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Target_Apyori – Improved Apriori Algorithm For Specific Products In Python 2020-09-08 Updated 目錄 Based On Standard Apriori Apriori is a common algorithm for retail analysis. But it will be heavy if you load huge transaction data. You may want to focus on association rules of specific SKU (or called CUG) in some cases. Based on apyori package 1.1.2 for Python, I hacked it to be liter and faster. Most of the arguments are the same with apyori, but with an additional list argument, target. For example, we have four transaction records, and we only want to get association rules of id 1 and 2. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [2, 4, 5, 6] [1, 2, 3, 7] [3, 4, 5, 6, 7] With original apyori or other apriori packages, it will return all rules, and that’s why it heavy for your computer. And here is the alternative with target_apyori. Complete Code Target_Apyori on GitHub. #!/usr/bin/env python """ a simple implementation of Apriori algorithm by Python. """ import sys import csv import argparse import json import os from collections import namedtuple from itertools import combinations from itertools import chain # Meta informations. __version__ = '1.1.2' __author__ = 'Yu Mochizuki' __author_email__ = 'ymoch.dev@gmail.com' ################################################################################ # Data structures. ################################################################################ class TransactionManager(object): """ Transaction managers. """ def __init__(self, transactions): """ Initialize. Arguments: transactions -- A transaction iterable object (eg. [['A', 'B'], ['B', 'C']]). """ self.__num_transaction = 0 self.__items = [] self.__transaction_index_map = {} for transaction in transactions: self.add_transaction(transaction) def add_transaction(self, transaction): """ Add a transaction. Arguments: transaction -- A transaction as an iterable object (eg. ['A', 'B']). """ for item in transaction: if item not in self.__transaction_index_map: self.__items.append(item) self.__transaction_index_map[item] = set() self.__transaction_index_map[item].add(self.__num_transaction) self.__num_transaction += 1 def calc_support(self, items): """ Returns a support for items. Arguments: items -- Items as an iterable object (eg. ['A', 'B']). """ # Empty items is supported by all transactions. if not items: return 1.0 # Empty transactions supports no items. if not self.num_transaction: return 0.0 # Create the transaction index intersection. sum_indexes = None for item in items: indexes = self.__transaction_index_map.get(item) if indexes is None: # No support for any set that contains a not existing item. return 0.0 if sum_indexes is None: # Assign the indexes on the first time. sum_indexes = indexes else: # Calculate the intersection on not the first time. sum_indexes = sum_indexes.intersection(indexes) # Calculate and return the support. return float(len(sum_indexes)) / self.__num_transaction def initial_candidates(self): """ Returns the initial candidates. """ return [frozenset([item]) for item in self.items] @property def num_transaction(self): """ Returns the number of transactions. """ return self.__num_transaction @property def items(self): """ Returns the item list that the transaction is consisted of. """ return sorted(self.__items) @staticmethod def create(transactions): """ Create the TransactionManager with a transaction instance. If the given instance is a TransactionManager, this returns itself. """ if isinstance(transactions, TransactionManager): return transactions return TransactionManager(transactions) # Ignore name errors because these names are namedtuples. SupportRecord = namedtuple( # pylint: disable=C0103 'SupportRecord', ('items', 'support')) RelationRecord = namedtuple( # pylint: disable=C0103 'RelationRecord', SupportRecord._fields + ('ordered_statistics',)) OrderedStatistic = namedtuple( # pylint: disable=C0103 'OrderedStatistic', ('items_base', 'items_add', 'confidence', 'lift',)) ################################################################################ # Inner functions. ################################################################################ def create_next_candidates(prev_candidates, length): """ Returns the apriori candidates as a list. Arguments: prev_candidates -- Previous candidates as a list. length -- The lengths of the next candidates. """ # Solve the items. items = sorted(frozenset(chain.from_iterable(prev_candidates))) # Create the temporary candidates. These will be filtered