3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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夏天就是缺水又狂出油啊! 這陣子剛好面膜用完了,卻沒時間補貨 I have run out of facial mask,but no time to replenishment.  導致於心情很煩躁,畢竟本人的膚質就是極度需要保濕啊 (吶喊~~~~~~ I feel bad all day. Because my skin is very dry & sensitive. 偏偏我的皮膚大人又敏感膚質,不能亂買...(跪 That's why I can't buy a mask everywhere. 上週末菠媽突然丟出一盒面膜給我!!!!! Apo's mom suddenly gave me a box of mask last week. 原來是她以前買太多清出的庫存啊  (((神啊~~~妳聽到我皮膚大人的呻吟了是嗎 There are too many masks in her room. She immediately become my hero. 菠媽就是那種平常愛買一堆, Apo's mom is definitely a SHOPAHOLIC. 買到自己都忘記有什麼東西存在,甚至忘記存放於何地的那種人... She buy everything. Then she forget them. lol 艾菠咬一口FB粉絲團 ↑↑↑快加入隨時接收最新有趣的資訊↑↑↑ 一拿到外包裝長這樣, Here's the outer package. 是水美媒家的面膜,叫「水美眉超導離子水面膜」 It's called YOUNGSPRAY SUPER MASK from OGUMA. 外盒有明確的成分標示、製造廠商、使用方法 We can see the ingredients,origin,and instructions. 製造日期則是直接打印在面膜的本體包裝上,外盒上並沒有 Expiring date is printed on the mask but not on the outer box. 面膜本身是深藍色為主體的外包裝 The mask package is navy blue. 強調每片面膜等於連續使用120次的OGUMA化妝水 It emphasizes each mask equals that you use the OGUMA lotion consecutively for 120 times. 也標示了敏弱肌適用, And it also can be used by the sensitive skin. 一大盒有30片,我媽說當時買換算一片不用20塊!(((揪甘心~~~ 30 piece of a box. A piece of mask is under NT$20. 撕開的缺口在包裝上緣左右側各有一個 Two gaps on upper edge of the package.  正反面有很清楚的使用說明及成分標示 There are very clear instructions for using and ingredients on the front and back package. 包裝設計得很容易撕開 (常常很多面膜包裝想撕開都是悲劇啊... It's designed to be easily opened. 面膜被折得很工整放置在包裝袋內, The mask is folded and place neatly in the bag. 一片24克 It's 24 gram of one piece of the mask. 取出後會看到,除了面膜本體之外,還有一層珍珠膜包覆著面膜 After taking it out, you'll see that in addition to the mask, there is a layer of peal film. 面膜並沒有任何香料或是刺鼻味,聞不出有什麼味道 There are'nt any fragrance or pungent. It doesn't be smelled anything. 面膜攤開後大小蠻適中的,眼睛、嘴巴的洞口剪裁的很恰好 The size of mask is quite moderate,and great cutting for using. 可惜鼻子部分切割不是做得很好 Unfortunately,the nose part of the mask is not cutting very well. 鼻子側邊部分會無法完全服貼, When I am using it, the mask can't be clung to the nose. 鼻頭部分也無法包覆到 面膜布料韌度是夠的,不容易破裂 It's not easy to break. 厚度屬於敷上後皮膚能透出來,而不至於整臉是純白色的 The skin can be seen after application. 材質上也感覺是細緻的,摸起來很舒服 The material is meticulous. It's very comfortable to touch. 服貼度蠻好的, Very close to skin. 精華液質地偏水,與水性化妝水的質地很相像 Essence is watery,and similar to the water-based lotion. 全成分是Aqua、Propanediol、Xanthan Gum、Chlorphenesin、Methylparaben Ingredients : Aqua、Propanediol、Xanthan Gum、Chlorphenesin、Methylparaben 精華液量還蠻多的, The amount of essence is quite large. 艾菠我習慣邊敷邊將剩餘的精華液補充到敷在臉上的面膜 I'm used to add the essence while applying the mask. 也可以另外找個乾淨的小瓶子存放起來,做平常的保養使用也是不錯的選擇 You can find a clean bottle to store the essence. It's a good choice for normal facial care. 艾菠約莫使用了15分鐘 I use the mask about 15 minutes. 使用後,明顯膚色亮了一階 After applying, the skin tone is brighter apparently. 皮膚的保水度提高的關係,使得膚質也變得嫩嫩的 The skin is also tender and tender. 左)使用前。         右)使用後。 在手部測試之後,艾菠有直接敷在臉上 After the hand test, I have applied the mask on the face. 真的蠻舒服的, It's really nice. 皮膚大人也很安穩沒發怒(抖 My skin is stable after applying. 隔天早上起來臉依然水嫩水嫩的 When I get up in the morning, it's still tender. 上妝都變得很服貼呢! The makeup has become very compliant. 因為質地不會太滋潤,可以安心每天使用 Because the texture is not moist,you can use it every day. 近期打算每天都要來一片 本來想上網看看現在價錢, 結果發現已經都售完,無限期補貨中 但被我看到新產品了!!! OGUMA現在出了新的面膜產品替代原本這款 趕快幫菠媽消化完庫存後 可能要購買新款試試到底差異在哪裡 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【結論】 質地清爽, 推薦給敏感肌、油性膚質 價錢經濟實惠,學生族群、小資女可以安心大量購買使用 面膜本體布料質地很舒服 妝前來個一片幫助妝體容易上妝 妝後來個一片則是幫助妝體定妝 天天敷一片,幫助肌內鎖水,平衡油脂分泌 近期大概會成為艾菠不可或缺的戰友了 畢竟,皮膚大人至上啊(跪~~~ 艾菠咬一口FB粉絲團 ↑↑↑快加入隨時接收最新有趣的資訊↑↑↑ 歡迎留言與我互動,別忘記訂閱,隨時收到最新更新通知! Don't forget SUBCRIBE & COMMENT 也請不吝嗇給予『+1』、與親朋好友『分享』 PLEASE 「+1」, 「share」 一定要和艾菠保持聯繫啊~~朋友~~~不要留我一個人~~~~~ 本文章版權屬於艾菠咬一口©APO 如要轉載請標明出處 艾菠工作室貼圖上架了!!!!!! https://line.me/S/shop/sticker/author/542028 除了購買貼圖之外 您也可以買杯飲料給艾菠來鼓勵艾菠唷~!!!!!! Bye me a Coffee

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