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The Sims Social(模擬市民臉書版)外星人限時任務

The Sims Social, Extraterrestrial



這次任務是:Earthling, what Is… Woohoo?(地球人呀,什麼是「Woohoo」?)

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 1

任務:Earthling, what Is… Woohoo? 1

1. 用電腦「Delete Gossip」5次

2. 到2位鄰居家「Ask to vouch for you」

3. 擁有6個「Goodwill」(材料,取得方式請參考:各種物品取得方式


The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 1

(1) Delete Gossip

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 1

(2) Ask to vouch for you,需要朋友以上

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 2

任務:Earthling, what Is… Woohoo? 2

1. 擁有10個「Hammer」(材料,取得方式請參考:各種物品取得方式

2. 用書架「Research Translator Doobries」8次

3. 購買「Universal Translator Doobries」


The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 2

(2) Research Translator Doobries

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 2

(3) Universal Translator Doobries,服飾類別


The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 3

任務:Earthling, what Is… Woohoo? 3

1. 擁有4件「sci fi」(科幻)服飾

2. 擁有3件「sci fi」物品

3. 使用「Hygenix Ocean」


The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 3

(1) 服飾類,挑「Special」,這些都是

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 3

(2) 裝飾類這兩樣只要200元(需要掛在牆壁上),若有更便宜的也歡迎提供

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 4

(3) 去「Bella」家找到這個科幻機器,選「Teleport」

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 4

任務:Earthling, what Is… Woohoo? 4

1. 與4位鄰居做「交談」互動

1. 與4位鄰居做「親密」互動

1. 與4位鄰居做「取笑」互動


The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 4

(1)(2)(3) 互動基本上有三類,這任務就是三種都各要找4個鄰居做。

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 4

(2) 做完取笑惡作劇類,如果不想失去這個朋友,最好「Apologise」(道歉)一下。

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 5

任務:Earthling, what Is… Woohoo? 5


1. 擁有12個「Alien Fury」

2. 擁有12個「Alien Love」

3. 到5位鄰居家「Communicate Electronically」

The Sims Social, Alien FuryThe Sims Social, Alien Love

(1)(2)「Alien Fury」跟「Alien Love」取得方式有兩種,第一種是寄送邀請給朋友…

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 5



The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 5

(3) Communicate Electronically

要帶著任務2買的「Universal Translator Doobries」眼鏡才行。

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 6

任務:Earthling, what Is… Woohoo? 6

1. 用電腦「Research Alien Probling」10次

2. 發佈訊息請3個朋友幫忙

3. 到6位鄰居家「Check If Been Probed」


The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 6

(1) Research Alien Probling

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 6

(3) Check If Been Probed 

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 7

任務:Earthling, what Is… Woohoo? 7

1. 用望遠鏡「Check the Satrs」10次

2. 增加3名鄰居

3. 到6位鄰居家「Check the Satrs」

獎勵:Nice Cold(好冷

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 7

(1) Check the Satrs

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 7

(2) 提供一下個人的作法:先點這個「Add Neighbor」,挑選3位朋友寄出邀請,重新進入遊戲,任務就打勾了。(但應該重新進遊戲就會打勾,各位朋友可以試試看)

The Sims Social, Earthling, what Is... Woohoo? 7

(3) Ask for Galactic Directions

The Sims Social, Nice Cold

獎勵:Nice Cold,只會增加50房屋價值啊…>

The Sims Social, Nice Cold

「Nice Cold」冰箱的功能

Eat Old Food 提昇飢餓
Order Shopping  提昇飢餓
Check Supplies 提昇娛樂






轉貼文章的技巧可參考:Facebook 轉貼連結的設定


The Sims Social(模擬市民臉書版)目錄

.追蹤這個部落格的文章:闕小豪 on Facebook 或 闕小豪 on Google+

.臉書上的粉絲團:模擬市民臉書版(The Sims Social)


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