3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

NIKE從七月多開始撥放新的廣告,雖然聽起來感覺是只有一句話一直重覆,但是廣告很有氣勢的感覺!而且這首歌讓我覺得蠻好聽的,於是找了下到底是那一首歌。靠著方便的GOOGLE,一下子就找到了,還找到了些相關的。演唱團體為THE KILLERS,歌名為All These Things That I've Done。 也有找到英翻中的歌詞。When there's nowhere else to run當那裡已無路前進Is there room for one more son哪裡還有我容身之處呢?One more son哪裡還有呢…?  If you can hold on如果你能堅持下去If you can hold on, hold on如果你能堅持下去 那就撐下去吧!  I wanna stand up, I wanna let go我想昂首站立 我想放手一搏You know, you know - no you don't, you don't你知道 你知道的! 不! 其實你不懂 你不懂!I wanna shine on in the hearts of men我要照耀男人的真心I want a meaning from the back of my broken hand我想要得知受傷的手背後的真意  Another head aches, another heart breaks又開始的頭痛 再次的心碎I am so much older than I can take我的年紀夠大了 足能涵蓋我所能獲得And my affection, well it comes and goes而我的情感, 恣意的隨它來來去去I need direction to perfection, no no no no我需要一個方向來展現完美演出, 不! 不! 不! 不! 不!  Help me out幫我度過這關卡吧Yeah, you know you got to help me out耶~ 你知道你有機會幫我的!Yeah, oh don't you put me on the blackburner耶~ 哦 你不會想把我推進髒黑的爐子裡吧?You know you got to help me out你知道你能幫我度過難關的!  And when there's nowhere else to run而當那裡已無路前進Is there room for one more son哪裡還有我容身之處呢?These changes ain't changing me這些變化並沒有改變我The cold-hearted boy I used to be這冷淡的男孩 就是過去的我  Yeah, you know you got to help me out耶~ 你知道你有機會幫我的!Yeah, oh don't you put me on the blackburner耶~ 哦 你不會想把我推進髒黑的爐子裡吧?You know you got to help me out你知道你能幫我度過難關的!You're gonna bring yourself down你將會把自己擊倒Yeah, you're gonna bring yourself down耶~ 你會把自己打倒Yeah, you're gonna bring yourself down耶~ 你將把(過去的)自己擊倒!  I got soul, but I'm not a soldier我得到熱血靈魂, 但我可不是個只會服從命令軍人!I got soul, but I'm not a soldier…  Yeah, you know you got to help me out耶~ 你知道你有機會幫我的!Yeah, oh don't you put me on the blackburner耶~ 哦 你不會想把我推進髒黑的爐子裡吧?You know you got to help me out你知道你能幫我度過難關的!You're gonna bring yourself down耶~ 你會把自己打倒You're gonna bring yourself down耶~ 你會把自己擊倒!Yeah, oh don't you put me on the blackburner耶~ 哦 你不會想把我推進髒黑的爐子裡吧?Yeah, you're gonna bring yourself down耶~ 你將把(過去的)自己擊倒!  Over and out, last call for sin結束了 最後跟過錯道別While everyone's lost, the battle is won每個人行蹤不明 但最終的奮鬥成功了!With all these things that I've done隨著我完成了每一件事All these things that I've done所有我已經完成的事If you can hold on假如你能撐下去If you can hold on假如你能持續堅持下去 另外也有LIVE版的喔!

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