3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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【伊達邵親水步道】 若前一晚若住在「伊達邵碼頭」附近的旅館,隔天早上吃完早餐之後,很推薦直接步行前往附近的「伊達邵親水步道」,這是一個很美麗的步道,可以一路走到纜車站,大約八百公尺而已。 雖然這裏不適合推娃娃車,但走路很平穩,木板鋪得好。光線對的時候,手機怎樣拍都美,湖水、天空、樹木、山峰交錯,色彩明亮,自然會構成很美的畫面,不需要修圖就有這個效果(拍攝於早上10:00)。日月潭的環湖步道分成很多段,但我最喜歡這個伊達邵親水步道。 Some foreign pen pals want me to explain this photo in English, and some are interested in Taiwan, so I added the following English paragraph, hoping to help your reading. Thank you for being interested in my photos. This is a great support and encouragement. Pen pals don’t worry, I won’t reveal your privacy, I just received too many similar requests, so this time I will respond in this blog post. The photo above was taken from “Ita Thao Lakeside Trail”. The walking trails around the lake in Sun Moon Lake are composed of many sections of trails. All trails are free, and only a fee is charged for taking a boat ride on the lake. Most foreign tourists who came to Taiwan for the first time would choose to go to the north of Taiwan, such as Taipei City. The western part of Taiwan is densely populated but has convenient transportation. However, this Sun Moon Lake is located in the mountains of central Taiwan, so it would take more effort to plan the trip. If you have a chance to go to Sun Moon Lake, please don't ignore its trails around the lake (I mean the wooden floor where people can walk, not the asphalt road for driving). Due to changes in temperature, humidity, and light, the color of the lake will also change within a day. The blog photos have not been edited. They are the real colors taken by a phone. Furthermore, the current capital of Taiwan is Taipei city, but in ancient times it was in Tainan, so if you are interested in history, you can consider Taipei and Tainan. If you like nature, you can go to eastern Taiwan, for example: Taroko National Park. By the way, a film about Taiwan’s 400-year history is in preparation, and it uses crowdfunding to raise funds. As a result, the director promised that the producer will be "Taiwanese" when the film is released in 2024.  ★The movie Trailer of "Taiwan Trilogy". Other blog posts in English: My Favorite Taiwanese Cold Drink Is Not "Bubble Tea" But "Aiyu Lemonade(愛玉檸檬)" Zhulin Shan Temple -------------------------- 中文讀者請從這裡繼續閱讀 【日月潭船票價格隨便收】 ★解決之道:向您即將入住的旅館櫃檯購買優惠的船票,大人100元就能遊湖遊到飽(伊達邵—水社碼頭—玄光寺)。 ☆若一臉「待宰肥羊」,您可能會被路旁的售票員喊價喊到200元以上。日月潭的景致都很好,就是「船票價格」漲幅過大這點很不好。船票一般都定價300元,但合理價格大概落在120~180元左右。 【午餐吃什麼】中午抵達日月潭水社碼頭用餐,雖然碼頭水沙連大飯店的住宿網路評價並不高,所以沒有選擇入住這間飯店,但是中餐在它的「碼頭餐廳」用餐,非常滿意,這道「邵族餐」套餐令人滿意,附餐(不加價)的「台茶18號紅茶—紅玉」沖泡技術很好,總共345元,不需支付服務費。 【行程規劃】 15:00入住,放完行李,跟「明月湖旅館」的櫃檯買了船票(優惠價100元/人),3:40pm從「伊達邵」出發搭船到「玄光寺」,除了阿婆茶葉蛋、玄光寺之外,寺廟後面還有步道可以爬,路程很輕鬆且不會累,喜歡這個美麗的步道。 ★特別提醒:日月潭不提供夜間遊湖,記得要注意各間船公司最後乘船回去的時間(末班船大約在5pm前後),我搭乘的這間末班船會在5:20pm開走。 從玄光寺眺望光華島 (待續,增補中) 如果您喜歡我的文章,請幫我在下方按鈕「多拍幾下」以示鼓勵,謝謝。

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