3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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南非的 Shark Cage Diving 是很有名的水域活動,網路上也有很多資料可參考,與其說是 Diving,我覺得比較像 Shark Hold Your Breath ,只要會蹲下跟憋氣就可以在籠子裡看鯊魚餵食秀店家會先在岸上講解一些注意事項,像是相機或是 GoPro 如果伸太出去他們會把你拎上來,還有他們不提供呼吸管因為他們會在船上大喊方向,希望你能起來換氣順便聽他們的指示。 Gansbaai is very popular for Shark cage diving. There are lots of information if you google.I’d rather say it’s more of Shark hold your breath than diving thoughYou dont really need to dive, just hold your breath and squatA safety brief would be provided like your camera or gopro are not allow to reach out the cage too far. Or they give direction of the shark so that you need to stand up for instruction. 進行與大自然合作的行程,運氣跟人品真的很重要我們這天運氣滿好的,兩團人下水共看到8隻bronze whaler shark最大的到4米,最小2.5米但我們也算運氣不好,沒有看到大白鯊,因為我去之前有殺人鯨把大白鯊都吃掉嚇跑了南非的能見度不太好,下面是沙地,如果想看能見度好的可能要去澳洲或墨西哥。 Luck is very important when working with nature. We saw 8 bronze whaler shark from 2.5 meter to 4 meters.It’s a pity that I didn’t have a chance to see great white sharksBefore I arrive, the Killer whale kill them and scared them awayThe visibility is not good in Gansbaai due to the sand areaIt is said that the visibility is good in Australia or Mexico 籠子很大,可以放六個人一起下水,裡面有手把跟腳抵住的地方但7mm防寒衣沒配重我下不去,所以我一直用忍者的姿勢把我自己固定在籠子裡。 The cage is quite large to fit in 6 in a roleThere are also places to place arms and feetWithout weight, I cant barely dive myself underwater in 7mm wetsuitSo I posed myself like the picture below 旁邊的德國情侶看到我的姿勢一直大笑男生後來想學我,結果腳還不小心伸到外面,被鯊魚撞到這天水溫大概16度,一下水會先聽到各種語言版本的好冷好冷等鯊魚來以後,又會聽到各種語言的媽呀!!! The German couple next to my laughed at my pose and try to imitate meHowever guy’s feet was obviously longer then mine sharks kept on hitting the guy’s feetWhen first got in the water, I heard a lot of cold in variety languagesas the water temperature was only 16 degree CelsiusWhen sharks came, it became a lot of holly **** 特別推薦一定要去搶丟餌那個人正下方的位置,VIP搖滾區超~級~好~玩!!一直體驗鯊魚面對面衝過來的刺激感,還有眼睛瞪得大大的魚頭從頭上一直飛過去,看影片應該會覺得我很吵,每次鯊魚衝過來都會忍不住大叫來表達我的興奮感。 Highly recommended the place under the baitSO MUCH FUN I had to scream to express my excitement of a shark face to face experience and that super big fish head bait. 位於Gansbaai附近的小鎮,從開普敦開車過去約2-3小時費用R2150,含開普敦來回接送、午餐、船上裝備。 Located in Gansbaai, a place about 2-3 hours drive from Cape Town. R2150, including pick up, lunch and equipment. 衍伸連結: 作者 Tina 的水攝網站:Blue Planet Critters SHARK & SAFARI

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