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圖片來源:http://whisper0601.pixnet.net/album/photo/29799106-隔閡 第514集:如何突破20名會員的障礙 (詢問伊凡)摘要今天要詢問伊凡的問題來自南非的Raymond。每次會員數超過20名,就會有人離開,我們就要重建分會,當會員又超過20名,又有人離開。我不確定我們是否設了一個20的門檻,但我很肯定門檻可以設在30。我們要怎麼做才能打破這樣的循環呢?BNI印度分會有100名會員,我們能從國際經驗得到什麼啟發呢?現在最大的分會是在香港,有123名會員,但並不是達到一百人就是優質分會。以下四點可提供參考。1. 品質:雖然天賦很重要,但態度是關鍵。確認所有會員都做出承諾。2. 成長:當分會成長,引薦單數量也隨之成長。3. 參與:告訴潛在客戶,出席會員培訓是必須的。4. 說故事:你要跟其他人說你在BNI的故事,以及BNI如何運作。大多數人待在分會時間越長,會收到越多引薦單。 要知道更多細節,請參考第469集。 額外問題來自柬埔寨的Pep在BNI CD還有SuccessNet,如何取得CEUs?當你閱讀文章或聽CD,你怎麼取得CEUs,有多少人取得?如何取得伊凡的著作?取得CEU是藉由閱讀SuccessNet或聽CD。聽五則播客會得到一個CEU。(平均取得一個CEU需花費一小時。)在大多數地方,你能在Amazon取得伊凡的著作。若沒有,你的BNI董事應該會有,或你能在BNI.com找到。你有問題要詢問米勒博士嗎?只要填寫本頁下方的詢問伊凡表就行了。資訊由Networking for Success Channel on YouTube提供514集完整抄本Priscilla:這是詢問伊凡系列。若你有問題想要詢問伊凡,我們在播客網頁有一個新的連結。哈囉,大家好。歡迎回到BNI官方播客節目,由Networking for Success Channel on YouTube提供,我們介紹伊凡米勒博士和其他人脈網絡的專家。我是Priscilla Rice,現在在加州柏克萊的Live Oak Recording Studio。現在在線上的是BNI創始人及願景官伊凡米勒博士。哈囉,伊凡,你好嗎?你今天在哪裡呢?Ivan:嗨,剛過完美國七月四日的假期,所以我在家。Priscilla:太棒了。所以你今天要跟我們分享什麼?Ivan:南非的Raymond問我一個問題。我收到很多來自各地的問題。很棒。他想知道如何打破20名會員間的隔閡。他說”每次會員數超過20名,就會有人離開,我們就要重建分會,當會員又超過20名,又有人離開。我不確定我們是否設了一個20的門檻,但我很肯定門檻可以設在30。這是正常的嗎?“我們要怎麼做才能打破這樣的循環呢?BNI印度分會有100名會員,我們能從國際經驗得到什麼啟發呢?嗯,一百人的分會很讓人驚艷。我今天才發現最大的分會在香港,有123名會員。Priscilla:喔,天啊。所以他們有10秒的商業廣告或其他?Ivan:我喜歡你不經修飾的反應,Priscilla。那真的很棒。不是達到一百人就是優質分會。但Raymond說的沒錯,我們可以把門檻設高一點。我建議你去聽第469集,因為我現在說的一部分是之前提過的。我要從小團體觀點開始分享,但這些也能應用在各種大小的團體。若你想設定不同門檻,請遵照下面四步驟。這是BNI成功的秘訣。首先,品質。你必須尋找合適的人。我一再重複,態度,態度,態度。你也要尋找技巧很好的人。簡單說就是天賦和態度是你要尋找的。一般,我們都尋找有天賦的人。BNI的缺點是我們都不看重態度。因此當你尋找合適的人,他要承諾幫忙分會其他人。跟他們說,“我們正在尋找願意長期承諾並遵守的人,不是只待半年或一年。我們尋找能建立長期關係的人。”諸如此類。你也許能找到一半願意留下來的人,但若數量是30-40名會員,你要找到合適的人,願意承諾建立長期關係的人。第二,是你已經知道的成長。你要讓分會成長,這樣引薦單數量也會跟著成長。一個20人的分會一個月能遞交60-70份引薦單,但40人的分會一個月能遞交200份引薦單。若你讓分會成長雙倍,會員也會成長雙倍。Raymond,我想你已經知道了。這就是為什麼你想讓分會成長,因此會員的品質並不只是態度而是承諾。你要跟他們溝通,是否願意長久待下來。第三,找到願意參與的人。當你有新會員,跟他們說出席成功會員培訓是必須的。若想入會,參與會員成功計畫培訓是必要的。詢問他們是否願意每週看BNI影片,聽BNI播客。諸如此類的對話。我知道有些人認為,這聽起來有點像銷售預防部門,協商解決入會事宜。嗯,也許,可能你跟不合適的人在對談,他們不願意承諾。Raymond,如你所說,你知道,一超過20人,就會有人離開。嗯,他們離開是因為他們沒有認知到承諾是必須的。所以要跟他們說清楚,承諾會讓所有運作順利。我認為這是關鍵。最後,你必須要說故事。你要跟其他人分享你或其他會友BNI的故事。為什麼BNI能運作,為什麼有些人待兩年,三年,甚至四年。從第一年取得多少引薦單開始,接著第二年引薦單數量,再來第三年他們收到多少引薦單。大多數人待越久,收到越多引薦單。說明承諾和關係建立,這兩者間的關係。Raymond,這就是你想要把門檻設高一點應該要做的。從找到合適的人開始,寧缺勿濫。不要只找熱情的人入會,要找願意承諾的人。Raymond,我希望有回答到你的問題。我們還有時間回答額外問題嗎,Priscilla。Priscilla:有的,額外的問題是?Ivan:謝謝Raymond的問題,希望有幫上忙。記得去聽469集播客。額外問題來自柬埔寨的Pep,他詢問“在BNI CD還有SuccessNet,如何取得CEUs?當你閱讀文章或聽CD,你怎麼取得CEUs,有多少人取得?”我們在某些地方有SuccessNet CD,讀一篇文章或聽CD就有一個CEU。五則播客得到一個CEU。CEU是持續培訓單位。取得一個CEU需要一小時。他也問“哪裡可以找到我的著作?”我很高興你問這個問題,在大多數國家,你能在Amazon找到,但我不確定柬埔寨有沒有。若你找不到,你可以去問你的董事,他應該會有。再沒有,你可以到BNI.com,那裡一定有。你可以從Networking Like a Pro或Worlds Best Known Marketing Secret入門。這些都是好問題。謝謝Pep和Raymond。Priscilla:嗯,好的,謝謝米勒博士。我認為這真的很棒。我要提醒聽眾這則播客是由Networking for Success Channel on YouTube提供。謝謝你的聆聽。我是Priscilla Rice,我們期待您參與下週BNI官方播客。——Episode 514: How to Break Through the 20-Member Barrier (Ask Ivan)SynopsisToday’s Ask Ivan question comes from Raymond in South Africa.It seems that every time we get to just over 20 members, a few leave, and we have to rebuild, only to repeat the process later. I’m not sure if we have a programmed-in set point at 20, but I’m sure it could be a set point at 30. What can we do to break this cycle? The 100-member strong chapters in BNI India sound scary, but what can we learn from international experience?The largest chapter today is in Hong Kong, with 123 members, but you don’t have to be a hundred-member chapter to be an awesome chapter. If you want to create a different set point, do these four things. 1. Quality. Attitude is critical, but aptitude also matters. Make sure the members you accept are committed. 2. Growth. The number of referrals increases exponentially as your chapter grows. 3. Engagement. When you have new prospective members, tell them that attending member success training is a requirement. 