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Message from Ms. Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought


17 June 2017


Our land. Our home. Our future.


This must be our motto today – especially in the struggle against desertification.


The role of environmental changes in migration and population displacement across the world is increasingly clear. Massive numbers of 『environmental refugees』 are now regularly presented as one of the most dramatic possible consequences of climate change and desertification. And this is only set to increase. By 2030, the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification warned that 135 million people were at risk of being displaced because of desertification, with 60 million people expected to move from sub-Saharan Africa to Northern Africa and Europe.

在世界各地的人口移徙和民眾流離失所問題上,環境變化的作用日益明顯。大量的「環境難民」湧現,於今經常被視為氣候變化和荒漠化帶來的最可怕的一個後果。而這種現象只會有增無減。聯合國防治荒漠化公約秘書處警告 說,到2030年,將有一億三千三百萬人因為荒漠化而面臨流離失所的危險,預計將有六千萬人從撒哈拉以南非洲遷往北非和歐洲。

These forecasts show that arid and semi-arid regions would be mostly affected by desertification and population movements. Rural populations, relying on pastoral livelihoods, agriculture and natural resources, will be highly exposed due to existing vulnerabilities, including poverty, poor levels of education, lack of investment, remoteness, and isolation.


We must counter these trends and this means acting at two levels.


First, we must manage land correctly, because this is crucial in preventing its desertification and for keeping its productivity. The UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Las Bardenas Reales in Spain shows that informed management of arid lands, based on an alternation between pasture uses, cultivations and fallow periods, allows not only the halt of desertification but also the possibility of inverting the process and restoring previously degraded lands. This is why the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme is so committed to build capacity and provide policy guidance and tools to address drought and desertification related challenges, particularly related to water resources management, through the Global Network on Water and Development Information for Arid Lands (G-WADI).

首先,要正確管理土地,因為這對防治土地荒漠化和保持土地生產力至關重要。西班牙 Las Bardenas Reales教科文組織生物圈保護區的經驗顯示,以放牧、耕作與休牧、休耕交替的方式對乾旱土地進行知情管理,不僅可以防止荒漠化,而且還可能會逆轉進程,使退化的土地得到修復。正因如此,教科文 組織國際水文計劃通過乾旱地區水資源及其發展信息全球網,正努力開展能力建設工作並提供政策指導和工具,以解決特別是與水資源管理相關的乾旱和荒漠化問題。

Second, we must bolster the resilience of vulnerable populations by supporting alternative livelihoods to break the vicious circle of desertification and related socioeconomic consequences often leading to migration. In seeking to foster education and capacity building in science, technology and engineering, for both girls and boys in vulnerable countries, UNESCO』s International Basic Sciences Programme is working to create new employment opportunities for youth, lessen the reliance on climate dependent income resources, to offer people a future that is resilient at home.


On this day, we must recognise that desertification is a global phenomenon that threatens everyone and we must start to act globally to build a sustainable and stable future for all.



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