尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan

Make a decision

Why not to make a decision, I will say…
Make the things happened, than there’s nothing can’t be done.」



I don’t want to stay here any more.

Since I came here at the very start.

I can’t feel I am suit here even I’m stay here for two years.

But now … it’s right time to make a decision.

That I must be find a good way to make my life run well.


It just because I know what my heart need.

Why not to follow with?


There’s no place that I can’t leave or quit.

We should think if someplace that you can’t stay well,

than maybe the best choice is …

to find another place could be suited for you.


「Make the things happened, than there’s nothing can’t be done.」


Go ahead to find yourself, and stay well as you can.


本文由 stillcarol 提供 原文連結

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