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女孩一日行程的最美搭配 SUGAR S20s陪妳開啟精彩的每一天 (137944) - 癮科技 Cool3c

Hair coloring, Skin, Purple, Hair, girl, skin, girl, brown hair, product, hair coloring

對青春洋溢的女孩兒來說,生活就是要過得比別人漂亮!除了要有自己獨到想法、也要懂得一些時尚穿搭,更重要的是要有能一起談心的好姐妹,就用手中的SUGAR S20s,把精彩的每一天紀錄下來吧!

新興手機品牌SUGAR,近幾年在台灣打下好口碑,旗下產品不僅設計絕美,且皆以超高性價比著稱,之前發表S11、C11等皆創下不錯成績,而最近發表的SUGAR S20s,主打訴求就是「美」一個字,這次也特地邀請到擁有廣大年輕粉絲所喜愛的偶像男星Bii畢書盡擔任代言。

Textile, Product, Beauty.m, Girl, beauty, beauty, girl, snapshot, photography, smile, textile, product


融入北緯65°北極光元素 譜出光與影的曼妙舞曲

這次SUGAR S20s最引人矚目的,肯定那夢幻到不思議的漸層炫彩背蓋,在設計上參考北緯65°北極光元素,無論從各個角度看去,都能感受到不同的耀眼光彩,光絕美的外型就叫人無法抗拒;另外,SUGAR S20s功能也值得一看,特別拍照部份搭載雙鏡頭,採用SONY全新感光元件imx486 CMOS,能拍出6,000萬畫素的超精細照片,其他包括AR萌拍、自動美顏…等拍照玩法也非常多,以下就讓我們來好好介紹吧!

Smartphone, Feature phone, Multimedia, , Cellular network, iPhone, Mobile Phones, Apple iPhone 4 - 16 GB Smartphone (MC603LL/A) AT&T A1332 6C2, refurbished Apple iPhone 5 T-Mobile White 32GB (MD296LL/A) (A1428), refurbished Apple iPhone 5 T-Mobile White 64GB (MD643LL/A) (A1428), grass, mobile phone, gadget, technology, portable communications device, communication device, electronic device, grass, smartphone, feature phone, cellular network

▲SUGAR S20s搭載6.18吋大螢幕,採19:9窄邊框設計,雖然走大尺寸手機路線,但體積沒想像中大,尺寸為156x76x7.75mm,重量也只有159g。


Smartphone, , Product design, Design, Product, iPhone, Mobile Phones, refurbished Apple iPhone 5 T-Mobile Slate 64GB (ME490LL/A) (A1428), Gray, Apple iPhone 4 - 16 GB Smartphone (MC603LL/A) AT&T A1332 6C2, refurbished Apple iPhone 5 T-Mobile White 64GB (MD643LL/A) (A1428), grass, mobile phone, gadget, green, technology, communication device, electronic device, grass, portable communications device, smartphone, telephone



Feature phone, Smartphone, Product, Product design, , Electronics, Purple, Design, iPhone, Mobile Phones, feature phone, mobile phone, gadget, purple, feature phone, electronic device, product, communication device, portable communications device, technology, product▲翻到背面也就是最大亮點,採炫麗奪目的漸層變色處理,能產生如此夢幻的視覺效果,最大關鍵在於,SUGAR團隊在設計上特別參考北緯65度北極光元素,採用多層高分子奈米炫彩鍍膜多層工法製成,從不同角度看去,藍紫光茫交織出的光影美感百看不厭。


Smartphone, Handheld Devices, Multimedia, Product, Portable media player, Product design, , Electronics, Media player, Design, smartphone, gadget, technology, electronic device, product, electronics, mobile phone, product, smartphone, portable communications device, mobile device▲仔細看發現機身側邊有一點立體感,這是因為以奈米級微結晶真空鍍膜處理,因此能展現出漂亮的金屬鏡面感,不過要一直擦拭指紋就是了。


Smartphone, Feature phone, Mobile Phone Accessories, Product, Product design, Cellular network, Photography, Electronics, Design, Purple, macro photography, gadget, mobile phone, macro photography, product, close up, technology, product, electronic device, cellular network, portable communications device

Display device, Multimedia, Desktop Wallpaper, Product, Product design, Electronics, Purple, Computer, Design, Computer Monitors, gadget, gadget, light, product, purple, electronic device, technology, product, electronics, multimedia, display device▲背面主相機為1,200萬+500萬畫素的雙鏡頭組合,與前鏡頭同樣支援多種拍攝模式,不過最厲害的是竟然可拍攝6,000萬畫素相片。背面下方還點綴一顆耀眼的施華洛世奇 Zirconia 寶石。


Smartphone, , Product design, Electronics, Design, Product, Laptop, iPhone, Mobile Phones, refurbished Apple iPhone 5 T-Mobile Slate 64GB (ME490LL/A) (A1428), Gray, smartphone, electronic device, technology, mobile phone, gadget, portable communications device, smartphone, communication device, laptop, electronics