below. tmp_next_candidates = (frozenset(x) for x in combinations(items, length)) # Return all the candidates if the length of the next candidates is 2 # because their subsets are the same as items. if length < 3: return list(tmp_next_candidates) # Filter candidates that all of their subsets are # in the previous candidates. next_candidates = [ candidate for candidate in tmp_next_candidates if all( frozenset(x) in prev_candidates for x in combinations(candidate, length - 1)) ] return next_candidates def gen_support_records(transaction_manager, min_support, **kwargs): """ Returns a generator of support records with given transactions. Arguments: transaction_manager -- Transactions as a TransactionManager instance. min_support -- A minimum support (float). Keyword arguments: max_length -- The maximum length of relations (integer). """ # Parse arguments. max_length = kwargs.get('max_length') # For testing. _create_next_candidates = kwargs.get( '_create_next_candidates', create_next_candidates) # Process. candidates = transaction_manager.initial_candidates() length = 1 while candidates: relations = set() for relation_candidate in candidates: support = transaction_manager.calc_support(relation_candidate) if support < min_support: continue candidate_set = frozenset(relation_candidate) relations.add(candidate_set) yield SupportRecord(candidate_set, support) length += 1 if max_length and length > max_length: break candidates = _create_next_candidates(relations, length) def gen_ordered_statistics(transaction_manager, record): """ Returns a generator of ordered statistics as OrderedStatistic instances. Arguments: transaction_manager -- Transactions as a TransactionManager instance. record -- A support record as a SupportRecord instance. """ items = record.items sorted_items = sorted(items) for base_length in range(len(items)): for combination_set in combinations(sorted_items, base_length): items_base = frozenset(combination_set) items_add = frozenset(items.difference(items_base)) confidence = ( record.support / transaction_manager.calc_support(items_base)) lift = confidence / transaction_manager.calc_support(items_add) yield OrderedStatistic( frozenset(items_base), frozenset(items_add), confidence, lift) def filter_ordered_statistics(ordered_statistics, **kwargs): """ Filter OrderedStatistic objects. Arguments: ordered_statistics -- A OrderedStatistic iterable object. Keyword arguments: min_confidence -- The minimum confidence of relations (float). min_lift -- The minimum lift of relations (float). """ min_confidence = kwargs.get('min_confidence', 0.0) min_lift = kwargs.get('min_lift', 0.0) for ordered_statistic in ordered_statistics: if ordered_statistic.confidence < min_confidence: continue if ordered_statistic.lift < min_lift: continue yield ordered_statistic ################################################################################ # API function. ################################################################################ def apriori(transactions, **kwargs): """ Executes Apriori algorithm and returns a RelationRecord generator. Arguments: transactions -- A transaction iterable object (eg. [['A', 'B'], ['B', 'C']]). Keyword arguments: min_support -- The minimum support of relations (float). min_confidence -- The minimum confidence of relations (float). min_lift -- The minimum lift of relations (float). max_length -- The maximum length of the relation (integer). """ # Parse the arguments. min_support = kwargs.get('min_support', 0.1) min_confidence = kwargs.get('min_confidence', 0.0) min_lift = kwargs.get('min_lift', 0.0) max_length = kwargs.get('max_length', None) target = kwargs.get('target', set()) # Modified Code # Check arguments. if min_support <= 0: raise ValueError('minimum support must be > 0') # For testing. _gen_support_records = kwargs.get( '_gen_support_records', gen_support_records) _gen_ordered_statistics = kwargs.get( '_gen_ordered_statistics', gen_ordered_statistics) _filter_ordered_statistics = kwargs.get( '_filter_ordered_statistics', filter_ordered_statistics) # Calculate supports. transaction_manager = TransactionManager.create(transactions) support_records = _gen_support_records( transaction_manager, min_support, max_length=max_length) # Calculate ordered stats. for support_record in support_records: ordered_statistics = list( _filter_ordered_statistics( _gen_ordered_statistics(transaction_manager, support_record), min_confidence=min_confidence, min_lift=min_lift, ) ) # Original Code # if not ordered_statistics: # continue # yield