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cut from 《Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.》recorded video     ◆內心觸動的場景對白◆   "I'm not like that other guy. I'm… It matters who I am… Inside, if I'm a good person, if I'm strong." "I have a clear shot. Do you copy?" "I know you're strong. Your boy knows it." "He needs you to let us help. You took him. You took my wife, my job, my house. You think this is killing me? All over, there's people being pushed down, being robbed. One of them tries to stand up, you got to make an example out of him." "You bring this building down on us, will that help them?" "That's a lie! All you do is lie!"……"You said if we worked hard… if we did right, we'd have a place. You said it was enough to be a man. But there's better than man. There's Gods. And the rest of us… what are we? They're giants. We're what they step on." "I know. I've seen giants… up close. And that privilege cost me… nearly everything. But the good ones… the real deal… They're not heros because of what they have what we don't. It's what they do with it. You're right, Mike. It matters who you are." "I could, you know? Be a hero…" "I'm counting on it."   ***   ◆上述場景對白的音頻◆   連接網址:https://betapanel.pixnet.cc/#/album/set/7958343   ***   注意事項:   (1)學習語言只需聚焦在一個自己感興趣的人事物上,如新聞、音樂、戲劇、電影、動漫、文學等,一開始專注於某一個主題或領域,不貪多、持續積累,等到熟稔了,再逐步擴展到其他主題或領域。   (2)暫且不將原文翻譯成中文,如此一來,請多多運用想像力和創造力去推敲故事情節上下文的畫面場景、詞句意涵,才能真正學到原汁原味、道道地地的英語文。   (3)這部電視劇集一些恐怖、暴力、血腥的場景,學齡前幼童、小學生和國中生的心性及生理、心理層面尚未成熟、安穩,因此不宜觀看,以免受到負面影響。   (4)這裡提供的素材只作為學習的用途及工具,請支持原創智慧財產權。   (5)請多多支持努力的內容創作者及優質的內容,如果想要觀賞這部電視劇集,請購買或租賃正版影片,或者準時收看ABC製作的新一季《神盾局特工/神盾局特工(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)》的連續劇。   (6)《神盾局特工/神盾局特工(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)》官方網頁      ->《Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.》      ABC 官方網站:ABC 創作者介紹 Huang 福爾摩沙 太平洋島嶼上的孩子們

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