3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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開放參觀須知(Notice) 單向入口:金城車站(This is One-way tunnel Enternces:Jincheng Bus Station) 出口:金門高中(Exit:Kinmen Senior High School) 緊急出口:(Emergency Exit are as follow: ) 金門縣政府:入口至縣府約582公尺。 (Kinmen County Government:About 582m away from the tunnel entrance) 國民黨金門縣黨部:入口至黨部約705公尺。 (KMT(Nationalist Party)Kinmen Department: about 705m from the tunnel entrance.) 坑道全長1289公尺,步行約需三十分鐘。 (The length of the tunnel is 1285m,it takes about 30 minutes by foot.) 每梯次開放一個團隊(50人為上限),梯次間格一小時。 (Guided tour only serves one group at the time up to 50 visitors;the interval of time between each group should be 1 hour above.) 團體參觀由帶隊解說人員引導進入,散客由現場解說人員帶領參觀,本館於指定時間配有解說人員引導遊客參觀。 (Visitor groups will be lead by interpreters, and Visitors will be lead by guided tours, Guided tours are also pro-vided on scheduled time.) (10:30、11:30、13:30、14:30、15:30、16:30、17:30、18:30、19:30、20:30) ※除13:30配合觀光公車與20:30閉館不限人數外,其餘梯次需滿5人才可下坑。 體驗方式說明Understanding through Experience 為讓遊客能親自體驗地下坑道,並對其工作環境有進一步的了解,特地整理民防坑道,開放部分路段,成為坑道體驗區。並利用影片播放的方式,協助說明坑道構建以及其概況。 Part of the underground tunnel is opened as the Tunnel Experiential Area, allowing tourists to exoerience the actual underground tunnel and better understand the environment therein. With film screening of the past happen-ings in the tunnel, one could experience the imoact of the events. 遊客注意事項Safety Tips 遊客於二樓展示館影音區聽取參觀須知後,領取安全帽由樓梯步行至地下室,由解說人員引導入坑道實地體驗。出坑道前請將安全帽集中歸還。 After visitors received visiting information from briefing,a safety helmet is provided before take stair down one level to the tunnel entrance, groups will be guided by interpret-ers to explore the life of the underground tunnel. Please return the safety helmet befiore leaving the tunnel.  進入坑道前請先確實了解各項指導事項並全程配戴安全帽:民防坑道為密閉空間,請考量自身狀況再進入參觀,兒童請由家長隨身保護。 Before entering the tunnel, please make sure every in-struction is clearly understood, and the safety helmet has to be worn throughout the trip; The Civil Defense Tunnel is an enclosed environment, visitors with health restric-tions please consider your conditions before entering the tunnel, the children must be accompanied and cared by at least one parent or adult all the time. 坑道內請注意防滑,誤觸碰電力開關,部分坑道高度較低,寬度較窄,請小心頭部與身體之碰撞。本展示館、坑道內全面禁止吸煙與飲食。 Please be aware of the slippery conditions in the tunnel, do not touch the power switch; some part of the tunnel is narrow and low, trying to avoid bumping or clashing with others. 服務電話:082-321547 Service number:082-321547 民防起源(The Origin of the Civil Defense) 不論古今中外,兵役與民防都是國家安全不可或缺的力量。兵役與民防兩者的區分在於兵役是根據國家法律參與軍隊組織,奉行上級命令達成軍事任務,民防則是百姓為了保家衛國,基於安全自衛的法則,立足於地方的一種社團組織。 Throughout all centuries and ages, military service and civil defense are always the essential strength of the national security. The difference between military service and civil defense are that military service is a military organization bassed on the countries law, observing orsers from leaders to accomplish military mission and cicil defense is formed on the basis of self-defense, mostly by the citizens that want to protect their countries, while a society that formed in an area or rehion.  民防歷史悠久,時代不同,名稱有所不同,翻開中國的兵致史便可了解,宋朝時稱為(鄉兵)、明朝時稱為(民壯)、清朝時稱為(鄉勇)、到了20世紀稱為民防或自衛隊,其辦法成效或容有異,然而保鄉愛國的精神卻是一致的。 The history of civil defense has a long trace path. In different ages the name of civil defense are also dif-ferent, in the history of china during the Sung Dynasty, it was known as village soldiers, in the Ming Dy-nasty they call it “strong civilian”, in the Ching Dynasty it was called “village valiant” and in the 20th century it was known as” the civil defense of self-defense troops”, though they nay be different in names and formulation, the spirit of pariotic for their people ane country are the same. 民防的歷史The History of Civil Defense 1949年「古寧頭大捷」後,國軍駐守金門,1950年成立行政公署,運用民眾力量,結合軍民戰力,金門役男不必服兵役,但正式納入民防任務隊之編組,除維護地方治安,並支援作戰。1953年設立金門縣民防指揮所,1956年開始實施「戰地政務」體制在軍政一元領導下,力求「軍民一體」,推展「管、教、養、衛」四大要務。 After the victorious 1929 Guningtou Battle, the Nationalist Army continued to guard Kinmen. In 1950, Kinmen Admin-istrative Office was established, unifying the strength of the army and the civiliand. The Kinmen males were not con-scrioted into the army, but they are formally assigned to a group in the Civil Defense Duty-allocation Unit; and made responsible for public security and to support combat. In 1953, the Kinmen Civil Defense Command Center was es-tablished. 