3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Tweet 《白日焰火》最佳影片金熊獎, 最佳男演員銀熊獎:廖凡 People’s Republic of China By 刁亦男 (《夜車》, 《制服》) Boyhood 《少年時代》最佳導演銀熊獎 USA By Richard Linklater (《愛在黎明破曉時》《愛在日落巴黎時》《愛在午夜希臘時》《星夢傳奇:奧森威爾斯與我》 ) Chiisai Ouchi (The Little House)(東京小屋的回憶) 最佳女演員銀熊獎:黑木華 Japan By 山田洋次 (《東京家族》《黃昏清兵衛》《隱劍鬼爪》《武士的一分》) Historia del miedo (History of Fear) Argentina / Uruguay / Germany / France By Benjamin Naishtat Jack Germany By Edward Berger Kraftidioten (In Order of Disappearance) Norway By Hans Petter Moland (《堪稱紳士》A Somewhat Gentle Man,《美麗國度》 The Beautiful Country) Kreuzweg (Stations of the Cross)最佳劇本銀熊獎 Germany By Dietrich Bruggemann (Move; Renn, wenn du kannst) La tercera orilla (The Third Side of the River) Argentina / Germany / Netherlands By Celina Murga (A Week Alone, Ana and the Others, Normal School) La voie de l‘ennemi (Two Men in Town) France / Algeria / USA / Belgium By Rachid Bouchareb (《倫敦河》London River, Little Senegal) Macondo Austria By Sudabeh Mortezai – Feature debut Praia do Futuro Brazil / Germany By Karim Ainouz (《逆光》Suely in the Sky, Madame Sata) Tui Na (Blind Massage)《推拿》傑出藝術貢獻銀熊獎(攝影):攝影師曾劍 People’s Republic of China / France By 婁燁 (《蘇州河》,《頤和園》) Wu Ren Qu (No Man’s Land) 《無人區》 People’s Republic of China By 寧浩 (《瘋狂的賽車》《綠草地》) Zwischen Welten (Inbetween Worlds) Germany By Feo Aladag (《當妳離開的時候》 When We Leave ) 71 United Kingdom By Yann Demange (Top Boy – TV series) Aimer, boire et chanter (Life of Riley)阿爾弗雷德鮑爾獎 France By Alain Resnais (《廣島之戀》Hiroshima Mon Amour, 《吸煙/不吸煙》Smoking/No smoking, 《法國香頌》On connait la chanson) Aloft Spain / Canada / France By Claudia Llosa (《懼乳:傷心的奶水》The Milk of Sorrow) Die geliebten Schwestern Germany By Dominik Graf (In Face of the Crime, Lawinen der Erinnerung) Stratos Greece / Germany / Cyprus By Yannis Economides (Matchbox, Soul Kicking) The Grand Budapest Hotel 《布達佩斯大飯店》評審團大獎銀熊獎 United Kingdom / Germany By Wes Anderson (Moonrise Kingdom《月昇冒險王國》, 《大吉嶺有限公司》(The Darjeeling Limited),《水中生活》The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou) 非競賽 《大尋寶家》The Monuments Men Germany / USA By George Clooney (《選戰風雲》The Ides of March; 《晚安,祝你好運》Good Night, and Good Luck.) La belle et la bete (Beauty and the Beast) 《美女與野獸》 France / Germany By Christophe Gans (《沉默之丘》Silent Hill,《鬼哭狼嚎》Brotherhood of the Wolf) 《性愛成癮的女人》Nymphomaniac Denmark / Germany / France /Belgian / United Kingdom By Lars Von Trier(《撒旦的情與慾》(Antichrist)《驚悚末日》(英語:Melancholia)) 分享此文 Facebook Twitter Pocket Weibo 請按讚: 喜歡 載入中...

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