3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

快追踪我們知道更多好吃美食旅遊景點 這首Enter the circus + Welcome是一首組曲 收錄在Back to Basic專輯CD2的前兩首歌 歌曲音樂元素豐富 歌詞句句到位 裏面最震撼我的幾句話: Do you want to be widely entertained? (你想被盡興的款待/娛樂嗎?) People to know your name? (誰知道你的名字嗎?) I ask you, do you want to come and play? (我問你,想不想來一起玩?) 這3句話就足以讓我皮膚起雞皮疙瘩 套一句星光大道張宇老師的話 這3句我想就是這首組曲的勾子 深深勾住我的耳朵 看完此MV就覺得寫這歌的人對人生的體驗應該很豐富 似乎想把演藝圈黑暗的一面 用最黑色幽默的方式呈現出來 其實, 我想不只也是演藝圈 同樣在我喜歡看的WWE裡面 雖然光鮮亮麗的舞台上 是有好萊塢臉龐的俊男美女 他們有最好的訓練設備 最好的舞台安排 最讚的導演和編劇 以及精彩奪目的燈光設計+音樂搭配 但也有人使用steroid (禁藥)來讓自己更快、更狠、更壯! 下場是爆斃旅館 讓粉絲痛心 在我看WWE 10年的日子裡, 已經看過2個我最喜歡的人死掉了 🙁 其中一個還殺了老婆, 勒斃小孩,然後自殺 因為他知道, 服用了禁藥,已經到了無可自拔的地步, 身體會一天不如一天 快速老化而死 人生就是如此 我是覺得不要想當舞台的焦點 只要做好自己該做的本分就好 而想要一步登天的想法 還是早早放棄 否則只會摔得更慘 更碎 不過,人生就是一場戲 你看我,我看你 看看現今的社會 出賣靈魂的事情 是每天都在上演 是阿,想讓自己更快 飛得更高 卻跌的更深 歌詞: Is it all blue skies (難道就雨過天晴?) Fun and games untill you fall (跌到之前的遊戲而已) Then you're left without anyone at all (然後沒有人會理會你) You're riding on a shooting star (你正搭上一顆發光發熱的星) With a smile upon your face (你臉上有著笑容) But soon the shine fades (但很快的光芒將滅) 歌詞寫的很白 很直接 但千金難買早知道的故事 也看了不想看了 世界本是充斥著邪惡,evil, 只是, 想Back to Basic, 回到最初 我看沒有多少人會真的想去體會 呵呵…………… Enter the Circus歌詞 Ladies and gentlemen Boys and girls Step right up, step right up Come closer, you won't believe your eyes Behind this curtain, Witness something you've never seen before, Heard before, dreamt before The most amazing show on earth La la la la la la la It's the most amazing show on earth La la la la la la la Do you want to be widely entertained? People to know your name? Do you crave fame? Well they say “things aren't always what they seem to be” Even your greatest fantasies You won't believe your eyes Won't even recognise The wonderment that lies Behind the shimmer and the lights Is it true what they say? Is it all just fun and games? Or is there more behind the makeup, And the faces full of paint? I ask you, do you want to come and play? Hahahaha Get the world to come and play Hahahaha So sit back, relax, fasten your seatbelts It's going to be a bumpy ride to the other side Welcome歌詞 Woah, ohh Welcome to the greatest show Greatest show on earth You've never seen before Here the fairytale unfolds What's behind the smoke and glass? Painted faces, everybody wears a mask Are you selling them your soul? Well you'll be left out in the cold Is it all blue skies Fun and games untill you fall Then you're left without anyone at all You're riding on a shooting star With a smile upon your face But soon the shine fades And you're left out all alone Wondering where did they all go? Oooh Been jaded, hated, Who'll be around when the limelight's faded? Been shut down, pushed out Made to smile when I wanted to frown Always taking a bow Always working the crowd Always breaking new ground Always playing the clown Who'll be sticking it out? Who'll be staying around When the lights go down? 快追踪我們知道更多好吃美食旅遊景點延伸閱讀 金牌特務Kingsman:娛樂性超高之柯林叔殺很大爽片一部,春節檔期必看電影!! 無比酸楚的簡單情歌。I could give you love 不是每段青春都有美好回憶♂壁花男孩(The Perks of Being a Wallflower) 柴克艾福隆不要急著轉型好嗎?之劃錯重點的【幸運符】The Lucky One不專業影評 偏心到底的心花朵朵開影評*神鬼認證4(The Bourne Legacy)[有雷慎入] Jeremy Renner傑瑞米雷納:讓少女心再次綻放的個性男星(圖多請耐心欣賞!!) 。我可能不會愛你。公主與王子的最終結局? 二樣青春:[翻滾吧!阿信]VS[那些年,我們一起追的女孩] GA瀏覽人氣:8 Post Views: 63

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