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常常喜樂 Happy


你們要靠主常常喜樂。我再說,你們要喜樂。 腓立比書 4:4

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! P H I L I P P I A N S 4 : 4


著名歌手、詩人Pharrell Williams在他一首流行的歌曲「快樂」中這樣唱到:「有壞消息來啦,有這個,有那個。沒關係,都告訴我吧。不要擔心,因為我很快樂。」他是怎麼做到的?遇到不開心的事情,他為何還能快樂?當人失望、沮喪、痛苦的時候,是否有可能快樂起來?

不管Pharrell Williams是否有意在他歌中這樣唱,他重複了一個符合聖經教導的人生觀點。耶穌早期的門徒也都知道,就是不管遇到怎樣的情況,哪怕是性命攸關,都要站立得穩,常常喜樂。 再黑暗,也會遇到一絲光明,不要放棄。上帝真的讓我們喜樂,不管我們身處怎樣的環境。

In his hit song 「Happy,」 the pop poet Pharrell Williams sings, 「Here come bad news talking this and that. Yeah, give me all you got, don』t hold back, because I』m happy.」 How could he challenge hardship to not hold back? And how could he say he was happy even as bad news talked smack to his face? Is it possible for humanity to glimpse joy even in the midst of frustration and suffering?

Pharrell Williams, whether he intended to or not, touched on an old idea, one that the first followers of Jesus knew well. No matter what circumstances people find themselves in, whether dire or dry or dreaded, Jesus emboldens them to stand strongly with a remarkable joy. People who had been enfolded in the deepest darkness find in Jesus an infusion of light that lifts the heart. God truly does make us joyful despite our circumstances.



Dear Jesus, let your joy pierce the shroud around me. I need your light and life. Let my heart smile wider and wider and wider today. Amen.



Smile. All day. Try it. Smile on your own. Smile with others. Exercise the muscles around the mouth all day long. And every time you do, remember that Jesus is dwelling in you, giving you strength and hope and lighthearted joy. Your cheeks will hurt tomorrow, but it will be worth it.


本文由 yidianzixun 提供 原文連結

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