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Cold Case Squad by Edna Buchanan 1.03 Category: Books Price: $9.99 (iTunes) Description: Cold Case Squad Edna Buchanan Simon & Schuster June 14, 2000 "Like all things good and bad in the world, it began with a woman..." And so begins the first chapter of Edna Buchanan's Cold Case Squad, a new suspense novel that features a special homicide unit that breathes new life into old cases. In Buchanan's characteristic voice, "Some guys just don't know when to let go." As the Cold Case Squad unearths the details of the strip club deaths and the dead or missing father -- as well as the unsolved killings of a series of little old ladies -- readers get to know the three cops and their boss: veteran homicide detective Sergeant Craig Burch, whose marriage has turned into a case he can't solve; Detective Sam Stone, for whom the past will always be a mystery; Detective Pete Nazario, airlifted out of Cuba during "Operation Pedro Pan" in the 1960s; and Lieutenant K. C. Riley, for whom one case will never grow cold. About the Author Edna Buchanan commanded the Miami Herald police beat for eighteen years, during which she reported the stories of 3,000 homicides and won scores of awards, including the Pulitzer Prize in 1986 and the 2001 George Polk Award for Career Achievement in Journalism. She attracted international acclaim for her classic true crime memoirs, The Corpse Had a Familiar Face, reissued by Pocket Books in 2004, and Never Let Them See You Cry. Her first novel of suspense, Nobody Lives Forever, was nominated for an Edgar Award.In 1992, Buchanan introduced Britt Montero, a Cuban-American reporter, in Contents Under Pressure. Montero's adventures in crime continued through eight novels; the most recent was Love Kills, in 2007. Her first entry in the Cold Case Squad series was Cold Case Squad, published in 2004, followed by Shadows. In addition to seventeen books, Buchanan has written numerous short stories, articles, essays, and book reviews. She lives in Miami. About Iceberg The Iceberg Reader revolutionizes the reading experience by combining the familiarity and timelessness of books with the convenience of New Media. Iceberg makes it easier than ever to browse, buy and enjoy the written word. Features - Natural book-like reading experience with full pagination, like the original printed editions. - Each title includes cover art, front matter, running heads and page numbers. - Table of Contents incorporates one click navigation. - Vertical and horizontal page orientation. - Adjust font size with a pinch, text reflows automatically. - Brightness adjustment with paper-like backgrounds. - Swipe to turn the page. - Search the text within a book. - Create margin notes with user notation. - Integrates with iTunes bookstore, so your next Iceberg book is just one click away. About Simon & Schuster Simon & Schuster, a part of the CBS Corporation, is a global leader in the field of general interest publishing, dedicated to providing the best in fiction and nonfiction for consumers of all ages, across all printed, electronic, and audio formats. Its divisions include Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing, Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing, Simon & Schuster Audio, Simon & Schuster Digital, and international companies in Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. For more information, visit www.simonsays.com. About Scrollmotion ScrollMotion, creator of the Iceberg Reader, is a content technology company based in downtown New York City. Our proprietary technology is reshaping how people experience digital information and entertainment, and ScrollMotion is also helping many of the greatest names in traditional media tap the vast potential of the mobile space. For more information, visit www.scrollmotion.com. Support If you have any technical problems please email us at icebergsupport*scrollmotion.com before you post a review. Cold Case Squad by Edna Buchanan 更多...

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