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Dr. Love - The Love Calculator 1.0 Category: Entertainment Price: $0.99 (iTunes) Description: Welcome to love calculator. Unlike others, this app actually uses the names entered to determine how compatible the two people are. Here are some real results of love calculator: John Smith + Pocahontas 95% Brittney + KFed 26% superman + lois lane = 79% prince phillip + queen elizabeth = 96% you + love calculator = 86% Love calculator features a unique rig feature. Set the amount to rig the result by (up to 3) then press the specified number of fingers to the background to covertly turn on the rig. press the same amount of fingers to turn it off. Even the settings button can be hidden (settings can be accessed by shaking the device) so your friends dont see you rigged their results. Dr. Love - The Love Calculator 更多...

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