RelationRecord( # support_record.items, support_record.support, ordered_statistics) # Modified Code if not ordered_statistics: continue test_record = RelationRecord(support_record.items, support_record.support, ordered_statistics) # At least one of products is in the target then the record # will be returned. if (target != set()) & \ (test_record.items.intersection(target) == frozenset()): continue else: yield test_record ################################################################################ # Application functions. ################################################################################ def parse_args(argv): """ Parse commandline arguments. Arguments: argv -- An argument list without the program name. """ output_funcs = { 'json': dump_as_json, 'tsv': dump_as_two_item_tsv, } default_output_func_key = 'json' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {0}'.format(__version__)) parser.add_argument( 'input', metavar='inpath', nargs='*', help='Input transaction file (default: stdin).', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=[sys.stdin]) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', metavar='outpath', help='Output file (default: stdout).', type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout) parser.add_argument( '-l', '--max-length', metavar='int', help='Max length of relations (default: infinite).', type=int, default=None) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--min-support', metavar='float', help='Minimum support ratio (must be > 0, default: 0.1).', type=float, default=0.1) parser.add_argument( '-c', '--min-confidence', metavar='float', help='Minimum confidence (default: 0.5).', type=float, default=0.5) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--min-lift', metavar='float', help='Minimum lift (default: 0.0).', type=float, default=0.0) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--delimiter', metavar='str', help='Delimiter for items of transactions (default: tab).', type=str, default='\t') parser.add_argument( '-f', '--out-format', metavar='str', help='Output format ({0}; default: {1}).'.format( ', '.join(output_funcs.keys()), default_output_func_key), type=str, choices=output_funcs.keys(), default=default_output_func_key) args = parser.parse_args(argv) args.output_func = output_funcs[args.out_format] return args def load_transactions(input_file, **kwargs): """ Load transactions and returns a generator for transactions. Arguments: input_file -- An input file. Keyword arguments: delimiter -- The delimiter of the transaction. """ delimiter = kwargs.get('delimiter', '\t') for transaction in csv.reader(input_file, delimiter=delimiter): yield transaction if transaction else [''] def dump_as_json(record, output_file): """ Dump an relation record as a json value. Arguments: record -- A RelationRecord instance to dump. output_file -- A file to output. """ def default_func(value): """ Default conversion for JSON value. """ if isinstance(value, frozenset): return sorted(value) raise TypeError(repr(value) + " is not JSON serializable") converted_record = record._replace( ordered_statistics=[x._asdict() for x in record.ordered_statistics]) json.dump( converted_record._asdict(), output_file, default=default_func, ensure_ascii=False) output_file.write(os.linesep) def dump_as_two_item_tsv(record, output_file): """ Dump a relation record as TSV only for 2 item relations. Arguments: record -- A RelationRecord instance to dump. output_file -- A file to output. """ for ordered_stats in record.ordered_statistics: if len(ordered_stats.items_base) != 1: continue if len(ordered_stats.items_add) != 1: continue output_file.write('{0}\t{1}\t{2:.8f}\t{3:.8f}\t{4:.8f}{5}'.format( list(ordered_stats.items_base)[0], list(ordered_stats.items_add)[0], record.support, ordered_stats.confidence, ordered_stats.lift, os.linesep)) def main(**kwargs): """ Executes Apriori algorithm and print its result. """ # For tests. _parse_args = kwargs.get('_parse_args', parse_args) _load_transactions = kwargs.get('_load_transactions', load_transactions) _apriori = kwargs.get('_apriori', apriori) args = _parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) transactions = _load_transactions( chain(*args.input), delimiter=args.delimiter) result = _apriori( transactions, max_length=args.max_length, min_support=args.min_support, min_confidence=args.min_confidence) for record in result: args.output_func(record, args.output) if __name__ == '__main__': main()   Related Posts Learn Python And R On DataCamp. Start Your Data Science Career. A Aron Algorithm

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