3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

位於台北市大同區“老牌張豬腳飯”跟 “大橋頭筒仔米糕”都是許多觀光書上有提到的大稻埕小吃店. The travel books always show “Mr. Chang Pork Knuckle Shop” and “DQT Steamed Rice Restaurant” as Taipei Dadaocheng must-try restaurants.     特別選擇早上11:30 抵達“老牌張豬腳飯”, 不意外地排了15分鐘的隊, 多數人是選擇購買他們的各種豬腳部位的外帶便當, 內用只能用先單點付錢後入座的方式. 櫃檯即是開放式廚房, 便當疊滿櫃臺後方的桌上, 一個個油亮的蹄膀擺放在滷鍋旁.老闆娘似乎認識每個買便當的客人, 寒暄聲中夾雜著老闆快狠準地剁著豬腳的聲音, 這就是每個台灣小吃的特點 – 溫度. I arrived at 11:30am in the morning in order to avoid many customers. However, I still waited in line for around 15 minutes. Most people purchase their various to-go lunch boxes. As for dine-in, you would need to order and pay prior seating. Behind the cashier, there are lunch boxes piling up. Dozens of pork knuckles are placed near the pot. Lady boss chatted with every customer and the boss was chopping the pork knuckles by her side.       豬腳中段 English Name: Braised Pork Knuckle Set Price: NTD $100 Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍 連牛排都不太喜歡吃肋骨的我, 居然點了豬腳中段, 中段指的是膝蓋以下, 腳蹄以上的小腿部位. 其實我應該要點中腿或腿庫肉, 話一說出口就不太想改 , 深怕造成店家的困擾. I ordered pork knuckle dish, but I actually meant to order pork hock. The pork knuckle means beneath the knee and above the ankle. Most of the times, I don’t even eat ribs.     兩大塊滷至深褐色豬腳豪邁地置放在盤中, 撒上青蔥末提味, 由於中段原本就較少瘦肉, 油脂跟膠原蛋白不隱藏地互爭鋒頭. 小心翼翼咬下一口, 筋和肉皆滷得透澈也軟嫩, 豬皮口感比四平街的富霸王Q彈, 但肉和骨頭的部分比富霸王難分開. Two large dark brown braised pork knuckles are placed on the plate with fair amount of the green onions. There are less thin meat at the pork knuckle, instead, there are most are fats and tendons. Taking the first bite, the meat is tender as expected. The pig skin tastes better than FuBa King’s Pork Knuckle. But it wasn’t easy to separate meats and bones though.     配上飯後,整體不會過鹹. Generally speaking, the dish is perfect pairing with the rice.         Restaurant Name 店名: 老牌張豬腳飯 Mr. Chang’s Pork Knuckle Restaurant Address: No.296, Minzu West Road, Taipei City 台北市大同區民族西路296號 (MAP) Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/laopaichang/ Nearby MRT station: Daqiao Tou MRT station 大橋頭捷運站 電話:02- 2597-2519 營業時間:11am ~ 8:30pm (Monday Off)     菜單 Menu:  

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