3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

在加州有很多正統的越南河粉餐廳, 在美國除了中國城, 韓國城, 甚至還有小西貢(越南城), 之前在美國時就常跑去Westminster 和 Garden Grove  吃越南河粉, 但是在台北市, 跟拉麵店比較來, 越南河粉餐廳可以算是非常少,信義誠品美食街裡越粉舖的牛肉河粉是少數美味且較為正統的越式料理. Back at California, there are many Vietnamese restaurants that sell authentic Pho. Just like China town and Korea town in America, we also have an area called Little Saigon. And I always go to Westminster or Garden Grove to eat Pho. Sadly, there are only a few Pho restaurants in Taipei City, let along the delicious one.     Vietnam Pho Shop is located at Eslite Bookstore B2.  Because I go to the bookstore a lot. I always grab late lunch at this shop. 越粉舖位在台北市信義誠品的地下二樓, 可直接從市政府捷運穿過統一時代百貨到信義誠品書店.      1.  Beef Pho  牛肉河粉 ($180) Foodelicious 美味程度:  🍜🍜🍜 在美國的越南河粉跟台灣有些不太一樣, 美國用的是美國牛, 美國餐廳會把大量的羅勒葉和豆芽放在另外一個盤子讓客人自行加進湯裡, 公雞牌辣椒醬更是每桌上必備的醬料. 在台灣的越南餐廳都是用澳洲牛, 適量的羅勒葉和豆芽會直接放入湯裡, 值得慶幸的是通常台灣的越南河粉都不加味精. 當越粉舖的牛肉河粉端上桌後, 嘗第一口如雞湯顏色的湯頭時, 仍然可以品嚐到濃厚的牛肉味, 也有少許牛肉油脂浮在湯表面, 當天的河粉本身是煮太軟, 但是很多次我品嚐的都是煮的剛好, 在台灣其實我比較喜歡熟牛肉, 因為台灣的湯普偏溫度較低, 無法將生牛肉馬上涮成全熟. 陸續吃大約十分鐘後, 羅勒葉將湯頭轉換為清爽且順口, 通常每個人都會將湯喝完, 畢竟那是越南河粉的精華.   Beef Pho also calls Pho Bo. Back in US, many would order raw beef. US restaurants use US beefs instead of Australian beefs. Also, US restaurants put large amount of basil and bean sprouts aside. The Sriracha sauces are placed on every table. But, In Taiwan, the Pho is served with most likely Australian beef. Fair amount of basils the bean sprouts are already inside the soup. However, most Pho in Taiwan usually don’t have MSG.  When taking the first sip of the soup, the basils have not yet covers the thick beef aroma. The soup is light yellow similar with chicken broth color. The soup also has a bit meaty fat on the surface. The flat rice noodle (Pho) is cooked a bit too soft. I prefer well-done beef instead of raw in Taiwan because the soup is not as hot as expected. After 10 minutes, the Pho soup flavor becomes refreshing with basil aroma. So, you can easily finish the soup.  Overall, this dish is average comparing to the Pho that I have tasted.     2. Vietnamese Iced Coffee 越南冰咖啡 Foodelicious 美味程度:  🍜🍜🍜🍜 由於之前爆出某手搖茶店用的都是廉價越南茶, 導致很多台灣人都認為越南製造的食物都是品質不好, 其實越南生產的咖啡豆也是國際知名, 越南第二名出口的產品就是咖啡豆.由於氣候關係, Robusta咖啡品種大部分種植在越南南邊, 北邊則是Arabica咖非品種. Because of the tea scandal, most people consider food products from Vietnam is low quality. But, in fact, Vietnamese coffee beans are quite famous worldwide. Northern Vietnam is famous for its Arabica coffee bean and Southern Vietnam is famous for its Robusta coffee bean. Number 2 of export item in Vietnam is Robusta coffee bean.   越南咖啡使用的滴漏容器底部有多個開孔,因此不需更換濾紙。再蓋上裝有咖啡碎粒的金屬容器,然後再熱水倒入容器,水會流過咖啡,再通過咖啡容器的開孔滴下。越粉舖的咖啡則是將煉乳放一邊, 等咖啡滴完後再倒入杯中, 濃厚的香甜奶香味完全覆蓋了咖啡的苦味和酸味, 但是要注意咖啡因仍然偏高! At its simplest, it is made using medium to coarse ground dark roast Vietnamese-grown coffee with a small metal Vietnamese drip filter. After the hot water is added, the drip filter releases drops of hot coffee slowly into a cup. This finished cup of hot coffee is then quickly poured into a glass full of ice and sweet condensed milk to mix. The sweet aroma covers the coffee strong and sour taste. But the caffeine is still strong!! Restaurant Name店名: Vietnam Pho Shop  越粉舖 🚇  MRT station 捷運站:  City Hall MRT Station 市政府站 📍 Address: Taipei XinYi Eslite Bookstore B2  台北信義誠品B2 🏨 Nearby Hotel: W Hotel Operation Hour: 11am ~ 10pm 檢視較大的地圖  

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