尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan

台北中山地下書街 》Taipei Zhongshan Underground Book Street

誠品中山地下書街 (R79) 如同忠孝東路四段地下街般, 可從一個捷運站從地下走到下一個捷運站, 中山地下書街則是可從中山捷運站走到雙連捷運站.
Eslite Zhongshan Underground Book Street (R79) is similar with Zhongxiao East Road Underground street. You can walk from one MRT station to another. As for Zhongshan Book Street, you can walk from Zhongshan MRT station to Shuanglian MRT station.



其實R79命名是來自於出口編號R7與R9, 距離跟忠孝東路四段地下街相似, 但少了點商業氣息,多了點人文氣氣息, 長廊上擺設著台北街道展示作品, 圖片中的人物更是帶給作品更多連外國人都稱讚的人情味. 藉由誠品中山地下書街 (R79) , 誠品集團已從 “文青” 晉升為 “台灣文化“.
“R79” is named after Exit R7 and R9 (R stands for MRT Red line). The distance is also similar with the one at Zhongxiao East Road, about 700 meter. The artwork display parts of Taipei old street scene. The people in the artwork offers friendly and warm-heart feeling to the people who appreciate those particular work.



誠品書店呈隧道架構, 書牆與中間展示櫃距離頗近, 走道若有人就必須繞道, 在繁忙的週末似乎會造成一直分心無法專心看書的狀態, 座位的部分仍舊較少. 觀察之後,發現逛地下街的人以附近居民較多, 可能是附近飯店櫃台觀光指南沒有介紹吧.
The bookstore itself structure is more like tunnel. The book wall and the display shelf is a bit too crowded and only fit for one person to stand. It means that if you wish to pass by, you would need to take a detour. During the busy weekend, you might not able to enjoy the cozy and relax afternoon at the bookstore. After observing, there are more locals than foreign visitors. Maybe the nearby hotel concierge didn’t mention it.




There are two stores that worth visiting though


English Name: Wheel Shape Pastry
Price: NTD $30
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
位於中山地下街後段, 一個小攤位設在誠品Expo 入口, 共六種口味- 奶油, 紅豆 ,芋頭 ,地瓜, 芝麻 ,鮪魚玉米. 每個皆是 NTD $30. 當天傍晚因為太多人在排隊而作罷.
This small booth is located at the end of the underground street at the Eslite Expo. There are total 6 flavors – custard, red bean, taro, sweet potato, and tuna corn. Every pastry is $30/pcs. I gave up waiting since the waiting time is unexpectedly long.




English Name: Luguo Cafe
Review: 爐鍋咖啡 》 中山捷運站咖啡店 | Taipei Coffee



Travel Recommendation 推薦程度: 👍👍
Traffic Accessible 交通方便度: 👍👍👍👍👍
Address: 中山捷運站 Zhongshan MRT station

Traffic Instruction 交通指南:

搭紅色淡水線到中山站下車, 往四號出口方向
Get off at Zhongshan MRT station (R11) and follow the sign to Exit 4.
Taipei MRT Map (Link)







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