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第489集:吸引聽眾注意力 摘要 本週特別來賓是 Tiffanie Kellog,跟Dr. Ivan Misner 一起分享她的新書『吸引聽眾注意力』 她很喜歡的引薦單簡報模式是 " 3 、 3 、 3 " 1.前3分之1 跟人們說你在做什麼,為什麼而做(情感上的連結) 2.中間3分之1 分享你幫助客戶的成功故事 3.後3分之1 用要求行動來結束簡報。 對於那些尚未準備好引薦的人,可以給一些建議。 記住,你不是銷售給你分會會員,而是要透過他們去做口碑行銷。盡可能讓你想要的引薦條件變得具體。並且注意時間限制:當鈴聲響起時,觀眾就不想繼續聽了。 資訊由Networking for Success YouTube Channel提供。 489集完整抄本Priscilla:哈囉,大家好。歡迎回到BNI官方播客節目,由Networking for Success Channel on YouTube提供。我是Priscilla Rice,現在在加州柏克萊的Live Oak Recording Studio。現在在線上的是BNI創始人及願景官伊凡米勒博士。哈囉,伊凡,你好嗎?你在哪裡呢?Ivan:謝謝你問我,我今天在舊金山,Priscilla。我知道Tiffanie,你從北加州參加Ascentive會議,對嗎?Tiffanie:對。Ivan:從2006年開始,妳一直擔任Ascentive的指導教練。很高興你又回到mypodcast。 我們上個月做了一則播客,我們邀請來賓分享你的精選簡報。你剛出版一本新書,我邀請你來參與播客。 我應該說你也是Four and a Half Networking Mistakes的作者,而你也在我的Networking for Success Channel on YouTube頻道,Priscilla剛才提到的,是這個播客的贊助商。所以你加入我的Networking for Success Channel。 你完成了這本書。 你已經參與很多次我的播客,今天你要跟我們分享“吸引聽眾注意力。”你常使用這個詞。 但對你來說,這個詞有特殊的含義,對嗎?Tiffanie:沒錯。 我並沒有收藏襪子的習慣。 在2015年秋天,我和丈夫想知道需要花多少時間,才能穿一遍我在衣櫃裡的每一雙襪子。 規則很簡單。 他們必須看起來有趣或顏色很美。 它們不能是白襪子。 每雙我只能穿一次,然後就要穿其他的。從2015年10月開始到現在,我還每天穿著新襪子。 我實際上已經有超過250雙襪子,我的朋友都認為我是襪子狂。Ivan:襪子狂只是輕描淡寫。 他們是真的很瘋狂。去Tiffanie的網站:TiffanieKellog.com看看。 你會看到當然,在“關於”那裏,有襪子的照片。Tiffanie,我們彼此認識很久了,我想和聽眾分享一下。 這可能是很嚇人的。 我問你說:“這不嚇人,對嗎?”你說:“不,不,不,這一點都不嚇人。“我看過你所有的襪子,我總是笑得很開心,因為他們的顏色是如此豐富。事實上,我拍了一張我放襪子的抽屜照片 - 我的襪子是什麼顏色的,Tiffanie?Tiffanie:全是黑的。Ivan:它們全是黑的。所以我想把我的襪子抽屜跟她的做比較。她的抽屜看起來比我的更有娛樂效果。我沒有跟Tiffanie說過,我其實還有另一個襪子抽屜,裡面全是白襪。全白。全黑。妳真的是個襪子狂。但妳寫這本書是想引起其他人注意。來跟我們談談。Tiffanie:這本書,吸引聽眾注意力,是關於如何有力的發表演講,真正讓觀眾喜歡你。我認為這是上個月的播客很好的延續,因為我們在討論如何邀請人們看(聽)你的每週簡報(演講)。 在這本書,我們談論如何真正的吸引聽眾的注意力,你的演講真是太棒了。 在我們在開會的時間,有很棒的機會。 所以我們不僅吸引來賓的注意,同時也吸引會員的注意力。Ivan:在這本書,妳也提到BNI會員的簡報,對嗎?Tiffanie:沒錯。這本書是給所有講者。有趣的是,若你11年前跟我這麼說,我會認為我是專業講者—我認為現在的我是專業講者。我是National Speakers Association的會員。這是我的工作,我到處演講。若你11年前,在我遇到我第一個BNI會員前,這樣跟我說,我本來不太相信,因為如果邀請我到BNI的人說:“嗨,Tiffanie,你要對這個50人說話30秒鐘,”我會離開,因為我很怕公開說話。現在,在我BNI分會,我是領導團隊成員,是培訓員,我克服了這個困難。Ivan:是啊。 所以你有一些簡報格式,希望你可以跟我們分享。 這是給這則播客聽眾的禮物。 這些是你可以帶走並在BNI會議上使用的禮物。你的簡報格式 - 你稱為3,3,3格式。 對嗎? 你跟我們具體分享一下?Tiffanie:好的。我很喜歡的一個格式是3,3,3。就是把簡報分成三部分。前三分之一是與我們分享,你做的事情和為什麼而做。 有時候,人們說這是你的故事。 在Ascentive,我們說這是情感的連接。我想你要應該第一部分能分享這個。 這可以幫助聽眾喜歡你。然後在第二個三分之一,你能分享幾個成功的故事。 我相信,你可以描述所有的細節和事實,人們也許會記得或不會記得。 但是如果你把你的事情包裝成一個故事,一個成功的故事,關於你如何幫助你的客戶,這是很有影響力,也令人難忘。這不是空談理想,這真的是給我們兩個,也許三個關於你如何成功幫助你的客戶,這能讓你的分會成員透過你的分享為你引薦生意。Ivan:所以第一部分是你的情感連接。 我知道我曾在BNI播客討論過。 你可以搜尋一下。 如果你想看到更多關於情感連接,讀我的著作,避免網路斷掉。 Brendan Scanlon和我會詳談情感連接。第二部分,Tiffanie,是成功的故事。 說一些成功的故事,一個以上的故事,或你為其他人做的事。那第三個是?Tiffanie:演講的最後三分之一是行動要求。我看過幾個BNI簡報,人們告訴我們所有關於他們的生意,但沒告訴我們該怎麼做。這很重要,不該被跳過。要採取行動,這可能是件很簡單的事,例如,“嘿,請幫我引薦”,並給我們具體引薦要求。它還可以包括聯絡人關係介紹,有相同目標而非競爭行業。它可以像“在社交媒體上為我點讚一樣簡單”。“請給我一個評論。”“邀請我演講。”“邀請我和你一起出去參與活動。”我喜歡提供幾個行動選擇。對於BNI會員來說,可能有幾個人可以看到你,有些信任你,有些人與你有利益關係。所以如果你給我們幾個行動選擇,將更能吸引聽眾。Ivan:我喜歡提供多於一個選項,因為你是對的。你面對的是不同人。還有其他的嗎?Tiffanie:所以這是我最喜歡的簡報之一,3,3,3。三分之一是你做什麼,為何而做,三分之一是成功的數字,三分之一是行動要求。簡單有力的格式,創造引薦機會。Ivan:好的,Tiffanie,妳剛出版一本書,吸引聽眾注意力。哪裡可以買到呢?Tiffanie: 在Amazon,搜尋我的名字,就會看到。Ivan:這會幫忙人們增進簡報技巧,在BNI以外的地方也行得通,對嗎?Priscilla:是的,沒錯。Ivan:好的,結束前,妳還有什麼要補充的嗎?Tiffanie:還有時間讓我快速說明,該做跟不該做的部分?Ivan:當然,請說。Tiffanie:好的,不該做的是,你不是藉著簡報銷售給你分會會員,而是要透過他們去做口碑行銷。這很重要。Ivan:他們是你的引薦團隊。你不是要販售給他們,而是培訓他們。Tiffanie:沒錯。BNI有件有趣的事。有些分會備有鈴鐺,提醒我們不要超過簡報時間。其實鈴鐺不是提醒講者停止簡報,而是提醒聽眾不要繼續聆聽。因此準時結束很重要,不管是30秒還是多長,因為聽眾會停止聆聽。Ivan:沒錯,好建議。Tiffanie:而該做的是,確認你的故事能幫助分會成員為你引薦生意。Ivan:很好。還有其他該做的?Tiffanie:還有一個,就是要非常具體。具體說明你尋找的合作對象條件。Ivan:對。要具體。Tiffanie,這些都是很好的建議。我建議會員和正在收聽的聽眾,去讀這本書,Tiffanie Kellog的吸引聽眾的注意力。可以在Amazon找到,也去看看Tiffanie跟我放在Networking for Success Channel on YouTube的影片。我們會把簡報和網頁連結放上。 Tiffanie,再次謝謝你,來當我們播客的來賓。Tiffanie: 謝謝你邀請我。Ivan:我把時間交還給Priscilla。Priscilla:好的。謝謝兩位。我要提醒聽眾這則播客是由Networking for Success Channel on YouTube提供。謝謝你的聆聽。我是Priscilla Rice,我們期待您參與下週BNI官方播客。 —Episode 489: Knock the Socks Off Your AudienceSynopsisTiffanie Kellog joins Dr. Misner this week to share some tips from her new book, Knock the Socks Off Your Audience. One of her favorite presentation formats for referral generation is called “Three, Three, and Three”.First Third of PresentationTell people why you do what you do (your emotionally charged connection).Second Third of PresentationShare success stories about how you’ve helped your clients.Final Third of PresentationConclude with your call to action. You can include more than one, for those not yet ready to refer you.Remember, you don’t want to sell to your fellow members: you want to sell throughthem. Be as specific as possible about the referrals you want. Always respect the time limit: your audience will stop listening when the bell sounds.Brought to you by Networking for Success YouTube Channel.Complete Transcript of Episode 489 –Priscilla: Hello everyone and welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast, brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. I am joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello, Ivan. How are you and where are you?Ivan: I am in the San Diego area today, Priscilla. Thank you for asking. I understand Tiffanie, that you are up in northern California for the Ascentive Conference. Am I correct?Tiffanie: I am.Ivan: You have been a coach with Ascentive since 2006. It is great to have you back on mypodcast. We did a podcast last month, and we did it about inviting visitors to your featured presentation.You have a new book that has just come out this week, and I have invited you back to the podcast. I should also say that you are the author of Four and a Half Networking Mistakes, and you are on my Networking for Success Channel on YouTube, which Priscilla just mentioned is the sponsor for this podcast.So you are joining me on the Networking for Success Channel. You have done this book. You have been on my podcast several times, and today you are going to talk about knocking the socks off your audience.You use that phrase. You use that phrase often. But for you, that phrase has a special meaning, doesn’t it?Tiffanie: It does. I didn’t start off trying to start a sock collection. In the fall of 2015, my husband and I thought it would be kind of fun and a good marketing thing to see how long it would take me to wear every pair of socks I had in my closet. The rules were simple. They had to be fun or colorful. They couldn’t be just plain socks. And I could only wear them once and then I would have to move on.This started in October of 2015 and I am still going with wearing brand new socks. I actually have over 250 pairs of different socks that I wear and I have become known as kind of the gal with the crazy socks.Ivan: Crazy socks is an understatement. They are insanely crazy. Just go to Tiffanie’s website: TiffanieKellog.com. And you can see. Certainly, in the “About” section, there is a great picture of one of the pairs of socks.Tiffanie, we have known each other a long time, and I am going to share something with my audience. It could be creepy. I asked you and said, “This isn’t creepy, is it?” And you said, “No, no, no, it isn’t creepy.”So I have seen all of these socks that you have and I always laughed because they are so colorful. I actually took a photograph of my sock drawer – and what color were all my socks, Tiffanie?Tiffanie: They were all black.Ivan: They were all black. So I just wanted to compare my sock drawer to her sock drawer. I can tell you that her sock drawer has got to be a lot more entertaining than mine.What I didn’t tell Tiffanie is that I have another sock drawer as well that is all white.All white. All black. You have these crazy, crazy socks. But you did this book along this theme in a sense about doing things that really get people’s attention. Let’s talk about that.Tiffanie: So the book, Knock Your Socks Off Your Audience, is all about how to deliver presentations with power and passion to really compel the audience to like