4. Storytelling. You have to tell people your story in BNI and how it has worked for you. Most people get more referrals the longer they are part of a chapter.For more guidance on this topic, listen to Episode 469.Bonus QuestionPep from Cambodia asksOn the BNI CDs and SuccessNet, how do you get CEUs? When you read articles or listen to CDs, how do you get CEUs, and how many do you get? And how do you get Ivan’s books?It’s one CEU for reading SuccessNet or listening to the CD. You get 1 CEU for listening to for or 5 podcasts. (Earning a CEU takes 1 hour.) In most countries, you can get Ivan’s books on Amazon. If not, your local BNI director should have them, or you can get them on BNI.com.Do you have a question for Dr. Misner? Just fill out the Ask Ivan form at the bottom of this page.Brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube.Complete Transcript of Episode 514 –Priscilla: This is part of the Ask Ivan series. If you have a question for Ivan, we have recreated a new link on the podcast web page.Hello everybody and welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast, brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube, which features Dr. Ivan Miser and many other networking experts. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. I am joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello, Ivan, how are you and where are you ?Ivan: Hey. It is just after the Fourth of July holiday here in the United States, so I am home in Austin.Priscilla: That’s great. So what do you have to share with us today?Ivan: I have a question today from Raymond in South Africa. A lot of the questions that I am getting right now are very international. It’s great. He wants to know about breaking through the twenty-something barrier. That’s his topic as he described it. He said, “It seems that every time we get to just over 20 members, a few leave and we have to rebuild, only repeat the process later. I am not sure if we have a programmed in set point at 20 but I am sure there could be a set point at 30 or more. Is this common? What can we do to break this cycle? Although the 100-member strong chapters in BNI India sound scary, what can we learn from international experience?”Yeah, the 100-member chapters are amazing to me. I just found out today the largest chapter is in Hong Kong with 123 members.Priscilla: Oh my gosh. Do they have like 10 second infomercials or something?Ivan: I like your very unfiltered response there, Priscilla. That was perfect. You don’t have to be a 100 member chapter to be an awesome, awesome chapter. And yes, Raymond, you absolutely can break that set point that you are talking about. I recommend that you go back and listen to episode 469 because there are some things that I talk about there that I am going to talk about here as well that are, I think, important to listen to.I am going to talk about it from the perspective of a small group but these topics can work for any size chapter. If you want to create a different set point, do these four things. This is the recipe for success in BNI. The recipe for success.First, quality. You have to look for quality people. I have said for years it is attitude, attitude, attitude. You also have to accept people who have a good skill set. The truth it is it aptitude and attitude that you are looking for. We generally look for aptitude. Our weakness in BNI is we don’t generally look for attitude. So when you are looking for quality people, look for quality people who are committed to helping people in the chapter.Talk to them about it and say, “Look, we are looking for people who will make a long term commitment, not just six months or a year. We are looking for people who want to be in this relationship for a long time.” Have that kind of discussion.You may get half the number of people that you want to join, but they will stay, if you want to move the needle in getting to 30 or 40 members, that is what you want to do. You want to look for quality people who are willing to make a long term commitment.The second thing, this you already know, is growth. You have to grow your chapter because the number of referrals increase exponentially. A 20-member chapter will do maybe 60 or 70 referrals a month, but a 40-member chapter will do 200 referrals a month. So you double your size and you more than double the membership.I think you already get that, Raymond. That is why you want to