Smartphone, , Multimedia, Lighting, Product design, Electronics, Design, Product, iPhone, Mobile Phones, smartphone, mobile phone, technology, electronic device, gadget, portable communications device, smartphone, lighting, communication device, product, electronics



Car, hardware, automotive exterior, product, hardware

Smartphone, Feature phone, Multimedia, Product, Product design, , Cellular network, Electronics, Design, iPhone, electronics, mobile phone, electronic device, gadget, technology, communication device, product, portable communications device, electronics, cellular network, smartphone

▲右側下緣還有一個SUGAR品牌標誌,機身底部分別為micro USB孔、立體聲喇叭以及3.5mm音源孔。


帶著SUGAR S20s出門去!度過輕鬆愜意的午後時光

Skin, Purple, Beauty.m, Electronics, Hair coloring, Hair, beauty, skin, beauty, purple, girl, long hair, product, brown hair, electronic device, hair coloring▲看完美美的手機外觀,緊接著趁著好天氣午后,正妹泱綾帶著SUGAR S20s出門玩耍,泱綾今天與好姐妹約在東區咖啡廳,希望度過輕鬆愜意的下午時光。

下午出門 PM 1:00-炫彩鍍膜背蓋 夢幻到不思議!

Clothing Accessories, Fashion, Socialite, Textile, Beauty.m, Accessoire, beauty, skin, beauty, lady, girl, fashion accessory, snapshot, shoulder, smile, fashion, textile▲今天走的是都會文青風,SUGAR S20s設計上導入北極光元素,將夢幻的光影漸變融入金屬鏡面,所有角度看去都耀眼光彩,更重要是與造型超搭。


Handbag, Leather, Purple, handbag, bag, handbag, product, leather

Girl, girl, girl, fun, smile▲SUGAR S20s炫彩背蓋在陽光照射下夢幻耀眼,即便只是從包包取出、或靠在耳邊講電話小動作,一不注意便不小心成為全場焦點。

與好姐妹會面 PM 1:30-AR萌拍超好玩 拍到停不下手!

Handheld Devices, Gadget, Girl, Communication, girl, electronic device, technology, girl, communication device, smile, gadget, product, mobile device▲與好姐妹聚會就是開心,此刻當然要用手機拍照紀錄呀!趁著上餐前空檔用SUGAR S20s內建AR萌拍功能大玩自拍,用最趣味的方式記錄生活!

Headpiece, Fashion, Health, Girl, Beauty.m, girl, fashion accessory, girl, fashion, product, hair accessory, headpiece

Photograph, Photography, Bridal shower, Socialite, Girl, Ceremony, Clothing Accessories, Hair, Wedding dress, , photograph, photograph, fashion accessory, event, photography, girl, fun, ceremony, smile, happiness, party▲SUGAR S20s內建數20多種AR萌拍特效,噴火、貓咪、飄雪…等樣樣來,自動偵測到人臉就會直接套用,好玩到讓人停不下手!

下午茶時光 PM 1:45-6,000萬超高畫素 影像畫質細膩無比

Breakfast, Cuisine, Lunch, Brunch, Flavor by Bob Holmes, Jonathan Yen (narrator) (9781515966647), Eating, Junk food, Food, Drink, Dish Network, drink, food, meal, drink, eating, lunch, cuisine, brunch, dish, junk food, breakfast▲與好姐妹約在東區奎咖啡館QUAY Café,聽說他們的抹茶鬆餅很厲害…哇上菜了,看起來真的超可口!不過在開動之前,先用SUGAR S20s拍照紀錄下來吧!

Socialite, Fur, Girl, Beauty.m, beauty, beauty, girl, shoulder, fashion, textile, outerwear, fur, smile▲SUGAR S20s拍照介面簡單好上手,右側功能列能輕鬆切換美肌、虛化、錄影,以及6,000萬超高畫素拍照效果。

以下直接附上多張SUGAR S20s實拍照,若沒有特別註明就是用主鏡頭6,000萬畫素拍攝,大家不妨可參考能放大22倍超精細的6,000萬畫素效果。

Street, Vehicle, Girl, City, street, road, street, vehicle, city, girl, recreation▲主鏡頭6,000萬畫素(1/125秒,f/2,4.23mm,ISO 100)


Health, Beauty.m, beauty, skin, beauty, lady, girl, smile, cheek, fashion model, black hair, long hair, brown hair▲前鏡頭自動美肌(1/200秒,f/2,3.4mm,ISO 100)


Sunglasses, Glasses, Fashion, Health, Beauty.m, sunglasses, eyewear, sunglasses, glasses, vision care, fashion accessory, fashion, cool, girl, product, fun▲前鏡頭AR萌拍


