3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

長崎蛋糕源自葡萄牙, 而在日本長崎(日本南部)發揚光大. 日本傳統的長崎蛋糕成份只有蛋, 糖和麵粉, 但是有些台灣甜點店將蜂蜜糖漿加入蛋糕, 間接成為台灣的蜂蜜蛋糕.  日本黑船長崎蛋糕則選擇在台北市忠孝SOGO開幕. Castella (カステラ) is originated from Portugal but adjusted its recipe in Osaka. In Japan, the traditional Castella ingredients only have egg, sugar, flour. But in Taiwan, some bakeries adjusted the recipe and add honey syrup into the cake, and called it honey cake. Product Name 產品名稱: Via Castella 日本黑船長崎蛋糕  🗺 Country of Origin 原產地: Osaka, Japan 大阪, 日本 Foodelicious 美味程度 : 👍👍👍  – – –  📍 Channel 購買地點:   Zhongxiao SOGO B2 Via Quolofune  忠孝SOGO 百貨B2專櫃 💰  Price: $160 /1 piece (一片)   ⚖ Total g 總克重: 40g  – – – – – –  There are a few new ingredients if you are not familiar with pastry ingredients: 黑船的長崎蛋糕裡有兩樣成份較不常見到: 1.水飴 水飴跟麥芽糖的差別在於水飴是用酸水解澱粉 看起來無色、味道只有甜味, 傳統的麥芽糖是需經過長時間的發酵、熬製而成的,就為比較香醇濃厚。日本甜點師傅會用水飴在大福增加濕度, 或是刷在蛋糕表面上如同鏡面般明亮, 黑船的師傅也許是加水飴增加濕潤的口感. Starch Syrup: It is thick and sticky texture in transparent form. Most Japanese pastry chefs use it on mochi or the appearance of the cake to make it more glossy. However, in this case, the pastry chef might use it for increasing its moisterness. 2.日本雙目糖 日本雙目糖則是日本甜點師傅常用在長崎蛋糕體裡的一種高純度白色結晶粗砂糖, 但是由於此種砂糖需要超高溫才能溶解, 往往在傳統工法的長崎蛋糕底部會吃到砂糖顆粒. Japanese coarse-granular sugar: The pastry chef uses it to increase its sweet complexity. But, this kind of sugar doesn’t melt until high temperature. Therefore, there might be sugar residue at the bottom of Castella. 打開黑船的長崎蛋糕包裝即散發出淡淡且誘人的蜂蜜香氣, 也許你會自問“若沒有加蜂蜜, 為何會有蜂蜜味道”. 黑船的師傅提到將剛烤好的蛋糕烤好靜至保溫木盒子進行快速熟成且保持蛋糕體的溼度, 蜂蜜香氣則是在發酵過程產生. There is hint of honey aroma appeared while pulling the beige color cake of the package. You might think if the chef doesn’t add honey syrup, why does it have honey aroma. Via Quolofune’s chef stated that after baking it, they put the Castella into the wooden box to mature. The wooden preserve the hot temperature to fasten the mature process and keep the cake body moist. In between the mature process, the honey aroma appears.   第一口是微甜但是不會膩, 蓬鬆的蛋糕體則是有中等濕度, 並不是每一口都是濕潤, 在蛋糕底部會品嚐到尚未融化的粗砂糖, 會感受到多層次的甜味, 但口感依舊不會膩, 甜味則是會留在味蕾一段時間才會逐漸轉淡 The tastebuds would feel light sweetness after taking the first bite at the fluffy cake. The cake body is mild average moist, which means not every bite is moist. The un-melted Japanese coarse-granular sugar appears at the bottom of the cake. It adds pure sweet flavor into the cake but still not overwhelmed. The flavor is long lasting.   因為是原裝進口且低溫運送, 所以單價較高,建議購買長條蛋糕 ($600)給父母親而不是購買當做彌月蛋糕送給朋友和同事. With $160/per piece, it would be better to purchase a whole long cake ($600) for your parents instead of one-month old cake purpose. 忠孝SOGO B2 地址: 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段45號 檢視較大的地圖

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