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第220集:你的商業101 摘要最近有位BNI會員問米勒博士如何推廣第二級(外部)引薦,因為他分會的其他會員不太可能直接使用他的服務。 事實是,若你只聚焦在會議室內的引薦機會,那你就限制了成功的機會。 人脈網絡的精華就是人脈。 每個人都需要外部引薦。 為了取得外部引薦單,你必須培訓會員,讓他們知道如何為你引薦。 具體描述對“你的商業務101”來說非常實用。 每週在會議中選擇30秒鐘的主題,你就建立一個培訓課程。並帶照片,見證信,小冊子。想想這跟你的生意有什麼關聯。 坐下來想想四個主題,然後將這四個主題分成2-3個子主題。在這裡發布你的主題,並在會議中使用它們。你會得到更多的引薦機會。由NetworkingNow提供給你。以下為BNI播客221集完整抄本:Priscilla:哈囉,大家好,歡迎回到BNI官方播客,由人脈網絡的領導網站NetworkingNow.com提供給你。我是PriscillaRice,現在在加州柏克萊的LiveOakRecordingStudio。現在在線上的是BNI創始人及董事長伊凡米勒博士。哈囉,伊凡,你好嗎?Ivan:我很好,Priscilla。 我的今日主題很有趣,是之前沒有談過的。 最近有個BNI會員問我,他說“我是做旅行社。 我分會大多數企業主抽不出時間旅遊他們很少旅行。 “問題是”我可以做什麼來推廣二級引薦“?他問我是否有任何建議。我們在BNI很常使用這個詞。不是每個人都聽過,二級,簡單來說就是『外部引薦』。 我要如何讓他們向他人引薦我,因為他們不旅行,就不會使用我的服務。這有個簡短答案。答案是你必須建立一個你的商業101策略 - 你的商業101。 讓我先說說,如果你只聚焦在一級引薦,那麼你會限制你的商機。 如果你所關注的都是坐在房間裡的引薦機會,別誤會我的意思:讓能跟你一起做生意的人們在同一個房間裡是件好事,因為如果他們和你合作,更容易為你引薦。 但我認為很多人不加入或不重視-他們不加入,因為“這裡人數很少,我得不到足夠的引薦機會”或者“我不能得到足夠的引薦機會。“或者他們加入,只想利用房間裡的成員。 這是不夠的。你必須超越人脈網絡,超出房間內的人脈。 現在,會員認識100人,這100人認識另100人。你真的要把重點放在二級引薦,這個外部引薦,一直都是這樣,不只是在你的業務,在幾乎所有的業務,如果你想要BNI真正運作,你必須認識房間的成員認識的人。你怎麼該怎麼做嗎?這是真正的問題。 答案是為你的生意建立課程。 你必須訓練會員如何為你引薦。所以如果你只是說:“我是旅行社。我隨時可以安排旅行。如果你需要,我可以。 “廢話〞,這當然不夠。這太模糊了。這樣說,你永遠得不到引薦機會。你必須非常具體。當你思考你的商業101策略時,越具體越好。讓我說一個故事給你聽。 有個會員來到我身邊,手裡拿著PDA,在他的手機上有個日曆,並說:“選個星期三,任何一個星期三,”我說:“為什麼?”他說:星期三。我想給你看一些東西。“星期三是他的分會會議日。我選了兩個月後。 他說:“那個時候,我會說這個主題。” 我說:“那很有趣。還有什麼?“他說那要再選一個星期三。 我選了三,四個月後的星期三。 他說:“那個星期三,我在說這個主題。”我說,“這很有趣。你是怎麼做到的? 他說:你說的是具體的。我所做的是我逐一列出了每周的課程。本週我將談這個主題。下週我要談這個主題。我不是列出我要說的話,只是我想談的主題。我設一個星期二提醒,提醒我要談X,然後前一天花幾分鐘弄清楚我要說的話,但我提前安排課程。這一樣可以施行在旅行社。若你正在聽播客,我希望你能施行這個觀念在你的商業101。你將培訓一些能協助你生意成長的人。你在做旅行社。有什麼具體的題目是你能討論的呢?商務旅行。若你不做商務旅行,就別提這個主題,提一些你專長領域。這有個方式,你能分成幾個種類:聊聊度假地點。聊聊遊輪。遊輪可以是商務跟度假的結合。我知道有些組織會用商務遊輪,白天可以開會,晚上可以度假。聊聊遊輪。聊聊旅遊,聊聊目的地。這個做旅行社的會員說,會員很少旅行。 我敢打賭有些分會會員偶爾週末度假。他們可能不會整個星期度假,老實說,我建議大家適時休假。我聽人們說他們五年沒有休假。好的,這真的太瘋狂,你必須休假充電。我一直在休假。我工作很忙碌,但假期很重要。也許只是一個週末旅行。那也很好。 所以也許能談談我可以為你預訂的周末度假目的地。談談異國目的地。當你聽到有人說要去非洲的時候,你可以說說對非洲的了解。當你聽到有人說要去非洲旅行時,我可以做些什麼。“了解所有這些異國的目的地訊息。帶照片來推薦,帶手冊:在人們的腦中畫一張照片,他們可以與他人分享。談談你的經歷和別人的經歷。每星期分享特別的主題。旅行社是最酷的職業之一,因為每個星期可能是一個新的目的地,不同的重點。如果你想獲得外部引薦,請好好了解說明,讓人們如何為你引薦。這是執行的方法。Priscilla:我覺得很棒。當你談到旅行社,我有一個同樣的想法。旅行社會去他們要推廣的地方。你可以看看他們去過的地方的照片。您只需要幾秒,就可以讓人著迷。Ivan:你真的可以。每個人都可以這樣做。不管你做什麼,你都可以分成小的主題,每週會議來討論。我希望會員能為自己的生意建立培訓課程。你的商業101。你能建立小小的培訓課程。我要給你一個小測驗,Priscilla。我要問你兩三週的課程。Priscilla:現在?Ivan:對,就幾秒鐘。你先想想。聽眾也是,臨時想到。我沒讓她準備。這很簡單。任何人都可以坐下來思考三四件事,然後把它變成八,十和十二,這樣你一年就有四分之一的課程主題,可以討論。Priscilla,就隨便想想,你可以給我兩三個真正的細節嗎?Priscilla:有一個,我經常討論播客和我們在這裡討論過的內容。如果我們正在做電子公司的聲音檔或遊戲,我會邀請在這裡錄製專輯的樂隊。我常在工作室裡選做不同的事情。Ivan:好,我們就討論這兩三個。你談了播客。你可以做的一件事是不僅談播客的一般話題,也許你已經做了不同市場的播客。像BNI這樣的東西可能是一個播客。一個商務教練,與你或某公司做播客,試圖向客戶提供信息。播客內有不同的利基。你不是只談一個星期播客。你想做深入了解。你可能有三四個星期的播客。然後你談了樂隊。談論不同類型的樂隊。我知道這聽起來很瘋狂,很多成員都在想知道為什麼要這麼具體?因為具體會讓人產生共鳴,如果你能說出讓人共鳴的東西,就會被人注意。 Priscilla:沒錯。他們會跟朋友或其他人討論你談過的主題,產生迴響。Ivan:對,所以兩三週你能討論兩三種樂團。“上週我討論這個樂團。今天,我想討論這個樂團。”那你還做了什麼?Priscilla:我們也做視覺輔助和音效。Ivan:視覺輔助-你可以連做好幾週。所以我想讓聽眾現在做的就是,坐下來想四個不同的話題。然後我想讓你把這四個話題每個都分割成兩個或三個或者四個,你就有10-12個星期的話題。那是你的課程101。順便一提,這個人做了52週。52個話題。嗯,有幾個星期分會是假期休息。他做了大約一年的主題。哦,這裡是一個重要的。我說:“這對你來說有什麼優點?”他說,“自從我開始這樣做,我得到比以前更多的引薦機會,因為我說得很具體。”具體是很棒的。你的商業101。這就是我今天要分享的,Priscilla。Priscilla:太棒了。謝謝你提供這麼好的想法,伊凡。我很喜歡。Ivan:謝謝你讓我把焦點放在你身上。Priscilla:真的謝謝你。我要提醒聽眾這則播客是由人脈網絡的領導網站NetworkingNow.com提供給您。謝謝您的聆聽,我是Priscilla Rice,我們期待您參與下週BNI官方播客。 