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科普 | 圖說CTC之發現史

循環腫瘤細胞(Circulating tumor cell,CTC)發現已久,作為腫瘤轉移和複發的關鍵因素,研究自發現以來從未止步。這些關鍵性的發現,讓我們能夠了解CTC,從而研發出相應的檢測技術。作為液態活檢(←戳鏈接看介紹)標誌物的重要一類,CTC檢測技術在腫瘤診療個體化的當下也愈發成熟。



# 參考文獻 #

[1] Epithelia suspended in collagen gels can lose polarity and express characteristics of migrating mesenchymal cells.

[2] Mechanisms, mechanics and function of epithelial-mesenchymal transitions in early development.

[3] Isolation by size of epithelial tumor cells: a new method for the immunomorphological and molecular characterization of circulatingtumor cells.

[4] Detection of circulating tumor cells in blood using an optimized density gradient centrifugation.

[5] Role of organ selectivity in the determination of metastatic patterns of B16 melanoma.

[6] Mechanisms of human tumor metastasis studied in patients with peritoneovenous shunts.

[7] A Positive Feedback Loop between Mesenchymal-like Cancer Cells and Macrophages Is Essential to Breast Cancer Metastasis.

[8] The distribution of secondary growths in cancer of the breast.

[9] A flattened mouse embryo: Leveling the playing field.

[10] A case of cancer in which cells similar to those in the tumors were seen in the blood after death.


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