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Zi 字媒體

~~用影片學英語173~~ Previously on Arrow : Confess坦白,供認,承認 本週介紹Arrow (綠箭俠) 第3季第9集(Episode9 Season 3) Laurel的母親知道妹妹死了,她說 Then you make them pay. And you make them suffer. Pay用於一般情況為付費,這裡是指償還 Suffer: to experience pain, illness, or injury Ex. Before the surgery it was clear that she was really suffering. 遭受;經歷;忍受   參考 Learner's Dictionary, http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ ※線上英文教學在每個星期二或三都會介紹不同影集裡的單字給大家,請粉絲們一定要鎖定的哦!※

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