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台北東區義大利餐酒館 》 鬍子餐酒 | Baffi Italian Trattoria

鬍子餐酒台北東區義大利餐酒館美食之一, 餐廳位於國父紀念館捷運站和忠孝敦化捷運站中間.
Baffi Italian Trattoria is one of the Bistros at Taipei East District. It is located in between SYS Memorial Hall and Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT Station.


菜單在文末 (並無酒單) Menu is at the end of article


店面的紅磚牆與少許落地窗非常地顯著, 入口處旁有酒木箱疊置, 將裝潢注入更多異國風, 深褐色木桌與桌椅間隔十分寬敞, 反而有Fine Dining的氛圍, 而不是像國父紀念館捷運站附近的La Piola 義大利餐酒館.
The red brick wall and windows decoration is quite catching. There are wine caskets placing at the entrance. Dark brown tables and chairs are comfortable and not too crowded. The atmosphere is more like Fine Dining instead of bistro, such as La Piola Italian restaurant.



我跟朋友用餐時間是星期一傍晚, 餐廳裡用餐的客人陸續增加, 我跟朋友用餐離開時竟佔了八成滿, 這是我去過的台北餐酒館名單裡較為少見. 跟朋友分別點了兩種燉飯 – 烙烤豬松阪燉飯和松露什錦菇起司燉飯. 也點了蘑菇爆鮮蝦與一杯House Wine.
My friend and I visited this restaurant at Monday evening. It had more customers than any other Taipei Bistros. We ordered two kinds of Risotto and Shrimp mushroom dish.




English Name: Risotto with Truffle & Mushroom
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

文末的Video裡可看到半熟蛋上放置一片中等Size黑松露刨片, 比Jamie’s Italian的黑松露白醬寬麵的Mini Size松露刨片大, 服務生開始將一大塊深黃色格拉娜帕達諾起司( Grana Padano)緩緩地刨絲.硬質Grana Padano起司在義大利家庭很常見,”Grana” 意思是“顆粒”, 意味著組織較容易刨成碎屑.
The video at the end of article shows that there is one medium size truffle at the top of the poached eggs. The size is bigger than Jamie’s Italian Black truffle pasta. Later on, the waiter starts to grind the hard cheese Grana Padano.



鬍子餐酒Menu 上提到Risotto是採用價格較高的義大利卡納羅利米品種 (Carnaroli), 高湯吸收力程度較其他義大利米高, 但米粒卻不容易煮爛. 將半熟蛋黃戳破流出, 將燉飯跟菇類豪邁地攪拌讓米飯更黏著, 菌菇香氣挑起食慾.松露與菌菇風味為主導, 綿密的燉飯口感加上清脆的綠蘆筍, 讓整道菜餚不會過膩. 也許是因為蛋黃的輔助, 讓整體的美味程度頗高.
Baffi Italian Trattoria’s menu mentioned that their Risotto uses higher cost Italian Carnaroli rice. This specific rice is able to absorb more broth. After stirring the egg yolk and risotto, the taste becomes more creamy and tasty. The mushroom aroma enhance the craving. The mushroom flavor and the crisp asparagus match perfectly in this dish.




English Name: Risotto with Charcoal Pork and Mixed Spices
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

由於已經有非常出色的松露什錦菇起司燉飯, 我跟我朋友都認為此道料理記憶點不顯著, 因為料理名稱裡有“烙烤”這兩個字, 原本期待著酥脆的豬肉, 但是因為濕潤的燉飯, 豬肉並無所謂的脆, 肉的口感接近軟嫩, 且香料並無為燉飯或是豬肉加分.
Even though the menu mentioned “charcoal pork”, but the meat is not crispy but yet tender. The risotto’s moisture overwhelms the crispy pork. Generally speaking, this dish performs just average.



Piccini Memoro Rosso 精選佳釀紅葡萄酒

English Name: House Wine (Piccini Memoro Rosso)
Price: NTD $200/Glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

紫紅色的酒體有著櫻桃香氣, 單寧與酸度並無想像地高, 酒體屬於飽和圓潤, 並不會乾澀, 中規中矩為經典的House Wine表現,
The purple red wine body has black cherry aroma. Both tannin and acidity are not high . The end note is not dry.




English Name: Mushrooms, Shrimp, Chili
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

小型鑄鐵鍋中放著少許誘人鮮紅中型蝦與小型蘑菇, 蝦肉本質鮮美並不會過軟且帶有微辣, 但是我個人比較喜歡ABV Bar & Kitchen 的蒜味蝦 ($320) 和百里香蘭姆酒炒菇 (NTD $260), 兩道料理的量也較多.
There are only a few shrimps and mushroom in a small iron pot. The shrimp tastes delicious with hints of spicy. However, I personally like ABV Bar & Kitchen garlic shrimp ($320) and rum mushroom ($260). Both dishes have more quantity than Baffi Italian Trattoria.



延伸閱讀: 台北異國料理餐酒館 》TAIPEI BISTRO GUIDE

延伸閱讀: 適合帶女朋友去約會的餐廳 》Romantic Restaurants





Restaurant Name 店名: 鬍子餐酒 Baffi Italian Trattoria
Address: No.4, 4th ale, 345th lane, 4th Section Ren-ai  Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區仁愛路四段345巷4弄4號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station 國父紀念館捷運站
營業時間:12am ~ 5pm ; 5:30pm ~ 10pm


部分菜單  Parts of Menu






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