Episode 221: Your Business 101SynopsisA BNI member recently asked Dr. Misner how to promote second tier (outside) referrals, because the other members of his chapter weren’t likely to use his services directly.The truth is that if you only focus on the referrals that are sitting there in the room, you’re going to limit your success. The network beyond the network is what matters. Everyone needs the second tier referrals.To get those referrals, you have to train members in how to refer you. Specific is terrific for “Your Business 101.” Pick topics for your 30-second pitch at the meeting each week, the way you would create a training curriculum. Bring photos, testimonials, brochures.Think about how this applies to your business. Sit down and think of four topics, then break each of those four down into 2-3 sub-topics. Post your topics here—and use them at your meetings. You’ll get many more referrals.Brought to you by Networking Now.Complete Transcript of BNI Podcast Episode 221 –Priscilla: Hello everyone and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow.com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. I am joined on the phone today by the Founder and Chairman of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Hello Ivan, how are you ?Ivan: I am doing great, Priscilla. I have an interesting topic, something that I haven’t really tackled on the podcast before. I had a BNI member that recently asked me a question. He said, “ I’m a travel agent. Most of the business owners in my group are challenged to take time away, to get away from their businesses. They don’t travel a lot.” The question was, “What can I do to promote 2nd tier referrals?” He asked if I had any suggestions.We use that term a lot on BNI. Not every group may have heard that term, 2nd tier, but it’s basically an outside referral. How do I get them to refer somebody else because they are not going to be using me directly a lot because they don’t travel.Here is the short answer. The short answer is you have to create a Your Business 101 strategy. Your Business 101. Let me get to that by first saying that if all you do is focus on tier 1 referrals, you are really going to limit your business opportunities. If all you focus on are the referrals which are sitting there in the room- don’t get me wrong. It’s good to have people that you can do business with in the room because if they used you, then it’s easier to refer. But I think a lot of people either don’t join or they focus- they don’t join because “this isn’t enough people and I can’t get enough referrals from this” or “ I can’t get enough referrals from this.” Or they join and they just try to use the members in the room.That’s never enough. You have to go way beyond and network beyond the network that is in the room. Now, the members know 100 people who know 100 people who know 100 people. So you really want to try to focus on that 2nd tier referral, that outside referral, all the time. Not just because you are in a certain business, but in virtually all businesses, if you want BNI to work, you have to go with the people that the members in the room know.Knowing that, how do you get there? That is the real question. The answer is you create a curriculum for your business. You have to literally create a curriculum for your business. You have to train members how to refer you. So if you just say, “ I am a travel agent. I can take care of travel anywhere at anytime. If you need to have that, I can do that.” Nonsense. That is not enough.That’s way too vague. You are never going to get any referrals off of that kind of a statement. You have to be really, really specific. Specific is terrific when you are thinking of Your Business 101.Let me tell you a real quick story. I had a member who came up to me once and had his PDA in his hand, had a calendar on his mobile device and said, “ Pick a Wednesday, any Wednesday.” I said, “Why?” He said, “Pick a Wednesday. I want to show you something.” Wednesdays