3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

超快磁碟重組程式Power Defragmenter綠色軟體 完全免費 免安裝 檔案超小 速度超快 不佔系統資源使用時執行 Power Defragmenter GUI.exe重組模式一般選擇 "PowerMode(TM) Disk Defragmentation" 即可重組時會跳出DOS視窗,有時可能會有看起來沒動作的樣子,別擔心~把視窗最小化~ 別去理他 經過數分鐘後出現"PowerMode Disk Defragmentation completed!" 小視窗即重組完畢。 Whats new in version 3.0?- Simplified Contig download and setup (now almost fully automatic)- Removed PowerMode(TM) because of compatibility problems with Windows Vista- Introduced TriplePass(TM) mode replacing obsolete PowerMode(TM)*- Added ability to defragment removable drives (mostly floppy and USB hard drives**)- Fixed few glitches- New Vista style graphics* TripleMode(TM) runs Contig in 3 passes defragmenting any remaining fragmented files** don't use on USB flash and SSD drives as they are basically immune to the file fragmentation due to almost non existent access latency. Defragmenting flash devices also decreases their lifetime.http://my.opera.com/rejzor/blog/power-defragmenter-3-0-released 哇哇評:磁碟重組的工具還真是很多,這個就少了視覺化的介面但是其實我頗喜歡DOS視窗執行檔案的感覺,感覺就是省資源啦!所以我一直也都是用這個工具^^只是到底組得怎樣看不出來唷! HUAWEI P30 開箱四大功能特色懶人包,沒有 P30 Pro 也可以拍好拍滿

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