1986 saw the start of  “Battlefield Military Ad-ministration” with the aim to achieve the unity between the army and the people, implementing four major objectives: “To rule, educate, nurture and defend”. 1957年10月民防指揮所改為民防總隊部,1966年9月又改為民防指揮部,1975年又改為金門縣民防自衛總隊,一直到1992年金門戰地政務體制解除,長達四十多年的金門民防動員解除,金門行政回復常態。 In October 1957, Civil Defense Command Center renamed itself as Civil Defense Unit, in Seotember 1966 it further changed its name to Civil Dfense Command Headquarters and in 1975 it reorganized itself as Civil Self-defense Unit till the abolishment of martial law in 1992. After over forty years the kinmen Civil Defense Regimentation, Kinmen ad-ministration became to normalize. 在長達四十多年的民防自衛組織下,金門民眾過著「不必當兵,卻是當了半輩子兵」,「執行半輩子軍中任務,卻沒有享受過軍人優惠」的日子。 Under the more than forty years of civil defense and self-defense organizations, although it might seem that the Kinmen people were not requied to serve the army, they had in fact taken on the role of soldiers for half their life-time. They dutifuly fukfilled all military missions, but had never enjoyed any preferential benefit that a soldier would be expected to receive. 戰鬥村的成立The Establishment of Combat Villages 1968年正值「八二三炮戰」十週年,政府和民間流傳著「中共即將再度武力進犯」之傳言,當時蔣中正總統一戰術需要,於1968年9月指示金門成立「戰鬥村」,加強民眾組訓,要求「村村都是戰鬥堡、人人成為戰鬥村的一員」,務必村村行成一個戰鬥面,全島構成整個戰鬥體,並期望做到生活軍事化、行動戰鬥化的堅強戰鬥體系。 In 1968,which was also the 10th anniversary of the August 23rd Artil-lery Bimbardment, there was a rumored flow between the Govmment and people said that the People of the Republic of China is going to invade kinmen again. The President Chiang Kai-Shek followed according to the tactic demand instructed Kinmen to establishes Combat Villages in September 1968, to improve the civilians training, requesting all villages beacame a Combat fortress and every villahers became a member of Combat villages, all villages became a combat line, the entire island became a battle committee and further more expect that everthing was militarized to fom a strong battle system. 金門民防隊組織演變 (The development of Kinmen’s Civil Defense troops organization) 1936徵集各堡丁96人所設立之壯丁自衛常備隊。 (Establisged by levy recruiting 96 men from every villages to form self-defense troops.) 1945金門縣長成立自衛隊即國民軍團。 (The Magistrate of Kinmen formed the defense troops and civilian legion.) 1946成立民眾自衛隊。 (Established citizens defense troops.) 1949實施民眾任務隊編組。 (Executed civilian’s mission unit.) 1953民防隊、民防指揮所。 (Established Civil defense troops and Command Center.) 1057民防指揮所改為民防總隊部。 (The Civil defense Command center renamed as The Headquarters of Civil Defense Unit.) 1959民防總隊部實施警政與民防合一。 (The headquarters of Civil Defense Unit executed the unification of the Police and Civil Defense.) 1966民防總隊部改為民防指揮部。 (The Headquarters of Civil Defense Unit renamed as The Command Headqurters of Civil Defense.) 1968成立戰鬥村。 (Established The Combat Villages.) 1971民防指揮部改為民防總隊。 (The Command Headquarters of Civil Defense renamed as Civil Defense Unit.) 1973民防總隊改為自衛總隊。 (The Civil Defense Unit renamed as The Self-Defense Unit.) 1975金門縣民眾自衛隊組織名稱確立。 (Reorganization of The Civil Self-Defense Unit.) 1976民眾自衛隊總隊成立政戰特遣隊。 (The Self-Defense Unit established The Civil Self-Defense Political Warfare Special Forces.) 1977金門縣民眾自衛總隊成立戰鬥村基幹隊。 (The Civl self-Defense Unit established the Combat Village Cabre squad.) 1983金門縣民眾自衛總隊編組自強隊,實施特種部隊訓練。 (The Civil Self-Defense Unit set self-improvement team(Zi Qiang Team)for executing Special Forces trining.) 1983金門縣民眾自衛總隊實施救護醫療訓練。 (The Civil Self-Defense Unit executed the program medical trainig.) 1987金門縣民眾自衛總隊成立「台澎漁民服務中心」。 (The Civil Self-Defense Unit established “Taiwan-Pescadores Fishermen Service Center”) 1992回歸憲政,金門縣民眾自衛總隊裁撤。 (Constirtutional government was replaced. The Civil Self-Defense Unit was disband.) 【金門深度自助旅遊】-金城民防坑道Kinmen Civil Defence Tunnel__(2) 加入【熊痞痞兔眠眠】旅行社 =========台灣住宿攻略延伸閱讀========= 台南住宿│金門住宿│澎湖住宿│馬祖住宿│蘭嶼住宿│台東住宿│花蓮住宿│宜蘭住宿│台北住宿│台北住宿2│桃園住宿│新竹住宿│苗栗住宿│台中住宿│南投住宿│雲林住宿│嘉義住宿│高雄住宿│屏東住宿│墾丁住宿│Agoda訂房流程教學與hotelscombined省錢妙招│ =========台中攻略延伸閱讀========= 台中宵夜│台中咖啡館│台中早餐店│台中小吃│台中義大利麵│台中火鍋│台中披薩│台中壽司│台中甜點│台中日式料理│大甲美食│逢甲小吃│科博館美食│台中起士│沙鹿美食│台中包子│台中牛排│台中拉麵│台中羊肉爐│台中居酒屋│台中旱溪夜市│台中一中街│台中便當│台中韓式料理│台中漢堡│台中逢甲夜市│台中燒肉吃到飽│台中便當│台中無料理菜單│台中雞蛋糕│台中飲料│台中雞排│台中豆花│台中素食│ =========台南攻略延伸閱讀========= 台南鹹粥│台南宵夜│台南拉麵│台南小吃│台南甜點│台南牛肉湯│ =========台北攻略延伸閱讀========= 台北日式拉麵│台北漢堡│台北宵夜│

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