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在PythonAnywhere佈署Python Dash儀表板   PythonAnywhere SiteGround NT$0 在PythonAnywhere佈署Python Dash儀表板 數量 加入購物車 逐字稿 嗨 大家好 這是aronhack.com的Aron 今天我要教你如何在PythonAnywhere上發佈Dash應用程式 PythonAnywhere是一間網路服務公司 你可以在上面執行你的Python程式碼 這是個很棒的服務 今天我要教你如何使用它\N這是個很棒的服務 今天我要教你如何使用它 並且教你一些小技巧 先來看看課程大綱吧 首先,我會告訴你如何使用客製化網域 如果你自己有一個網站 並且你想在子網域上顯示Python應用程式 你可以照著這個方式做 其次,我會告訴你如何在PythonAnywhere上執行Python程式碼 那我們開始吧 在PythonAnywhere網站中 在右上角,點擊web頁籤 如你所見,我已經有一個網頁應用程式 那我要告訴你的第一件事 就是如何客製網域 aronhack.com是我的網站 我的網站使用的是SiteGround主機 所以我必須到SiteGround後台新增一個CNAME 這裡,我們可以注意一下這個CNAME 它是預設的應用程式網址 讓我們記住它 然後到SiteGround後台 這裡就是SiteGround的會員後台 如果你使用其他的主機服務 你會有不同的後台介面 但無所謂 只要找到對應的選項填入就可以了 OK, 那在DNS Zone Editor裡面 我們往下滑 這裡,我已經新增了 如果你想在自己的主機上做設定 你必須新增一個CNAME 你可以在name的地方新增子網域名稱 像是app 那在resolve to欄位中 我剛可以貼上剛才在PythonAnywhere複製的文字 這一個 一般來說,當你新增一個CNAME後 你可以馬上在網域上看到你的應用程式 OK 讓我們回到PythonAnywhere 往下滑 你可以在這裡指定工作路徑 如果你新增了虛擬環境 則在這裡做設定 在source code field的地方 我們可以查看一下這個路徑 在file頁籤中 在左上角 你可以找到這個專案的路徑 那working directory則是我的根目錄 我沒有更改它 那就保持原本的設定就好 最重要的設定在這裡 讓我們點擊 我們會被導到另外一個頁面 這裡有兩個地方必須做修改 第一個在這裡 改成你的工作路徑 第二個則是你的Python檔案名稱 讓我們回到file頁籤 這表示你必須修改設定檔 才能執行Python檔案 事實上 PythonAnywhere官方提供了一個非常短的文字教學 然而 我猜大部份的人都不知道有這個東西 在這個教學中 它用了Plotly官方提供的範例code 就是這一個 你可以直接複製 到自己的帳號中貼上並測試 順帶一提 Dash是個Python的套件 它是建立在Flask與Plotly.js等套件上 這表示你可以直接使用Dash 不需要額外建立Flask物件 這非常有幫助 我希望這個影片也同樣對你有幫助 這是aronhack.com的Aron 我們下次見 掰掰 Transcript Hey guys This is Aron for aronhack.com Today I will show you how to deploy your Dash application on PythonAnywhere PythonAnywhere is a web service You can deploy your python code on it It is a great service. Today I will show you how to do it.\NIt is a great service. Today I will show you how to do it. And givs you some tips Let's see the outline of this tutorial First, I will tell you how to use your custom domain If you have a website and you want to use a subdomain to show your python application on it You can do with this point Second, I will tell you how to run your python code on PythonAnywhere And let's get started In the PythonAnywhere website At the right top, click the web tab As you can see, I have a web application So the first thing I want to tell you is how to customize your domain And aronhack.com is my website My site is hosted by SiteGround So I have to go to SiteGround panel to add a CNAME record And here, we have to take notice of this CNAME It's the default domain of this application Let's remember it, and to go SiteGround panel It is SiteGround member panel If you use other host service, you have different interface But it doesn't matter All you need to do is find the option and fill it OK, so in the DNS Zone Editor And let's scroll down It's here. I have added it But if you want to add it on your own host You have to create a CNAME And the name is the string you want to name it Like app And to resolve to field Let's paste this string copied from PythonAnywhere It's this one Usually, when you create a CNAME You can see your application on your domain immediately OK. Then let's get back to PythonAnywhere And let's scroll down You have to assign you work directory here And if you use a virtual environment, you can assign it here And in the source code field, we can check this directory In file tab At the left top, you can find your project directory And the working directory is my root directory I didn't change it So just keep it The most important setting is here Let's click it And we will be transfered to another page There are two lines you have to change First is here It's your project directory And second is your python file name Let's get back to our file tab It means you have to change the setting file to execute your python file Actually, PythonAnywhere official gave a really short text tutorial However, I guess many people they didn't know it In this documentation, it used a really simple code from Plotly This one You can directly copy and paste and test in your account By the way, Dash is a Python library It was built based on Flask, Plotly.js It means you can use Dash directly without creating a Flask app It's really helpful Also, I hope this video is helpful to you This is Aron for aronhack.com See you next time. Bye bye PythonAnyWhere

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