3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

基隆海產店最有名的非“榮生魚片”莫屬, 但在地人還知道另一家名為“海味海產店”, 較為特別的是“海味海產店”與“章記” 合作(Co-Branding)共同販售生魚片與生牛肉. Since Keelung city is closed by the ocean, seafood is always the must-eat cuisine. Hai-Wei Seafood Restaurant co-brand with Cha-Gi food stand to sell sashimi and raw beef to the consumers.   生魚片拼盤 English Name: Sashimi Price: NTD $300 (時價) Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍 ”章記“老闆將生魚片切為厚片, 比欣葉日本料理餐廳販售的生魚片厚, 但生魚片種類多且價格較為便宜, 章記老闆在東森電視節目提到, 他都是去基隆漁市直接購買漁民捕獲的新鮮魚類. 每片生魚片 (尤其是顏色極佳的鮭魚) 都是滑順且美味, 值得一提的是軟絲刺身卷(右下方), 建議不沾任何沾醬, 其外層的軟絲滑嫩, 搭配捲裡的清脆小黃瓜讓此道料理帶來不同的口感. Cha-Gi Food Stand’s boss cut the thicker sashimi than XinYen Restaurant.  There are various fishes and the price is quite friendly. The owner mentioned on TV that he always purchase fresh seafood directly from the fisherman in Keelung market. Every sashimi is smooth and delicious. The most special part of this dish is the soft raw squid wrapped with crisp cucumber. The appearance tastes smooth and tender. The crisp cucumber offers different kind of texture and refreshing.   洋蔥生牛肉 English Name: Raw Beef with onion Price: N/A Foodelicious 美味程度:👍 👍👍👍👍 此道料理端上桌時, “震撼“已經無法形容當下的感受, 紅色生牛肉片上佈滿大理石花紋的油花, 一家開20多年的海產店居然販售高級餐廳等級的生牛肉, 薄生牛肉片搭配透明切絲生洋蔥一起入口, 味蕾會先感受到冰涼洋蔥絲的醋酸風味, 微鹹且軟嫩的生牛肉片表現亮眼, 連吃越粉舖都點熟牛肉越南河粉的我都想一口接一口品嚐. The display of the dish is stunning. Thin sliced of red marbled raw beefs are placed on the top of the half-transparent cold onion. You wouldn’t imagine that you can get this kind of dish from a 20-years-old restaurant in Keelung. The best suggestion is to eat the beef with onion together. The tastebuds would feel the light acidity of the onion at the beginning. Later on, the raw marbled beef provides tender with hints of meaty salty flavor. It is delicious even for me, who always order “cooked beef pho” in the Pho restaurant. 紅燒鰻 English Name: Fried Eel Price: N/A Foodelicious 美味程度:👍 👍 👍 紅燒鰻的”紅燒” 不是烹調方式, 而是”紅糟“調味料, 較完整的名稱是酥炸紅燒鰻, “海味海產店”的紅燒鰻口感酥脆但不會過於油膩, 也許是以上兩道料理太精彩, 相對之下, 表現平平. The appearance is crispy texture but not oily.   涼拌透抽 English Name: Cold Squid with dressing Price: N/A Foodelicious 美味程度:👍 👍 👍 Q彈的冰鎮花枝搭配店家特製微甜辣沾醬則是一年四季都可品嚐的料理. The cold squid is not too hard and easy to chew. Pairing with the special sauce (hints of sweet and hot) would definitely upgrade this dish.   Restaurant Name店名: 海味海產店 Hai-Wei Seafood Restaurant 📍 Address: No. 1, 3rd Alley, 118th Lane,Chenggong 1st Rd, Keelung City 基隆市仁愛區成功一路118巷3弄1號 (MAP) 電話:02-2433-1989 營業時間:11:30 am pm ~ 10:30 pm Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/海味海產店-663190927057026/

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