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第115集:參與BNI需避免的十件事摘要本週米勒博士將開始12週BNI的基礎課程。若你是培訓協調員,你可以從BNI網站下載這些資料。以下十件事會阻礙其他成員遞交優質引薦單給你。1. 開會遲到和不專心。2. 開會缺席。3. 不邀請來賓與會。4. 用他人60秒簡報時間,思考自己等等要說什麼。5. 只想販售你的服務給其他人。6. 不積極處理會員遞交引薦單。7. 用一對一面談時間討論分會事項。8. 60秒簡報即興而為。9. 用十分鐘簡報時間說明如何做生意的細節。10. 把不滿轉嫁在同伴或來賓身上。針對這些行為,你有什麼建議呢?歡迎在部落格留言,讓我們知道。 資訊由Networking Now提供BNI播客115集完整抄本Priscilla:哈囉,大家好。歡迎回到BNI官方播客節目,由NetworkingNow.com提供,是人脈網絡的領導網站。我是Priscilla Rice,現在在加州柏克萊的Live Oak Recording Studio。現在在線上的是BNI創始人及主席伊凡米勒博士。哈囉,伊凡,你好嗎?你今天在哪裡呢?Ivan:嗯,我這週在南加州的執行委員會,在我的大熊湖的家中休息。BNI分會遍佈美國,英國,加拿大,澳大利亞,斯堪的納維亞國家等幾個頂尖國家,其中有幾個會員都在這會面並討論BNI2010年的發展,並為我們的組織持續增長做準備,所以我們在這裡見面,這就是我們這週做的。Priscilla:聽起來很有趣。Ivan:沒錯。這週播客,我想開始為期12週的計畫,就叫它BNI12週基礎課程。培訓協調員可以在BNI.com取得所有資料。若你是教育培訓員,又無法登入網站,請跟你的董事詢問登入資料。而我想做的事,Priscilla,也許會超過三個月,我會把一些播客放在教材裡。真正想做的大約12-16週,讓培訓協調員能使用這些播客內容。Priscilla:這真的是太棒了。那第一個是?Ivan:嗯,我發現第一個很有趣。參與BNI需避免的十件事。若你計算每週花在BNI的時間跟商業價值,你一定不想浪費錢。在BNI要成功,就是讓其他人都信任你,願意遞交優質引薦單給你。當你展示你的專業,得到他們的信任,他們才願意為你引薦。以下是BNI董事和會員一起歸納出在BNI無法成功取得優質引薦單的十件事。你準備好了嗎?Priscilla:我準備好了。Ivan:好,我們就開始了。一:會議遲到或不專心。不要準時到場參加會議,但開會時,又一直傳簡訊或接電話。真的很浪費時間。你沒看過這種情形,對嗎?Priscilla:事實上,我有。Ivan:我知道,我也是。二:缺席。不是什麼大問題,對嗎?我常跟BNI會員說,“你們有人曾經打電話理髮嗎?“這些事就是你必須人真的在那裡,才能完成的事。所以缺席真的無法為你帶來引薦單。三:為什麼邀請你自己的來賓?只聚焦在出席的人。真的很好笑,最強的分會在商業事務方面有很多相互關聯的關係,彼此認識的人。 因為當你帶來一個你認識的人時,基本上你是信任他的,而且當你帶來的人越多又定期碰面,信心曲線移動越快。 所以你應要帶你自己的人入會。Priscilla:沒錯。Ivan:四:用他人60秒簡報時間,思考自己等等要引薦什麼或說什麼。這真的很浪費在BNI的時間。 不要在其他人進行他們60秒的演講時,思考要引薦什麼或等等要說什麼。 您應該專注於他們60秒的簡報,以便找到實際可以引薦的方式。五:只想販售你的服務給其他人。 我知道這聽起來很奇怪。 銷售您的產品或服務,不就是我們在這裡的意義? 不,這不對。 BNI是培訓一個引薦小組,而不是達成交易。 所以如果你參與BNI會議,只想達成交易,你錯過了一個很好的機會,因為房間裡的人不只是潛在客戶,他們會為你引薦生意。 如果你能讓他們為你引薦,那就是農耕方式,而不是狩獵。六:不積極處理會員遞交的引薦單。你認為他們都認識你,他們都知道你會處理他們為你遞交的引薦單。才不是這樣!當你收到引薦單,請馬上處理,這真的很重要。七:用一對一面談時間討論分會事項。多少次你看過會員做一對一面談時,他們討論的是會議,他們討論分會,他們討論誰讓他們很受不了,或者他們討論還沒進行的會議。一對一面談應該用來教育其他人關於你的生意,以及他們如何為你引薦。 在對的時間做對的事,真的很重要。八:參與BNI需避免的十件事。即興表演60秒簡報。你覺得反正很多機會,就即興表演吧。 真是浪費時間。不要浪費時間即興表演。最好的例子就是我之前在播客中談過的,就是安排你明年度的60秒簡報。 坐下來好好想想- 現在聽這個播客的聽眾,好好安排今年的剩下的時間。 在今年的剩餘時間裡安排每週的主題,在簡報前一兩天,坐下來想想你想說的主題。 但請提早計劃你的60秒簡報;不要即興表演。九:用十分鐘簡報時間說明如何做生意的細節。 會員不需要知道你的生意內部的工作細節,但他們需要知道如何為你引薦。 所以你讓他們越清楚什麼是優質引薦單,如何運作,以及讓遠離競爭對手,你會有更好的成效。十:把不滿轉嫁在同伴或來賓身上。 畢竟,我們都成年了。 換句話說,與其花時間抱怨生活,事業,分會或其他方面,不如回歸正題,你在這裡是想創造生意,那就專注於生意。所以這些是應該要避免的十件事。 在接下來的11週,我打算在這些播客,Priscilla,與你一起以不同的方式來討論如何解決這些問題。 下週的主題將介紹如何將付出者收穫原則應用於出席每週會議,以加速他人對你和你的生意的信任。Priscilla:太好了,伊凡。謝謝你,我認為這十件事真有道理。 我也來想想第11種可能是什麼。而且我覺得第11種也許是花你很多時間精力,引起你注意的會員間爭吵。Ivan:哇,這是很棒的一個想法。 應該可以排在前十名。 我認為這很棒,我看過很多次。 事實上,這是我給正在聽這則播客的人的建議。 我們樂意聽到您對在BNI中浪費時間的建議。 請我們分享第11種,12種和13種。 因為有時只了解該做的事不夠,也該了解什麼不該做。這就是今天播客的內容,了解什麼不該做,以及該做什麼。Priscilla:嗯,好的,我想時間也差不多了。你還有什麼要補充的嗎,伊凡?Ivan:沒有,就這樣,Priscilla。很謝謝你。Priscilla:嗯,好的。我要提醒聽眾這則播客是由NetworkingNow.com提供,一個人脈網絡的領導網站。謝謝你的聆聽。我是Priscilla Rice,我們期待您參與下週BNI官方播客。——Episode 115: “Top 10 Ways to Waste Your Time in BNI”SynopsisThis week Dr. Misner is beginning a 12-week course of BNI Fundamentals. If you’re a BNI Education Coordinator, you can download this information from the BNI website.Here are the top ten ways to prevent other BNI members from giving you good referrals. 1. Show up late or multi-task during the meeting. 2. Be absent. 3. Don’t invite your own guests. 4. Use other people’s 60-second presentation time to think about what to say yourself. 5. Focus your efforts on selling your services to the members. 6. Don’t rush following up on a member referral. 7. Use one-to-one’s to talk about the chapter. 8. Wing it with your 60-second presentation. 9. Use your 10-minute presentation to explain minute details of how your business works. 10. Air your grievances among your table-mates and guests.What are your suggestions for the top ways to waste time in BNI? Let us know here in the comments to the blog.Brought to you by Networking Now.Complete Transcription of BNI Podcast Episode 115 –Priscilla: Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow.com, which is the leading site on the Net for networking downloadables.I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California, and I am joined on the phone today by the founder and the chairman of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner.Hello, Ivan. How are you and where are you?Ivan: Well, this week I am actually in Southern California at a executive