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「there + be + N./ 代詞 + 非謂語動詞」

其中非謂語動詞的形式取決於句子中名詞/代詞和該動詞之間是主動關係還是被動關係。是主動關係時用現在分詞形式, 如果是被動關係則用過去分詞形式。

There are some students singing in the classroom.]

There were two students killed in the fighting.

Newspapers reported that there were hundreds of houses burned in the great fire.

6. stomach n. 腹部;胃 stomachache n. 胃、肚子痛

7. Would prefer + sth. 更願意…

Would prefer to do sth. 更願意做某事

prefer + sth. 更願意要…

sb. to do sth 更願意讓某人做某事

doing / to do sth. 更願意做某事

that sb. should do…更願意讓某人做某事

to do… rather than do…寧願做…也不寧願做…

(doing) sth… to (doing) sth.寧願(做)某事也不寧願(做)某事

8. apply v. 申請

apply (to sb. ) for sth. 向(某人)申請… apply oneself to… 專心; 集中精力

apply to do sth. 申請做某事 apply to sb. /sth. 適用,應用

9.suggest 提議;建議

①+ sth

② + doing sth.

③ + sb』s doing sth.

④ + sth. to sb.

⑤ + that sb. ( should ) do sth.

⑥ It』s suggested that sb. ( should ) do sth.


10. No longer = not any longer 不再(時間,狀態上不再延續)

No more = not any more 不再(數量上的不再延續)

11. thick adj. a thick rope粗繩

thick black hair濃密的頭髮 a thick forest茂密的森林

a thick door厚重的門 thick smoke濃煙

12.rub v. ~ sth on /over rubbed

13.protect v. protection n.

protect sb /sth from (against) sth 保護…不受…傷害

keep … from doing sth.

stop … (from )doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

prevent …. (from)…

14.affect (v.) = have an effect on 影響

have an effect on/ upon sb./ sth. attention to: give your attention to

16. No rain forest, no animals and no drug.

No. A, no B. (如果)沒有……就(沒有)….. No pains, no gains

17.Would like + sth. 想要某東西

to do sth. 想做某事

sb. to do sth 想某人做某事



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