尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan

感謝您鹽酥雞路邊攤 》 台北市大安捷運站 | 信維市場 | Street Vendor

感謝您鹽酥雞路邊攤”是台北信維市場美食之一, 位於信義路四段與大安路二段轉角處, 從大安捷運站走過來只需約十分鐘的時間.
Thank You Street Vendor” is one of the vendors at Taipei XinWei Market. It is located at the corner of Xinyi 4th section and Daan 2nd section. It only takes 10 minutes walking distance from Daan MRT station.


每次老闆與老闆娘將餐交給客人時, 都會說聲“感謝您”, 開了N年態度依舊親切. 其實那天晚上點了非常多餐點, 我只挑四樣較為特別.
The boss and the boss’ wife say “Thank you” every time when they hand the finished order to the customer. Therefore, they got the street vendor name “Thank you”. After several years, their attitudes are still friendly. I only order quite a few items last time, but only select four special items.



English Name: Bao
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍

刈包在英國餐飲界捲起一陣炫風, 英國餐廳“BAO”採用的皆是年輕人喜愛的食材 – 牛小排, 泡麵..etc. 台北 “感謝您鹽酥雞路邊攤“老闆娘則是採用傳統食材- 豬肉, 酸菜 香菜與花生粉. 豬肉則是用切絲瘦豬肉而不是用五花肉, 但是滷得相當透澈呈現接近棕色, 爽脆的酸菜可降低多餘的油膩感, 香菜則是發揮其提味的效果, 與“藍家刈包”相比, 兩家各有特色且美味.
The UK restaurant “BAO” has established its brand image in UK restaurant industry. They always use the ingredients that young generation like – Short ribs, Ramen…etc. However, Taipei “Thank You Street Vendor” uses traditional ingredients – pork, pickled cabbage, cilantro, and peanut powder. The sliced pork doesn’t have much fatness but braised for quite a long time. The crisp pickled cabbage decreases the oily taste from the pork. However, comparing with other Bao vendors, its delicious level is quite high.



English Name: Fried Tangyuan (Fried Glutinous Rice Ball)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍

最常見到炸湯圓的地方則是婚禮, 總是會有一道名為“花好月圓”的料理, 但是在路邊攤看到的機會是零. 現炸湯圓的Q彈程度高, 一轉眼就吃完, 差點就要轉身再買.
The most common occasion to see the fried tangyuan is wedding. But you cannot see any fried tanguan in any street vendor in Taipei city. The fried tangyuan is chewy and delicious!



English Name: Crispy Fried Tofu Sheet
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍

蒙古紅火鍋店馬辣火鍋店常看得到豆皮, “感謝您鹽酥雞路邊攤” 將軟嫩豆皮現炸得相當酥脆, 完全沒有油膩風味, 且鹹度恰到好處, 酥脆口感讓人一口接著一口吃.
The tofu sheet is most seen ingredients in Mongolian hot pot and Mala hot pot. The crispy fried tofu sheet doesn’t  have any oily flavor with medium level of saltness. It is perfect for people who crave for fried snacks.



English Name: Herb Salted Chicken Chop
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

這是一整片雞排, 而不是常見的一小塊鹹酥雞, 我只吃了一口雞排, 雞肉的部分厚實且不乾澀.

This is chicken chop instead of diced chicken. However, I only taste one bit, which the meat is not dry at all.



延伸閱讀: 台北深夜食堂 》Taipei Midnight Diner Guide



Restaurant Name店名: 感謝您鹽酥雞路邊攤 “Thank You Street Vendor”
Address: 信義路四段與大安路一段轉角處 At the corner of Xinyi Road 4th section and Daan 2nd section
Nearby Address: No. 74, 4th Section Xinyi Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區信義路四段74號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: DA-AN Station 大安捷運站
營業時間: 5pm ~ 1:30am (Sunday Off)




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