3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

起因 最近吉米陸續收到YouTube的通知信,信上提到吉米分享的影片中用了「HAAWK for a 3rd Party, HAAWK Publishing」的音樂 所以不能用在YouTube的影片裡面來做為「營利」用途 我想想不對啊,這首曲目我明明有支付hooksounds費用啦 這個就是我2018年4月購買時的invoice,上面提到我購買的是Summer Vibers的Pro License 接著我們回頭看看hooksounds官網的說明 https://www.hooksounds.com/licensing/ 沒錯呀,Pro的授權是可以用在「YouTube營利」使用的呀 我是不是遇到網路蟑螂啦? 因為我上次遇過一次,就是有個網路蟑螂,把各種音樂註冊成自己的,然後再透過這種申述方式,把你影片曝光賺的廣告費,全部歸給他 寫信給客服 所以我就寫信給客服了,問他們我是不是遇到網路蟑螂 結果他們的回應如下 作者: HookSounds Support Jay French (HookSounds Support) Jun 15, 01:29 PDT Hey Jimmy, Thank you for reaching out. How is your day? I hope that you are doing great. I'm sorry for the trouble that this has caused you. Since September 2018 a PRO license is needed for monetized videos. This is a decision taken mostly following the interest and suggestions from our artists. You can clear your copyright claims by uploading the invoice of your purchase in the “dispute” section on YouTube. Please, follow the procedure here to do so: https://www.hooksounds.com/help/supp...yright-notice/. Every royalty free music you could find out there works the same way since there is no option to do this process beforehand to tell YouTube that you have the rights to use the music, you have to upload the video, wait for the claim to take place and then file the dispute. It’s a very common process and either your account or your video are in risk. The only way of whitelisting your whole channel is when you enter in a subscription. Here, right after you register, you tell us what is your channel and we will send it to be cleared, then any music from us that you use for your videos won't be caught by any claim, and this works for any past video you have with our music. Your channel is cleared and pre-checked for full monetization and you gain access to unlimited tracks from our entire library. You can read more about this here: https://www.hooksounds.com/premium. Please, let me know if you need further assistance. Regards, Jay French 好,簡單來幫大家白話文解釋一下,他的回信就是說到: Since September 2018 a PRO license is needed for monetized videos. 自從2018年九月開始,要在YouTube營利使用就必須要有Pro License 阿e04,我2018年4月就是買Pro License啦 然後說到我們可以「自行」去YouTube申訴這個問題,只要上傳購買的invoice即可 後段提到,最終的方法就是加入他們每個月29美金的訂閱制服務 加入這個每個月訂閱制服務之後,就可以「自動」把我的頻道,加入「白名單」就不會再收到這樣的抗議版權問題了 當然這個方案另一個重點就是除了自動加入白名單之外,可以「無限使用」他們站內的所有授權音樂 我只需要一首歌啊 問題是,我只需要一首歌來當背景音樂啊 所以我又寫信問他,我只一直都用同一首歌曲當背景音樂,而且我TM早就買授權了,為什麼還要這樣搞? 作者: HookSounds Support Hello Jimmy, For monetized videos you'll need the PRO license. You can purchase the PRO license for the desired track here: https://www.hooksounds.com/royalty-f...-vibes/358322/ With this license you can clear the claim yourself by inserting the Payment ID and the date of your invoice into the dispute section on YouTube. Read our article on how to do so: https://www.hooksounds.com/help/supp...yright-notice/ Yes, i totally understand your point. Without the subscription we cannot whitelist your channel, meaning that it might be possible that you will receive further claims in the future. With the correct PRO license (monetized videos) however, you can clear these claims yourself just like i explained above. Let me know if you have any further questions! best regards Nicolai Heidlas 他們客服回信提到,我要營利的話,需要PRO License ( Hello , 我有購買記錄你們不會查一下嗎?我之前就提過我有Pro License啦 ) 然後就是再回到上面提過的,有了PRO授權之後,我就可以「自己去申訴」,把我的購買證明提供給YouTube即可 好,所以這家HookSounds怎麼樣大家自己評斷,要不要用自己決定 接著吉米來教大家怎麼「自我申訴」 自我申訴 首先來到YouTube的申訴頁面,點選右下方的「選取所需的動作」 選擇「提出申訴」 這些原因都不是,請選擇「以上並未列出我提出爭議的原因,但還是要對這則Content ID聲明提出爭議」 選擇「授權」 表示我擁有權限或是以取得授權,可以使用收到版權聲明的影片內容 說明頁中看清楚所有說明,然後勾選「我了解相關風險,並確認要提出申訴」 最後在授權資訊裡面提供你購買的invoice連結或是相關資料,打勾全部之後,簽名送出 接著就等他們回應了 後記 好,看到這裡 你可能覺得,啊就自己申訴就好啦,有必要這樣寫一篇嗎? 來來來 我跟你說 若你不知道的話,你這樣想想 從去年我買授權之後到今天,我大概拍了有沒有100支影片,用這個當做BGM 今天開始陸續跳出每一支影片需要我自己去申訴回報購買收據,不是累死了嗎? 若當初2018年四月的時候說清楚這個,我就不會選擇在Hooksounds購買授權音樂來使用 不要提說我只付多少錢可以用這麼多次 Hello, 他們網站標多少價格,說明可以用在YouTube營利,可以無限次使用,我覺得價格可以接受,我就買單啦 誰知道他們在我購買之後修改遊戲規則,變成我要回去一個一個自我申訴 這樣根本自找麻煩喔~ 所以若你有使用Hooksounds的音樂用在YouTube,請注意這個問題 若你在找合法授權音樂網站來幫你的影片做BGM,也請注意這個問題,看看別家平台有沒有這個需求

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