you.I thought it would be a good follow up from our podcast last month because we were talking about how to invite people to see your presentation. In the book, we talk a lot about how you really capture the audience or knock their socks off because you are just that amazing when you do that presentation. We really have a powerful opportunity with the time that we have at the meeting. So we capture not only the visitors but the chapter members’ attention as well.Ivan: You even have an entire chapter in the book about BNI member presentations. Is that correct?Tiffanie: That is correct. The book is for all speakers at all levels. It is interesting because if you would have told me 11 years ago that I would be classifying myself as a professional speaker- that is what I consider myself today. I am a member of the National Speakers Association. That’s what I do. I go around and speak.If you would have told me that 11 years ago before I met my first BNI member, I would have been in disbelief because if the person who had invited me to BNI had said, “Hey Tiffanie, you are going to have to speak for 30 seconds to this group of 50 people,” I would not have gone. I was petrified to speak in public.Now, through my membership in BNI, I have taken on roles such as leadership and being a trainer for the organization, I kind of got over that fear.Ivan: Yeah. So you have some presentation formats that I want you to share here. Here are the nuggets for those of you listening to this podcast. These are the nuggets that you can take away and use for your feature presentations or your presentations at a BNI meeting.Your format- you call it the 3, 3, 3 format. Is that correct? Do you want to talk about that so that members can walk away with some real tangible ideas?Tiffanie: Yeah. So one of my favorite formats when it comes to referral generation as a BNI member is the one that we call 3,3,3. Essentially, we take your presentation and break it down into thirds.You want to spend the first third of your presentation sharing with us why you do what you do. Sometimes people call this your story. At Ascentive, we call this your emotionally charged connection. This is what drives you. I think that you want to spend the first third of your presentation sharing this. It will actually help compel the audience to like you.Then in the second third, you will want to share a couple success stories. I am a big believe that you can give us all the details and all the facts and people will or may not remember. But if you can take your business and wrap it up into a story, a success story, of how you helped your clients, it is so much more impactful and so much more memorable.It’s really not about giving us a whole bunch of ideals. It’s really about giving us two, maybe three max, successes about how you helped your clients, that can really help your chapter members to refer you by sharing what you created for people.Ivan: So the first third is your emotionally charged connection. I know I have talked about that here on BNI Podcast. You can do a search on that. If you want to see more on emotionally charged connection, pick up my book, Avoiding the Networking Disconnect. Brendan Scanlon and I go at length to talk about the emotionally charged connection.The second third, Tiffanie, is success stories. Give some success stories, a story or more, on some of the things that you have done for people.What is the third?Tiffanie: The last third of your presentation is where you get to give us a call to action. I have seen several BNI presentations where people will tell us all about their business but not tell us what to do. This is very important not to skip.With a call to action, this could be something as simple and obvious as, “Hey, get me a referral,” and give us the specific referral request of people that you are looking to