3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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艾菠家裡養了一大缸的孔雀魚 APO has raised a tank of guppies. 生命力生生不息地 They are like that they have a permanent future. 艾菠咬一口FB粉絲團 ↑↑↑快加入隨時接收最新有趣的資訊↑↑↑ 艾菠家魚缸一隅 APO's fish tank 歡迎留言與我互動,別忘記訂閱,隨時收到最新更新通知! Don't forget SUBCRIBE & COMMON 最近三個月換了新飼料 I have changed the new fish food for three months ago. 原本的飼料水族館不進貨了 Because there are no the fish food that we were used to buy anymore. 現在使用的飼料是海豐的巧必可燈科免疫揚色飼料 We bought the new fish food. It's called TROPICAL from HAI FENG FEED CO.. 本來在換飼料前,孔雀魚兒們的數量一直沒有增加 The number of guppies has never increased before the fish food was changed. 只有不停地銳減 There were only constantly decreasing. 這三個月使用新飼料之後 In the there months, we started to feed the new fish food from HAI FENG. 突然從15隻增加到上百隻了(((感恩吸附啊!!!!嗯? The number of guppies suddenly from 15 to hundreds and more.It's really crasy! 其實外觀和以前使用的魚飼料大同小異 The appearance is smiliar to the old one. 這款主要原料為:魚粉、酵母粉、麵粉、黃豆粉、南極蝦粉、多醣體免疫物質、蛋白質分解酵素、礦物質、多種維生素及天然色素等 Major ingredients : Fishmeal,yeast powder,flour,soy powder,Antarctic shrimp powder,polysaccharide immune substances,proteolytic enzymes,minerals,multivitamins and natural pigments,etc. 成分看了似乎都餓了(((威~~~ The ingredients look great to eat. lol 另還含特殊水質淨化配方,不容易汙染水質 It also comtains special water purification formula which is not easy to pollute the water of  tank. 也強調在使用2-4週後,能幫助魚兒逐漸顯現自然的色彩 The fish's skin will be more colorful after 2-4 weeks. 一天能餵食2-4次, Feed 2-4 times daily. 如果中間有幫魚缸換水超過1/2缸,則要隔天才能開始餵食 If you replace the water of tank over 1/2 , you have to stop feeding and start to feed after one day. 感覺養魚的學問博大精深啊 I think the knowledge of the fish farming is profound. 艾菠家餵食魚兒方式一向都是採『心情制』 (汗... APO feeds the fish that always been to adopt a ''mood system''. 艾菠家買大罐150克的,330元 We choose the big size,150 gram,NT$330 開口則是掀蓋式的 The lid is clamshelling. 很方便使用 It's convenient to use. 已經買超過三個月了,還沒用完 It's bought over three months. 養孔雀魚真的是寵物界的小資款(感動 It's very cheap to raise guppies. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 【結論】 自從使用這款海豐魚飼料之後 魚兒感覺免疫力提高了 看著生生不息的魚缸真的很療癒 健康就好,健康就好(媽媽心聲 以下是我們家魚兒的冰山一角 他們游太快了我實在沒法拍到美美的特寫啊(跪...... 艾菠咬一口FB粉絲團 ↑↑↑快加入隨時接收最新有趣的資訊↑↑↑ 歡迎留言與我互動,別忘記訂閱,隨時收到最新更新通知! Don't forget SUBCRIBE & COMMENT 也請不吝嗇給予『+1』、與親朋好友『分享』 PLEASE 「+1」, 「share」 一定要和艾菠保持聯繫啊~~朋友~~~不要留我一個人~~~~~ 本文章版權屬於艾菠咬一口©APO 如要轉載請標明出處 艾菠工作室貼圖上架了!!!!!! https://line.me/S/shop/sticker/author/542028 除了購買貼圖之外 您也可以買杯飲料給艾菠來鼓勵艾菠唷~!!!!!! Bye me a Coffee

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