council retreat up at my lake home in Big Bear. We’ve got all of the top countries of BNI, U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, the Scandinavian countries, a couple of others that are all meeting up here to talk about the growth of BNI for 2010 and to prepare the organization for our ongoing growth. So we’re meeting up here, and that’s what we’re doing this week.Priscilla: That sounds like a lot of fun.Ivan: Yeah, it should be fun.This week, however, on the podcast, I want to start a 12-week program for the podcasts. It’s called 12 Weeks of BNI Fundamentals, and this is content that is available to all education coordinators by going to BNI.com and going to the educational coordinator download section. If you’re an education coordinator and you don’t have that information, connect with your local director and get the user name and password so that you can have access to the information.And what I want to do, Priscilla, over the next maybe more than three months, I might intersperse a few other podcasts in this content, but what I’d like to do is, certainly over the next 12 to 16 weeks, hit these 12 weeks of BNI fundamentals and have education coordinators hopefully coordinate their training with these podcasts.Priscilla: That sounds great. So what’s the first one?Ivan: Well, the first one is one that I find interesting. It’s called Top 10 Ways to Waste Your Time in BNI. Your BNI seat in this chapter, the chapter that you’re a member of, is worth a considerable amount of money. If you calculate the time you spend each week and the business value of your time, you don’t want to squander that money. Now, success in BNI comes when the rest of the chapter members trust you enough to open up their best referrals to you, not just their normal referrals, but their best referrals. And that comes when they have seen you work, when you have earned trust with them by demonstrating your professionalism at all times.So here are what BNI directors and members around the world have come up with as the top ten ways to prevent gaining trust and delay your success in BNI, or the Top 10 Ways to Waste Your Time in BNI.Are you ready for them?Priscilla: I’m ready.Ivan: Here we go.Number 1: show up late or multitask during the meetings. Don’t be there on time and be texting while the meeting is going on or walk away for telephone calls. That’s a great waste of time in BNI.You’ve never seen that, have you?Priscilla: I have, actually.Ivan: I know; so have I.Number 2: be absent. No big deal, right? It doesn’t really make a difference if you’re there. One of the things I’ve always said to BNI members, “How many of you have ever gotten a haircut over the phone?” It’s one of those things where you’ve got to actually be there in order to make it work for you, so being absent is not going to generate referrals for you.Number 3: why invite your own guests? Just focus on those who show up. It’s really interesting, the strongest chapters of BNI are chapters that have a lot of interrelated relationships in terms of business, people who know each other. Because when you bring in somebody that you know there’s a trust level that exists, and the more you have people that you know and that you’re meeting with regularly, the faster the confidence curve moves. And so you want to be bringing in your own people.Priscilla: Right.Ivan: Number 4: use other people’s 60-second presentation time to think about what referrals you should be giving or what presentation you’re going to be giving. That’s a great waste of BNI time. Don’t think about what referrals to give or what presentation to give while other people are doing their 60-second presentation. You want to focus on their 60-second presentation so that you can think of ways that you can actually refer them.Number 5: focus your efforts on selling your services to the members. Now, that sounds counterintuitive. Isn’t that what this is all about, sell your products or services? No, it’s not. BNI is really about training a referral team, not closing a sale. And so if you come to the BNI meetings thinking that you’re just going to close sales, you’re missing a great opportunity, because the people