尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan

1/2 CAFE 》台北南京三民捷運站咖啡輕食店 | 雪糕冰拿鐵

位於台北松山區南京東路五段的1/2 Cafe採用台灣食材製作手作果露咖啡, 深受附近上班族與居民喜愛, 近日也推出雪糕冰拿鐵和4度C冰鬆餅, 這次我有這個榮幸可以品嚐到這些新產品.
1/2 Cafe is located near Nangjing Sanmi MRT station in Taipei Songshan District. The owner uses Taiwan local ingredients to make unique style coffees. 1/2 Cafe now promotes their seasonal items- Latte Popsicle and Iced Waffle with Mochi, which I have the opportunity to try both.


室內設計採用類似英倫風格, 皮革黑沙發與通往各個國家的路標擺放在窗邊,英國常見的紅色電話亭當作櫥窗擺放著咖啡豆包裝, 牆上寫著 “Life is Simple, It Is Just Not Easy” , 這不就是上班族的心聲嗎?! 店家提供免費WIFI和插座, 平日不限時用餐時間, 在不收服務費的情況下, 店長仍舊親自倒了杯水拿給客人,提醒櫃檯旁可自行倒水.
The interior design is toward England theme. Black leather sofa and the road sign are placed by the window. The coffee bean packages are placed inside the British red telephone booth as the display window. The coffee shop offers free wifi and wall sockets for unlimited time without any service charge.


*Menu is at the end of article 菜單在文末 *


雪糕冰拿鐵 (關山黑糖)

English Name: Latte Popsicle (Brown Sugar Flavor)
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

從“經典調酒拿鐵”和“手作果露拿鐵”系列裡八選一, 我當然是選平常點的黑糖拿鐵. 其實多數台灣人較熟悉的是日本沖繩黑糖而非國產的台南關山黑糖, 後來才發現關山黑糖吳寶春當初在巴黎參加世界盃比賽所指定產區黑糖.
Latte Popsicle is one of most interesting items that I have ever tried. First of all, You would need to choose one out of eight items from “Classic Cocktail Latte” and “Latte with various flavor”. I ordered Brown Sugar Latte as usual. Their brown sugar is from Guan-Shan, Tainan instead of Okinawa, Japan. Google stated that World Champion Chef Wu Pao-Chun uses only Guan-Shan brown sugar while he competed at France.


跟店家閒聊, 白色奶油部分需要一天冷凍,深褐色的Double Expresso部分則是用中度偏淺烘培綜合咖啡豆,也需一天冷凍, 製作雪糕總共需要兩天的時間, 價格$160簡直就是佛心價.
While chatting with the chef, the white part, which is frozen cream, would need one day to freeze. As for the dark brown part, which is frozen double expresso, would also need another day. In order to make this medium size popsicle would need total 2 days. And the store only charges for $160, which is way cheaper than its value.



店家自製雪白色的奶油正在慢慢融化, 趕緊地品嚐一口, 冰涼且綿密的口感是一種享受, 將雪糕浸到加關山黑糖的微冰牛奶裡, 正當上方奶油全部融化後, 咬了一口用Double Expresso製作的深褐色雪糕, 剛開始是則是濃郁的黑糖拿鐵風味, 並不會過甜, 第二口則是Double Express的高酸度且高咖啡因, 只能用過癮兩個字來形容.
The creamy white part was melting while I tasted it. The freezing cold and creamy texture is perfect for summer time. Later on, soaking the popsicle into the cold milk with brown sugar would melt the popsicle slower. Afterwards, one bite at the frozen double expresso part could give you the high acidity and high caffeine dual satisfaction.



4度C冰鬆餅 (需預約)

English Name: Iced Waffle with Mochi (Call to Reserve)
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

鬆餅跟雪糕一樣都是店家製作, 在客人預約時間之前就要先冰好再烤, 才能維持鬆餅外皮溫熱酥脆, 裡面的麻糬冰但鬆軟. 一旁有冰涼的黑芝麻和綠茶奶油花瓣, 維持長時間花瓣狀則是要低溫冷凍, 前置作業也需要一段時間.
Both Waffle and Popsicle are made by the owners. The owner mentioned that iced waffle would need to be refrigerated before baking. The frozen cold black sesame cream petals and green tea cream petals are placed next the waffle. Since all procedure would take quite a while, customers would need to call in to reserve this dish.


吃第一口時, 顛覆對熱騰騰鬆餅內餡的印象, 表皮酥脆,麻糬如預期地冰涼, 但非常地軟, 每吃一小塊都抹不一樣的黑芝麻或綠茶奶油, 或是用傳統的吃法-也就是加蜂蜜, 三者之中我比較喜歡黑芝麻奶油, 芝麻香味配鬆餅內的麻糬也是一種享受.
The first bite changed my impression about waffle. The appearance is crispy as usual, but the filling, which is mochi, is cold but soft. You can pair with black sesame cream, green tea cream, or the traditional, which is honey. My personal favorite would be black sesame since it is great pairing with mochi.




English Name: Hot Latte with Lychee Liqueur
Price: NTD $130
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

給我聞一下味道, 心裡想著“嗯, 荔枝風味夠, 酒精不高“, 就鼓起勇氣點了荔枝甜酒拿鐵. 很多人似乎誤會調酒拿鐵會跟”Irish Coffee”一樣會有火焰秀, 其實火焰是降低酒精濃度, 至於荔枝香甜酒的ABV只有約21%, 因此不會有所謂的火焰秀.
The owner uses French brand DITA brand Lychee liqueur for this interesting latte. Many would misunderstand that most cocktail latte/coffee would need to light up like a live fire show. But however, since DITA brand lychee liquor has low ABV, it of course doesn’t require a light-up fire show.



喝第一口時, 口感跟普通拿鐵一樣, 荔枝香氣跟咖啡風味是平行,等到咖啡降溫後, 酒精濃度蓋住了荔枝的甜味跟拿鐵濃郁牛奶味, 這款咖啡較適合平常有在喝酒的人 (例如我).
First taste at this cocktail latte is similar with regular latte texture. Lychee aroma and coffee flavors are almost parallel. After the latte cooled down, the ABV covers the sweetness of lychee and creamy milk flavor. This latte is suitable for people who drink regularly (for example, me).



*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受




Cafe Name店名: 1/2 Cafe
Address: No. 35 ,5th Section,Nangjing East Road, Taipei City 台北市松山區南京東路5段35號 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Nangjing Sanmi MRT station 南京三民捷運站
電話:02 3765 5883
Wifi 無線網路: Yes
Wall Socket 插座: Yes
Monday ~ Friday: 8am ~ 10pm
Saturday: 9am ~ 10pm
Sunday: 9am ~ 6pm





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