were the day his group met. I picked two months out. He said, “On that date, I’m talking about this topic.”I said, “Well, that’s interesting. What else?” So he said to pick another Wednesday. I picked a Wednesday that was three or four months out. He said, “On that Wednesday, I am talking about this topic.” I said, “That’s interesting. How did you do it?” He said, “ You talk about being specific. What I did is I literally laid out a curriculum for the year week by week. This week I am going to talk about this topic. Next week, I am going to talk about that topic. I didn’t list what I was going to say, just that I am going to talk about this. Then I have a reminder on Tuesday that I am going to talk about X. Then I spend a couple of minutes figuring out what I am going to say the day before, but I have the curriculum lined up in advance.”Now, let’s apply that to the travel agent. If you’re listening, I want you to apply that concept to Your Business 101. You are going to train somebody in your business.You are a travel agent. What are the specifics you could talk about? Business travel. If you don’t do any business travel, obviously don’t talk about that, but if you do specialize in any kind of business travel, talk about that. Here is one way you could break it down into categories: Talk about vacation places. Talk about cruises. Cruises can actually be both business and vacation. I know a number of organizations that will do a business cruise, where you will have meetings during the day and then you are off on the ship on the evening. Talk about cruises. Talk about tours. Talk about local destinations.This travel agent said the members don’t travel a lot. I bet you he has members in his chapter that might get away for a weekend. They might not take a whole week, although to be honest with you, I recommend that everybody always take vacation. I get people who say they haven’t had a vacation in five years. Okay, you’re crazy. You have to take vacations and recharge your batteries. I have always taken vacations my entire life. I work long crazy hours but vacations are important. Maybe just a little weekend trip. That’s fine.So maybe talk about weekend destinations that I can book for you. Talk about exotic destinations. What you do then is say When you hear about somebody saying they want to go to Africa, here is what I know about Africa. Here is what I can do when you hear somebody say they want to take a trip to Africa.” Have information on all of these exotic destinations. Bring photographs. Bring testimonials. Bring brochures. Bottom line: Paint a picture in people’s minds that they can share with others. Talk about your experiences and other people’s experiences. Get laser specific each week. Travel agents is one of the coolest professions because each week could be a new destination, a whole different focus.If you want to get outside referrals, get really specific about how people can refer you. That is the way to do it.Priscilla: I think that’s great. When you talked about a travel agent, I had the very same idea. Some of these travel agents get to go to the places that they are going to promote. You could come back with photos of the places they went and the fun they had. You only have a certain number of seconds to fill and we could just tantalize people week after week with the options.Ivan: You really can. Everybody can do this for their business. No matter what you business, you can break it down into small parts and talk about that each week. What I really want the members to do is literally create curriculum for your business. Your Business 