尋找貓咪~QQ 地點 桃園市桃園區 Taoyuan , Taoyuan



Yunnan Opera, known as 「acting in an opera」 and 「Yunnan traditional opera」 before the new China, is generally called asYunnan opera after the new China. It is one of the feature operas of Yunnan Province and has a history of one hundred years. Yunnan Opera absorbs folk art, blends many systematic tunes, music, tune names and performance figures of southern and northern operas, and becomes the one which combines local tunes, customs and habits. Yunnan opera was listed as the 2nd batch of national level「intangible cultural heritage」 list in 2008.


The performance of Yunnan opera has two stages: mobile performance and theater performance. Now it is increasingly difficult to find places to appreciate Yunnan opera in Kunming. And as far as the editor knows, the places to watch Yunnan opera are Lotus Pond Courtyard Theater, Nanqiang Street Courtyard Theater, Kunming Laojie Street Ma』s Courtyard Theater, Green Lake Lotus Buddha Hall, Yunnan Opera Troupe in Zhuanxin Farmers Market Building, Yunnan Province Yunnan Opera Theater, Gudu Operatic Circle inthe Old Town of Guandu.

{ 蓮花池庭院劇場 }



It is noticeable that original courtyard operas like 「The ThreeWomen Ghosts」, the Poem of Yuanyuan, the Tang PalaceLove between Lu Yu and Li Jilan, Pink ·Waiting, etc. take the lead in shaping the urban culture of Kunming, so they areincreasingly well-known.

{ 雲南省滇劇院 }


雲南省滇劇院位於東寺街276號 滇劇示範性、代表性藝術表演團體創作了大批優秀劇目,其中《荷花配》《牛皋扯旨》《打瓜招親》《借親配》《送京娘》《烤火下山》《鼓滾劉封》《高山紅霞》《廚娘》等劇目多次晉京演出而在昆明本地也頗有知名度。

Yunnan Province Yunnan Opera Theater is located in No. 276, Dongsi Street, and it is a demonstration and representative artisticperformance group of Yunnan opera. Operas created by it including「Lotus Marriage」, 「Niu Gao Tears up the Imperial Edict」, 「Love in the Melon Field」, 「A Borrowed Wife」, Escorting JingniangWarm by the Fire under the Mountain」, Roll the Drum with Liu Feng Inside, 「Ideological Struggle in Hongxia Ridge People』s Commune」, Female Cook, etc. have been put on in Beijing, and they are very popular among native people, too.

{ 篆新農貿市場樓上的滇劇團 }



The troupe located in Zhuanxin Farmers Market was established in 1980s, and it is consisted of over 20 members. The average age of actors/actresses is over 60. Despite of the old age, the experiencedartists have unique adept skills in male/female roles and martial andclownish roles.

{ 古渡梨園滇劇花燈傳習館 }



票價僅5塊錢的他們每周三到周日都開演,每天兩個小時,風雨無阻。唱的劇豐富多彩有:王寶釧、秦香蓮、白扇記、二十四孝…… 每天都不一樣,他們在在滇劇日漸式微的現代社會中,用地道的唱腔和鮮活的表演,傳承著古老的滇劇藝術小編深深的佩服。

The full name of Gudu Operatic Circle is Gudu Operatic Circle Yunnan Opera Festive Lantern Ethnic Culture School, which is located in an unimpressive lane in the Old Town of Guandu in Kunming. Grassroots artists will put on their performance here at two in the afternoon from Wednesday to Sunday.

The admission ticket for their show from Wednesday to Sunday only costs RMB 5, and the show lasts for two hours every day, regardless of the weather. The operas are colorful, including Wang Baochuan, Qin Xianglian, the Story of A White Fan, 24 Stories about Filial Piety, etc., and the shows are different every day. These artists inheritthe ancient traditional Yunnan opera art with authentic vocal music and vivid performance in the modern society, despite the factthat Yunnan opera is fading away.


We always appear to have fun from mobile phones in the metropolitan with a rapid pace. The entertainment to watch an opera show with a cup of tea in the afternoon is increasingly far from us, but we need a lower life, don』t we?


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