grow the chapter, so the quality of members and not just attitude but commitment. You have that conversation with them to see if they are committed to staying a while.The third thing to move that needle in the membership is to get people who are willing to seek engagement. When you have new members, tell them that attending Member Success Program training is part of it, that if they are going to participate in your chapter, you require that they go to the live Member Success Program training. Ask them if they are willing to watch BNI videos and listen to the BNI podcast on a weekly basis. Have that kind of conversation with them.I get where some people think, wait a minute, this sounds like the sales prevention department. You are going to be talking people out of joining. Well, maybe, but if you aren’t talking the right people out, these are the people who aren’t going to make the commitment anyway. Raymond, as you just said, you know, you hot that something over 20 and people drop out. Well, they are dropping out because maybe they didn’t realize the commitment that was necessary going into it. So be clear with people as to what it takes to make this work and how it can pay off when they make it work. That is what I think is so critical.The last piece, the fourth element, of the recipe is you have to do his through storytelling. You have to talk to people about your story in BNI and other people’s story in BNI. That is what makes this work- why it has worked for people who have been in for two, three, four years. Talk about, have them start to assemble data on how many referrals they got the first year, how many they got the second year, how many they got in their third year. The overwhelming majority of people get more referrals as they are in longer. Have those stories at hand. Talk about commitment and relationship and how it has worked for those people who are committed.Those are the kinds of things, Raymond, that you need to do if you want to create a higher set point. It really begins with finding good people? Why accept mediocrity when excellence is an option? Don’t look for warm bodies to be in your chapter. Look for people who are committed.So I hope, Raymond, that answers your question. And I think, Priscilla, that we have time for a bonus question. Do we not?Priscilla: Yes. What is your bonus question?Ivan: So my bonus question, and again, thanks to Raymond for that question. I hope it helped. Go listen to episode 469, Raymond.The bonus question comes from Tep from Cambodia and Tep asks, “On the BNI CDs, when you rad articles or listen to CDs, how do you get CEUs and how many CEUs do you get? How many CEUs do you get on a podcast?”So for SuccessNet CDs that we do have for some countries, it’s one CEU for reading SuccessNet or listening to the CDs. The podcast, five podcasts equals one CEU. The reason for it is one CEU is roughly – CEUs for those who don’t know is Continuing Education Unit. One CEU is roughly one hour. So five podcasts will be roughly an hour, actually, four or five podcasts would be roughly an hour. So you get one CEU for that, Tep.He also asks, “How do you get books by Ivan?”I a glad you asked that question. In most countries, you can get my books on Amazon. But I don’t know about Cambodia, if you can’t get one of my books on Amazon, go to your local BNI Director. Your local BNI Director should have my books and if not, certainly BNI.com has my books. A great book to start with for basics would be either Networking Like a Pro or Worlds Best Known Marketing Secret.So those are great questions, Tep, thank you very much. And Raymond. Those are all my answers for today.Priscilla: Well, thank you, Dr. Misner. I think that is just great. I would just like to remind the listeners that this podcast has been brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube. Thanks for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we look forward to having you join us next week for another exciting episode of the Official BNI Podcast. 原文:https://www.bnipodcast.com/2017/07/05/break-20-member-barrier/

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