3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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台北人在四季都吃火鍋, 也是四季都吃霜淇淋, 白鬍子Milk Beard鮮奶霜淇淋位於忠孝敦化捷運站的巷內, 是一家小而巧的店面, 由於常研發季節性或節慶性的口味, 受到年輕人的喜好. Taiwanese eat Hot Pot in all seasons. They also eat ice cream in all seasons too. Milk Beard Soft Ice Cream is located near Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station. It is a small shop but with high reputation. They often invent new seasonal or holiday theme limited quantity ice cream.     還記得是某天寒冷的夜晚跟朋友吃晚餐後, 專程在巷弄裡找尋白鬍子霜淇淋. I remembered visiting this shop after dining dinner during a cold night   1. 原味鮮奶霜淇淋 Original Milk Soft Ice Cream $70 Foodelicious 美味程度: 🍦🍦🍦🍦 整體顏色如白雪,  由於直接選擇杯裝, 十分Lady地品嚐一口, 綿密且滑順的口感是奶粉原料製作不出來, 鮮醇奶香味會持久地佈滿整個味蕾, 跟朋友坐在小學生座椅聊天的同時, 霜淇淋不爭氣地快速融化, 差一點來不及品嚐. The ice cream body is snowy white. After taking the first taste, the tastebud can feel the creamy and smooth texture, which cannot be made by the milk powder. They use milk to create all of their ice cream. While sitting down and chatting, the soft ice cream starts to melt quickly unexpected.   2. 威士忌蜂蜜霜淇淋 Whisky Honey Flavor Soft Ice Cream $90 Foodelicious 美味程度: 🍦🍦🍦 顏色跟原味在路燈下比起來其實大同小異, 唯一不同的是比原味更甜一些, 其實只有微微的酒味, 蜂蜜卻不太明顯, 也許是鮮醇奶香蓋過蜂蜜風味, 至於原料的部分猜測是蜂蜜威士忌利口酒, It is difficult to tell apart the color under the dim light. The only difference is that this ice cream is sweeter. The hint of alcohol flavor is not obvious. Maybe the milky flavor covers the honey flavor. The key ingredient is probably from Honey Whisky Liquor.   延伸閱讀: 台北冰品懶人包 》TAIPEI ICED DESSERTS GUIDE   Restaurant Name店名: 白鬍子鮮奶霜淇淋 Milk Beard Soft Ice Cream 🚇 MRT station 捷運站: Zhongxiao Dunhua 忠孝敦化捷運站 📍 Address: No. 8,  Alley 29th ,  Lane 205th ,  XinAn Street, Taipei City 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段205巷29弄8號 (Map) 🏨 Nearby Hotel: SANWANT 神旺飯店 電話:02 2711 0286 營業時間:3pm ~ 10pm (星期一至五) ; 2pm ~ 10pm (週六~週日)   檢視較大的地圖

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