3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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RLPack 是可執行檔案的壓縮工具,內建兩種壓縮演算法可自由選擇。若要進行程式檔壓縮,請按下 [瀏覽] 載入檔案,或將要壓縮的程式檔拖曳到視窗內再按下 [壓縮] 即可。 RLPack Basic Edition - 1.21+ Fixed issue with icon packing on some files+ Fixed issue with packing DLL files with no EP+ Fixed issue with resource packing on so! me non standard files+ Improved resource compression and main icon determination+ Improved compression ratio by optimizing resource stripping+ Added support loading all dependent modules statically with Windows loader+ Added command line packing support+ Updated help system 開箱 BRISE C360 有小孩就要這台空氣清淨機!空間防疫再進化 RLPack 1.21 - 執行檔壓縮工具 相關文章 li

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