3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

I feel like I’m losing hope 我感覺到我已經失去希望 In my body and in my soul 在我的身體與靈魂 and the sky, it looks so ominous 天空看起來是如此不祥 and as time comes to a halt 時間彷彿靜止 Silence starts to overflow 沈默開始擴散 My cries, are inconspicuous 我的哭泣如此微不足道 Tell me god, are you punishing me? 神啊,請告訴我,你是否在懲罰我? Is this the price I’m paying for my past mistakes 這是不是我過去犯下錯誤付出的代價? This is my redemption song 這是我的贖罪歌曲 I need you more than ever right now 我現在更加需要祢 can you hear me now? 可以請您傾聽我的訴求嗎? 副歌: ’cause whether I’m shouting loud 因為不管我如何大叫 Even if my words seem meaningless 即使我已經不知道我在說什麼 It’s like I’m carrying the weight of the world 我彷彿正在承受世界之重 I wish that some way, some how 我只期望不論用什麼方法,用什麼手段 That I could save every one of us 我可以拯救我們中的每一個人 But the truth is that I’m only one girl 但事實如此殘酷,我只是一個女孩 Maybe if I keep believing, my dream will come to life come to life 也許我只要不斷相信,我的夢想就會成真 也許會成真 After all I’ve had to face 畢竟我不得不面對 signs of life all washed away 生命的跡像都被沖走了 I can still, still feel a gentle breeze 我依然可以感受到一絲溫柔的微風 but no matter how hard I prayed 但不論我如何努力禱告 signs of war have still remained 戰爭的跡象依然存在 and life, has become my enemy 生活,已經成為我的敵人 Tell me god, are you punishing me? 神啊,請告訴我,你是否在懲罰我? Is this the price I’m paying for my past mistakes 這是不是我過去犯下錯誤付出的代價? This is my redemption song 這是我的贖罪歌曲 I need you more than ever right now 我現在更加需要祢 can you hear me now? 可以請您傾聽我的訴求嗎? 副歌: ’cause whether I’m shouting loud 因為不管我如何大叫 Even if my words seem meaningless 即使我已經不知道我在說什麼 It’s like I’m carrying the weight of the world 我好像正在承受世界之重 I wish that some way, some how 我希望不論用什麼方法,用什麼手段 That I could save every one of us 我可以拯救我們中每一個人 But the truth is that I’m only one girl 但事實如此殘酷,我只是一個女孩 Maybe if I keep believing, my dream will come to life come to life 也許我只要不斷相信,我的夢想就會成真 也許會成真

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