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Dog eat Doug March 2009 1.0 Category: Books Price: $0.99 (iTunes) Description: Full Color | 37 Screens | March 2009 By Brian Anderson This book collects all the Dog eat Doug comic strips from March 2009. In the spirit of Snoopy and Charlie Brown, or Calvin and Hobbes, please welcome Sophie and Doug. Dog Eat Doug is the cartooning creation of Brian Anderson that follows the daily exploits of Sophie, a cheese-loving chocolate Lab with a nose for the nuances of sarcasm and irony, and baby Doug, a healthy, happy newborn with no concept of jealousy and a limitless curiosity. Together, this dynamic duo adjusts to sharing the spotlight, the toys, and the affections of Mom and Dad, while exploring nature and its majesty, the couch and its cushions, and the cookie jar and its contents. Find more great comics from Creators Syndicate and iVerse Media available for the iPhone and iPod Touch! Dog eat Doug March 2009 更多...

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