in the room are not just prospective clients, they’re referral sources. If you can get them to refer you, that’s that classic way of farming and not hunting.Number 6: don’t rush following up on a member referral. They know who you are; they know you’ll get back to them. Not true! When you get a referral, follow up on it immediately; that’s really important.Number 7: use one-to-ones to talk about the chapter. How many times have you seen people doing one-to-ones, and what they do is they talk about the meeting, they talk about the chapter, they talk about somebody that drives them crazy, or they talk about how the meetings aren’t being run. You’ve got to use one-to-ones to educate people about your business and how they can refer you. That’s really important.Top 10 Ways to Waste Your Time in BNI, number 8: wing it with your 60-second presentation. You’ve got plenty of chances anyway, right? So just wing it. That’s a total time waster. You do not want to wing it. One of the best examples, I know I’ve talked about it on the podcast before, is to schedule your educational 60-seconds for the next year. Sit down and create – right now, anyone listening to this podcast, schedule out the rest of the year with your 60-second presentations. Just have the topics every week throughout the rest of the year, and then what you want to do is, a day or two before, sit down and figure out what you want to say on that topics. But plan your 60-second presentations; don’t wing it.Number 9: use your 10-minute presentation to explain minute details of how your business works. People don’t need to know the inner workings of your business, but they need to know how to refer you. So the more you can educate them on what a good referral is and how it works and what sets you aside from your competition, the better you’re going to be.And number 10, the number 10 way of wasting your time in BNI is: go ahead and air your grievances among your table-mates and guests. After all, we’re all adults here. In other words, spend the time that you should be marketing complaining to people about life or the business or the chapter or whatever. You’re here to generate business. Focus on the business.So these are the Top 10 Ways to Waste Your Time in BNI. Over the next 11 weeks, what I plan to do with you on these podcasts, Priscilla, is to address each of these areas in different ways. Next week’s topic will focus on how you can apply the Giver’s Gain principle to your attendance and to your participation in weekly meetings to accelerate the trust that others have in you and in your business.Priscilla: That’s great, Ivan. Well, thank you. I think that’s a wonderful list of ten ways. I’m trying to think of what number 11 might be. And I’m thinking number 11 might be getting into some kind of personal dispute with somebody in your chapter and letting that grab all of your energy and focus.Ivan: Wow, that’s a great one. It probably should be on the top ten. I think that’s a real good one, one that I’ve seen happen a lot. As a matter of fact, here’s what I would suggest for the members who listen to this podcast. We’d love to hear your suggestions on the top ways to waste your time in BNI. Give us a number 11 and a number 12 and a number 13, and share that with us. Because these are the things – it’s not only good to understand what you want to do; I think it’s important to understand what not to do. That’s what this podcast is about, is really understanding what not to do as well as what do to.Priscilla: Right. Okay, great. Well, I think we’ve come to the end of our time. Do you have anything else you’d like to add, Ivan?Ivan: No, that’ll do it for today, Priscilla. Thank you so much.Priscilla: Okay, great.Well, I just want to remind the listeners that this podcast has been brought to you by NetworkingNow.com, which is the leading site on the Net for networking downloadables. Thanks so much for listening. This is Priscilla Rice, and we hope you’ll join us next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast. 原文:https://www.bnipodcast.com/2009/07/29/episode-115-top-10-ways-to-waste-your-time-in-bni/

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