a short case study of a chapter that is focused on measurements, focused on the five power of one criteria and remarkably achieved 100% on the ultimate measure, which is what we call chapter traffic lights. A chapter in the Johannasburg north region reached 100% on chapter traffic lights by focusing on the power of one.

And you know, when you are focusing on the power of one, these are the fundamentals. You are doing the basics and you are measuring the basics. If o=you do the basics and measure the basics, you are going to get the results.

Collin, I love this graphic that you have done. I really like the video that you did. IS there anything you would like. To add before we wrap up here?

Well, I would just continue to study it and communicate it. I have a number of other case studies that I can show you chapters that are achieving outstanding results by focusing on the power of one.

I would love to see it, Collin, and maybe we can do. An article for SuccessNet based on some of your content here. For everyone listening to this podcast, if you are interested in seeing more that he has done, a lot of it about BNI, you can go to his website. You can also search his YouTube page. I am not kidding you guys. He has done a lot of graphics stuff on BNI. So take a look at his website or YouTube page. His website is, or as they say in South Africa, “zed a”, right? or search YouTube for to get more information on what he does.

And, hey, if you are interested , you know, maybe he would be able to help you in your business and thinking about how to present what you are doing in a visual way.

Collin, I want to thank you for all of the contributions that you have made at BNI. Everyone, keep an eye on my Facebook page. You will see more of his work on my Facebook page. It’s I would say every couple of weeks, we put up one of his graphics.

Collin, I just want to thank you for your contributions to BNI, to all of our websites, and today, to our podcast. Thank you, Collin.

Thank you, Ivan, Thank you.

Back to you, Priscilla.

Okay, great. Well, thank you, Collin, and thank you Ivan. I think that was wonderful and I look forward to looking at the graphics I would just like to remind the listeners that this podcast has been brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube. Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we look forward to having you join us next week for another exciting episode of the Official BNI Podcast.




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