101. You are going to do a little curriculum. I’m going to give you a little test here, Priscilla. I am going to ask you for two or three weeks of your curriculum.Priscilla: Right now?Ivan: Yes. In just a second. So you think about it for a second. For the listeners, this is completely off the cuff. I didn’t prepare her. This is how easy it is. Anybody can sit down and think of three or four things and then turn it into eight, ten and twelve so that you have a whole quarter of curriculum topics that you could could be talking about.Priscilla, just off the cuff, could you give me two or three real specifics about what you do?Priscilla: The obvious one, I often talk about the podcast and what we have discussed here. Sometimes I will bring up the latest band that has recorded here and if we have been doing voice over work for an electronics company or video gaming. I constantly select different things that we do in the studio.Ivan: Alright let’s take those two or three. You talked about podcasts. One of the things you could do is not just talk about the general topic of podcasts, but maybe you have done podcasts with different markets. Something like BNI might be one podcast. A business coach who did podcasts with you or a corporation of some kind that is trying to get information out to their clients. There are different niches within podcasts. You don’t want to stand up and just talk about podcasts one week. You want to do the niche. Go deep. You might have three or four weeks worth of podcasts.Then you talked about bands. Talk about the different types of bands. I know it sounds crazy and a lot of the members are wondering why be so specific? Be that specific because if you can say something that resonates with people, all of a sudden they pay attention.Priscilla: Yes, exactly. Then they are talking with their friends and somebody says something about a topic that you brought up and it rings a bell.Ivan: Exactly. So you can talk about two or three types of bands that you do over two or three weeks. “Last week, I talked about this band. Today, I want to talk about this band.” Now, what was the other one you did?Priscilla: We do voice overs and sound effects.Ivan: Voice overs- you could do weeks and weeks on voice overs. So what I want the listeners to do is right now, sit down and create four different topics. Then I want you to take those four topics and break those four down into two or three or four each and get 10 -12 weeks worth of topics. That’s your curriculum 101. By the way, this guy did it for 52 weeks. 52 topics. Okay, there were a couple of weeks that the chapter would be off for holidays. Roughly a year’s worth of topics he did.Oh, and here is an important one. I said, “How has that worked out for you?” He said, “Since I started doing this, I get 3 or 4 times more referrals than I used to get because I get specific.”Specific is terrific. Your Business 101. That is all I have for today, Priscilla.Priscilla: That’s excellent. Thank you for all of the good ideas, Ivan. I really appreciate it.Ivan: Thanks for letting me put you on the spot.Priscilla: Thank you all very much.. I would just like to remind the listeners that this podcast has been brought to you by NetworkingNow.com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Thank you so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice and we hope you will join us next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast. 原文:https://www.bnipodcast.com/2011/09/07/episode-221-your-business-101/ #BNI大高雄南區 #DoYouWantMoreBusiness

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