3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

文字版權為金門縣政府所有,圖為痞子賤所有,翻印必究 金門史地淵源(The Histories and Geographic Developmentso of Kinmen) 金門舊名浯洲,又有仙洲、浯江、滄浯等名。明洪武二十一年(1388),江夏侯周德興築千戶所城,以其「固若金湯,雄鎮海門」,得名「金門」。 The ancient names for Kinmen include WuZhou, XienZhou, WuJiang etc. In the Ming dynasty, established a thousand-of-households and formed the township in Kinmen. This place earned its name-Kinmen because it is “mpregnable, safe and stable as a strong fortified city also its geographical location could guard as the gate of navigating routes.” 金門島位於東經118度24芬,北緯24度27分,位處大陸福建九龍江口,與廈門島比鄰,除本島外,尚有烈嶼、大膽等十五個大小不同的島嶼,總面積約一百五十平方公里。島之東西兩端寬、中央窄,形如金錠狀。 Kinmen Island locates in East longitude 118.24 degree and North latitude 24.27 degree. It is next to the junction of JiuLong River and Xiamen Island of Mainland China. Besides the major island, there are still LieYu, DaDan and other 15 islands. The total area is 150 square Kilometers. Kinmen Island is wider in east and west sides whilst narrow in the center, and shapes like a ingot.  戰地風光(Scenery of Battles Zone) 金門在戰備時期,島上生活的基礎設備,端賴軍民同胞共同努力,闢公園、建水庫、建館舍、修道路,許多具有戰地特色的設施,陸續完成。往日的戰備措施,成了今日彌足珍貴的觀光資源。莒光樓前的晚霞、慈堤的日落、中正公園清晨的薄霧、榕園的濃蔭幽翠;宏偉的地下戰備坑道、肅穆的海岸阻絕設施、各種軍事防禦和偽裝設施,成為昔日冷戰的紀念碑,足供成為世人憑弔之歷史場景。 During the combat readiness period, Kinmen’s infrastructure was built in the cooperation both of local residents and soldiers. Including parks, reservoirs, housings and roads, all the facilites the facilities characteristic of battles zone were accomplished. These facilities therefore become precious tourism resources today. Sunset glow in front of the JuGuang Building, beautiful sunset scenery of GiTi(Ci Dike), early mist in ZhongZheng Park, dense and green shadows of banyan trees in RongYuan, magnificent views of undergriund dedense facility, solemn and respectful coastline defense and camouflage facilites, all the above have become monuments for the Cold War and historical sites worth seeing for visitors. 閩南文化(Culture of Southern Min Province) 金門傳統民居,一般人稱為「金門古厝」,其房屋的營建方式,有燕尾式和馬背式的;以營建的形制來分,有一落、二落、三落即護龍、突歸、迴向等。 The Kinmen’s traditional housing is generally called “Kinmen Ancient House”. These ancient houses mostly retained the southen Fujian architecture in the Zhangzhou and Quanzhou styles and are characteristic of swallowtail and horseback ridges. 由於歷代的盜匪、戰亂即伐木煮鹽,島上林木蕩然,冬季強勁的東北季風肆虐,致使田園荒蕪、房屋毀壞、民不聊生,黎民求藉風神、力獸以制煞辟邪。這些座落在村落外圍,造型、神態各異的風獅爺,被譽為「金門民間的守護神」。 Long-term political chaos and civil wars in the past had consumed most of the woods in the island. In the autumn and winter, strong northeast monsoons always lead to severe damage, lay farm fields waste, ruin buildings and nake this island inhospitable. Therefore people in Kinmen invoked the protection of God of Wind-Lion in order to ward off the “evil spirits” Different styles of the God of Wind-Lion, located in the periphery of the village, are treated as “gurds of Kinmen folklors” 宗祠,金門人稱「祖厝」或「祠堂」,是奉祭祖先神靈牌的屋宇。金門每一個傳統聚落,都可以看到一座以上的宗祠。 Ancestors, shrines, also named “Zu-Cuo” or “Ci-Tang” are places for Kinmen folks to worship the memorial tablets on which inscribed ancestors nams. There definitely will be more than one family shrine in any kinmen traditional communities. 廟宇,金門人習稱「宮」或「宮廟」,金門人絕大部分信仰的是釋、儒、道合一的「佛教」,除新社區外,每一個聚落,最少都有一座廟宇。這些廟宇有定期的迎神、謝醮等祭祀活動,其中尤以農曆四月十二日「迎城隍」最具規模,至三月二十三日媽祖生日,則是臨海聚落居民主要的建醮活動。 Temples in Kinmen ar mostly called as “Gong” or “Gong-Miap”. In Kinmen, most of the people believe in “Buddhism” which combines Shi, Ru(Confucianism) and Dao (Taoism). Except for new one, most communities have at least one temple and have their own routine religious activities. Among these religious activities, “Welcoming the Justice in Hades” dated on April 12th in lunar calendar. Also the Birthday of Goddess MaZhu dated on March 23rd is the main worship activities for fishermen communities. 自然生態(Natural Ecology) 金門位居大弧形沿岸中間,是南來北往侯鳥遷徒必經之途。自砲聲絕跡後,少受 干擾,春季小麥和夏秋高梁的收成、海灘潮間帶的魚蝦貝類,都為各種候鳥和留鳥提供了充足的食物,成為各種鳥類棲息的天堂。 Kinmen located in the southeastern coast of Mainland China, and is almost the only route must be passed by migrant birds. In recent years, when civil war across-straits appeased, plenty of foods, such as wheat in spring, sorghum in autumn, fishes, shrimps, and mussels along the coastline, have made Kinmen a paradise for various kinds of migrabt birds. 資料來源由縣政府交旅局授權提供,資料需經授權請勿盜用,僅供旅客參閱

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