work with. It can also include an introduction to a contact sphere relationship, with noncompeting industries with the same target martket. It could be something as simple as “like me on social media.” “Please give me a review.” “Book me a speaking engagement.” “Invite me to go out and networking with you.”I love giving a couple of options for the call to action. For BNI members, there may be a couple of people in the room that are at visibility with you, some at credibility with you and some at profitability with you. So if you give us a couple of options on the call to action, it will be more likely to engage the entire audience.Ivan: I love the idea of options rather than just one because you are right. You are at a different level with different people in the chapter, so great suggestion on options.What else? Anything else?Tiffanie: So those are to me- that is one of my favorite presentations, the 3, 3, and 3. A third on why you do what you do, your ECC. A third on success stories and then a third of the call to action. It is a simple format, very powerful, meant to create referrals.Ivan: Alright. So Tiffanie, you have a book that came out this week, Knock the Socks Off Your Audience. How can people get it?Tiffanie: If you go to Amazon, if you put into the search bar “Tiffanie Kellog” it will actually pull up my author page and all my books are there.Ivan: And this will help people improve their presentations, not only in BNI but outside of the BNI context, yeah?Tiffanie: Yes. Definitely.Ivan: Good. Anything you want to add before I wrap up here?Tiffanie: Do I have time for a quick “do” and a quick “don’t” because we do get into the do’s and don’t of feature presentations for BNI members.Ivan: Absolutely. Go ahead.Tiffanie: Okay. So a couple “don’ts” that I can share with BNI members. You don’t want to sell to the members in your feature presentation. You want to sell through the members. It’s very important-Ivan: They are your referral team. You are not trying to sell to them. You are trying to train them.Tiffanie: Correct. Also, one of the things in BNI- it’s interesting. We have the bell in some chapters to make sure we don’t go over our time in our feature and our weekly presentations. What I have learned is the bell doesn’t tell the speaker to stop talking. It tells the audience to stop listening. So it is crucial at the end of our 30 seconds or our feature presentation one minute,or however long you have for those two pieces, that you honor that time and not go over because the audience isn’t listening anymore.Ivan: Right. Good suggestion.Tiffanie: When it comes to the “do’s” make sure you use your success stories to inspire your chapter members to help refer you.Ivan: Great. Any other “do”?Tiffanie: One other “do” is be specific to be terrific. Tell us exactly who it is that you are looking for.Ivan: Yeah, yeah. Laser specific. Look, Tiffanie, those are great suggestions. I recommend that members and people who just listen to my podcast, go pick up the book, Knock the Socks Off Your Audience by Tiffanie Kellog. You can find it at Amazon and go check out Tiffanie’s videos along with my videos at Networking for Success Channel on YouTube. We will have a link in this presentation as well as on the website.Tiffanie, thanks again for being a guest on BNI Podcast. I appreciate it.Tiffanie: Thank you for having me.Ivan: Back to you, Priscilla.Priscilla: Okay. Thank you both very much. I would just like to remind the listeners that this podcast has been brought to you by The Networking for Success Channel on YouTube. Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we hope you will join us next week for another exciting episode of the Official BNI Podcast. 原文:https://www.bnipodcast.com/2017/01/11/episode-489-knock-socks-off-audience/

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