3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Taylor Swift – Mr. Perfectly Fine 中英文歌詞翻譯 歌手:Taylor Swift   專輯:Fearless(taylor version) 發行:2021.4.7   作詞: Taylor Swift 作曲:Taylor Swift Taylor Swift – Mr. Perfectly Fine 泰勒絲 – 完美無缺先生 Mr. perfect face 英俊臉龐 Mr. here to stay 佇立在此 Mr. looked me in the eye and told me you would never go away 你曾凝望進我的雙眸,發誓自己將不離不棄 Everything was right 你我曾情投意合 Mr. l’ve been waiting for you all my life 我也願竭盡畢生將你守候 Mr. every single day until the end I will be by your side 伴你身旁直至人生盡頭 But that was when I got to know 可稍縱即逝卻恍悟 Mr. change of heart 你移情別戀 Mr. leaves me all alone 獨留我一人 I fall apart 心碎欲絕 lt takes everything in me just to get up each day 我整日抑鬱寡歡難得振作 But it’s wonderful to see that you’re okay 可怎料你活得這般逍遙自在 Hello, Mr. perfectly fine 別來無恙啊完美無缺先生 How’s your heart after breaking mine? 將我的心摧殘後心中何滋味 Mr . always at the right place at the right time, baby 親愛的遇你正值天時地利 Hello, Mr. casually cruel 你卻不經意間將我殘害 Mr. everything revolves around you 你那般自以為是 l’ve been Miss misery since your goodbye 自從你將我拋棄我只得日漸消沉 And you’re Mr. perfectly fine 而你依然是完美無缺先生 Mr. never told me why 從未告訴我任何緣由 Mr. never had to see me cry 我潸然淚下你也從未目睹過 Mr. insincere apology so he doesn’t look like the bad guy 虛偽致歉令你看似更為體面 He goes about his day 他終日自顧自 Forgets he ever even heard my name 甚至忘記我姓名 Well I thought you might be different than the rest 曾認為你與眾不同 I guess you’re all the same 誰知皆這般絕情 Because I hear he’s got his arm ’round a brand new girl 聽聞他懷中躺著新歡 l’ve been picking up my heart 我日漸振作 He’s been picking up her 他卻另覓新人 And I never got past what you put me through 難走出過往你遺留給我的陰影 But it’s wonderful to see that it never phased you 反觀你竟安然無恙可真是奇蹟 Hello, Mr. perfectly fine 別來無恙啊漠然先生 How’s your heart after breaking mine? 將我的心摧殘後心中何滋味 Mr. always at the right place at the right time, baby 親愛的遇你正值天時地利 Hello, Mr. casually cruel 你卻不經意間將我殘害 Mr. everything revolves around you 你那般自以為是 l’ve been Miss misery since your goodbye 自從你將我拋棄我只得日漸消沉 And you’re Mr. perfectly fine 而你卻安然度日 So dignified in your well pressed suit 你西裝革履盡顯高貴 So strategized 文質彬彬 All the eyes on you 目光皆聚焦於你 Sashay away to your seat 你悠閒漫步 It’s the best seat 前往那豪華包間裡 In the best room 獨屬於你的最佳席位 Oh, he’s so smug 他自恃傲慢 Mr. always wins 卻為常勝將軍 So far above me in every sense 我又怎會料到你如此絕情 So far above feeling anything 如此難以理喻 And it’s really such a shame 可真是遺憾啊 It’s such a shame 實在是可惜 Cause I was Miss here to stay 我仍會駐足於此不為所動 Now l’m Miss gonna be alright someday 終有一日我將重整旗鼓 And someday maybe you’ll miss me 待到那時就算你對我稍有留念 But by then you’ll be Mr. too late 卻也為時已晚了 Goodbye, Mr. perfectly fine 就此別過吧完美無缺先生 How’s your heart after breaking mine? 將我的心摧殘後心中何滋味 Mr. always at the right place at the right time, baby 親愛的遇你正值天時地利 Goodbye , Mr. casually cruel 你不經意間將我傷害我只得同你告別 Mr. everything revolves around you 你那般自以為是 l’ve been Miss misery for the last time 可從今往後我不會再因你而悲傷 And you’re Mr. perfectly fine 完美無缺先生 You’re perfectly fine 你也獨自安好吧 Mr. look me in the eye and tell me you would never go away 你曾凝望進我的雙眸,發誓自己將不離不棄 You said you’d never go away 永不離我而去 Taylor Swift「從 Drama 到成熟」:13 年後重錄版《Fearless》專輯終於發行 【文字整理:Gimme Pop! 流行音樂】 ❒ 若文章有錯誤,或需補充,請提醒小編進行修正,感謝。 ⇨ 歡迎粉絲投稿|可直接私訊粉專投稿文章 ✍ ⇨ 業務合作聯繫|2842343304qq@gmail.com 📩  

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