Floral design, Flower bouquet, Tradition, Flower, Design, Cut flowers, Tree, Pink M, Plants, Flowering plant, flower bouquet, flower, pink, flower arranging, flora, floristry, plant, flower bouquet, girl, spring, tradition▲主鏡頭6,000萬畫素(1/30秒,f/2,4.23mm,ISO 192)


Flower, Fashion, Girl, flower, flower, fashion, girl, window▲主鏡頭6,000萬畫素(1/160秒,f/2,4.23mm,ISO 100)


Rickey, Limeade, Cocktail garnish, Mojito, Caipirinha, Gin and tonic, Mai Tai, Limonana, Cocktail, Gin, the rickey, drink, the rickey, non alcoholic beverage, cocktail, caipirinha, mojito, juice, cocktail garnish, limeade, gin and tonic▲主鏡頭6,000萬畫素(1/100秒,f/2,4.23mm,ISO 125)


Breakfast, Dessert, Brunch, Recipe, Dish, Cuisine, Dish Network, , dessert, dessert, food, dish, meal, breakfast, cuisine, brunch, recipe▲主鏡頭6,000萬畫素(1/100秒,f/2,4.23mm,ISO 136)


Photo shoot, Girl, Outerwear, Photography, girl, girl, outerwear, photo shoot▲主鏡頭虛化效果(1/100秒,f/2,4.23mm,ISO 194)


Street, Girl, Travel, girl, girl, temple, street, road, travel, vacation▲主鏡頭6,000萬畫素(1/200秒,f/2,4.23mm,ISO 100)


Cuisine, Meal, , Dish Network, dish, food, cuisine, meal, dish▲錄影部份最高支援1080p,但最特別是能邊錄影邊拍照,若錄到一半發現有精彩畫面,按下快門鍵就能補捉下來!

前鏡頭錄影支援自動美顏功能,無論動態靜態都能保持美美的!以下附一段用SUGAR S20s前鏡頭錄製的影片給大家參考。


, iPhone, Mobile Phones, refurbished Apple iPhone 5 T-Mobile Slate 16GB (ME486LL/A) (A1428), Gray, Apple iPhone 4 - 16 GB Smartphone (MC603LL/A) AT&T A1332 6C2, refurbished Apple iPhone 5 T-Mobile Slate 64GB (ME490LL/A) (A1428), Gray, refurbished Apple iPhone 5 T-Mobile White 32GB (MD296LL/A) (A1428), refurbished Apple iPhone 5 T-Mobile White 64GB (MD643LL/A) (A1428), mobile phone, electronic device, technology, gadget, mobile phone, communication device▲提到個人隱私,SUGAR S20s內建滿滿的安全功能,中途離席去廁所怕手機被偷看,只要事先做好人臉與指紋雙解鎖設定就不怕了!

Feature phone, Smartphone, Handheld Devices, Cellular network, , Text messaging, mobile, Product, Mobile device management, Mobile app, feature phone, mobile phone, gadget, communication device, electronic device, feature phone, technology, portable communications device, smartphone, product, cellular network▲與好姐妹在線上聊天超開心,此時只要用三指由上往下滑就能截圖,快速分享姐妹的私密對話。另外SUGAR S20s還支援長截屏功能,三指往下滑後再按長截圖即可,如此就能一次把更多對話內容分享給好朋友。


獨享個人時光PM 5:00-6.18吋無邊框大螢幕 隨時隨地追劇超過癮

Product, Selfie, Beauty.m, beauty, beauty, girl, photography, long hair, product, brown hair, selfie, smile▲與好姐妹聚餐完,時間慢慢進入傍晚,接下來享受專屬自己的時光,就用SUGAR S20s追劇,瞧泱綾這表情超入戲呀!

Photography, Electronics, Girl, Gadget, gadget, photography, electronic device, technology, gadget, girl, fun▲SUGAR S20s搭載6.18吋大螢幕,加上19:9窄邊框能達到逼近全螢幕的視覺感,音效表現也不錯,看起來超過癮!

Feature phone, Smartphone, Product, , Product design, Cellular network, mobile, Text messaging, Design, Font, feature phone, red, mobile phone, gadget, electronic device, communication device, technology, feature phone, portable communications device, smartphone, product▲SUGAR S20s內建3,400mAh大容量電池,一整天下來還是很給力,甚至支援反向充電功能,要一邊使用、一邊幫另一支備用手機充電都沒問題。


SUGAR S20s集美型與內在於一身,搭載雙鏡頭不僅後拍厲害,就連前拍也怎樣拍怎麼美,6.18吋窄邊框大螢幕,也很適合隨時拿出來追劇。當然更重要的是,超夢幻的炫彩鏡面背蓋,與各種穿搭都很match,輕鬆成為全場矚目的焦點,多虧今天帶了SUGAR S20s出門,讓泱綾度過精彩又愉快的一天,SUGAR S20s果然是女孩日常生活的最佳伙伴!

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